
Chapter 07 An old cottage near the ocean.

Fiona's POV:

I'm now living near the ocean on an old cottage and the girl I am supposed to protect, her name is Dililah and she lives with her mother and both run a beach cafe which is in front of my cottage. Cottage that I bought was an abandoned one as it was less interest of the people there. I came a little early in this world as I have no other things to do in underworld.

It's my first day I moved to this cottage and breeze of the ocean is relaxing and I also bought Violin, guitar, bass guitar, cello, drums, flute and a piano as I can't stay without composing music. I also bought some books to read and a diary to write my adventures. But all these things are nothing compared to the rising sun near the ocean.

Thus here I am sitting barefoot on sand as ocean waves washes my feet, I'm literally wearing only a thin froq not caring how cold it is. I can see rays of sun began to shine. This reminds me of a melody I can play on violin.

She stands up and began to play a beautiful tone without a care of world. She was unaware that two people heard her and now watching her. One was a Dililah and other was a merman watching secretly from a bunch of giant rocks.

She played the tone and when she ended the sun was finally fully rosed. She smiled and closed her eyes and let the rays warm her up. Wind was still blowing and it was making her her hair float in air. She returned to her cottage. She took a relaxing bath and wore regular clothes as her uniform will attract attention. She wore a yellow top with light blue jeans bottom. She decided to visit the cafe as she wants to know about Dililah a little more. She entered as saw cafe having three customer as it has just opened.

"Hello! How may I help you? ", said Dililah with a bright smile.

She looked once more and realized.

"Oh you're owner of the cottage in front!, welcome neighbor!", said Dililah happily.

"You saw me moving in right!", said Fiona with a smile.

"Yes, I also saw you playing Violin! You play so beautifully!", said Dililah Fangirling.

"Glad you liked it, it's my job as a composer to create music! I'm Fiona by the way!", said Fiona a little embarrassed but she still smiling gently extend her hand and both shake hands.

"I came so I can say hi!", said Fiona smiling gently.

"Dear you can come by anytime you want!", said an elderly woman smiling gently while working at corner.

"She is my mother", said Dililah with a smile.

"Nice to meet you ma'am", said Fiona with a smile.

"Same here dear! I hope you and my daughter can be friends with my daughter, she is a good girl!", said Dililah's mother with a smile.

This made Dililah embarrassed and she blushed.

"Well I'm working on a song and I need inspiration so, mind if I stop by here daily?", asked Fiona politely and shyly.

"Oh of course my dear!, you can come here everyday, also I'll love to hear you play violin too, my daughter is been talking about it since this morning ", said Dililah's mother with a smile.

"Oh! I love to play for you ma'am, also I was thinking about trying different instruments ", said Fiona beaming happy.

"Oh really? Brilliant idea!", said Dililah's mother with a smile.
