
I'm not that cinderella

( Daily updates ) series ( empire of love ) part -1 ( I'm not that cinderella) Look at  mirror -  sparkleing blue eyes widen open - wh-where I'm ? ( shocking and confused tone ) A girl name karina got cheated by her boyfriend and killed by her own bestfriend and got recarnitate into a novel , where accidentally her boyfriend and bestfriend also recarnitate,  but how ? I got recarniated at unknown place my whole body is hurting when I came in sense i get to know I'm in novel that I'm reading. in my pervious life I died because of my trash boyfriend. and in this novel I'm a side character of Rossania . And sadly the end of this character is really sad or i can say her all life is sad because of her step mother and stepsister. And also crown prince and mage , But now story is changed because I'm not that cinderella, I'm not that cinderella who needs fake love from any fake prince, i build my own self, but in new world i need some help, and also need to stay away from crown prince and mage but can i do that or destiny plan something else ? And who going to help me , Is there any other plot that i Don't know about this novel ? Volume 1 - [ main story ]  ,  status  ended Volume 2 - [ empress era ] on going Volume 3 - [ Revenge era ] Follow  on instagram id - Bee_you27 For more updates

Bee_you27 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Let's sign contracts

Nita ( maid ) -   your majesty his highness is calling for you in meeting room . 

Rihanna flinch both her eye brows in confusingly, and start following nita to the meeting room 

Rihanna pov

when i entered the room i saw my dad and men with blond hair and red eyes was sitting there . i go towards them and sit beside my dad .

emprore introduced him -  He marquess ( willo ) 

author pov 

Marquess usually used to support dukes and rarely rules a land . 

End of pov 

Rihanna pov 

from the face he looked greedy , ( i know this because in my past life faced many people like him in my work ) 

marquess with smile -  greetings to princess ( slightly bow ) - duke ( shal )i support really like the idea of your Ngo , as of that all ngo's that are going to open round the kingdom . duke ( shal ) will contributed in them . 

Emperor looked at rihanna - isn't this nice idea rihanna . this will help to provide best help and  facilties , 

rihanna thought - few days ago i read a name of duke shal in newspaper . he is duke of west . and there many crimes occur there espacially trading of girls , rules are still weak and he has power and money so everyone scared of him , how can a men like him think about other . 

Rihanna smirk and looked at marquess with her sparkle purple eyes - i'm really honured with duke shal such thought , so i agree with you . 

marquess smirk ( evily ) 

But there is one condition , you have to sign a contract  .

marquess get shocked 

empreror get confused  - what is contract . 

Rihanna pov 

(  in this time era ,early  contracts are not used that much , only agreements used , then after when 300-500bc there are four types of contracts , sale , hire , patnership and mandate , then later on fourth category of enforceable contract recognized     )

start explaining -  contracts are special type of agreement . by its terms and elements it's legally binding and enforcable .it's a written agreement and signed  by both parties  it means if someone break the agreement then  the case go to emperial court and then emperial court decided the further judgment ,  ( gazed at marquess ) 

Marquess nervously gulp -  (  who is she ? how can a 7 yrs old think this much  , he thought )  oh so it's just a agreement ( fake smile )  don't worry , i will make a agreement by myself... 

Rihanna - There is no need why you take so much pressure , leave it to me , i will ask uncle marshal ( count ) to make a written contract , that includes that Duke ( shal )  who do donations on all ngo's can only visit ngo on purpose only of improvement , and welfare .  and he can't shifts people from one ngo to other nor he can do any illegal things . and if any girl or boy disapperad from any ngo , he will be responsible . 

(  Take sip of tea  ) - so i hope you are agree with this terms and conditions . because i'm sure duke ( shal ) is really nice person so he don't have any obligation ( smile at marquess ) right ? 

Marquess in anger greet the teeths (  This little bitch is really clever . i don't have any option , if i say no they doubt on duke ( shal ) Tightly close the palms -  ofcourse duke ( shal ) is agree , as you mention he is such a nice person .  ( fake smile to hide the anger )

Rihanna cheerfully smile - that's good . 

Time skip at rihanna room 

After meeting with marquess i come to my room and suddenly i feel like drawing , i really love drawing so whenever i'm tired or upset i start drawing to boast my energy . 

I asked my servents to bring my art kit .

Time skip at empress room 

empress is sitting on sofa with her hand on his forehead . 

(head maid ) your highness is something wrong , you don't feel good? 

huh ! no i'm fine . it's just that , i worried about rihanna , she is acting coldly lately . what should i do to make her happy . 

( head maid ) -  how about you take her for a little walk in garden and spend some time there while drinking tea , just like you both spend time before . 

( empress deeply think ) - i think you are right , it's  been a long time since we both spend time togather . ( get up from sofa happily )  alright then prepare everything . i'm going to ask rihanna for walk . 

Empress ( hina ) pov 

going happily towards rihanna room . open the door and see rihanna was busy in drawing . go towards her and put her step on a pen and it slip  , empress was about  to fall , but she manage to handle herself from fall and stand again and put hand on her stomach . ( take deep breath ) , Thank god . 

rhianna get shocked , throw her brush away and run towards her mother -  mom are you alright . 

empress eyes get teary and loudly shout -  ARE YOU A TWO YEARS OLD HUH . 

By sudden loud shouting - she trembled and suddenly tears come from her eyes . 

Empress keep shouting - now stop with this crying , don't you have any responsiblity as a big sister , what if i fall , you even realised what would happen ,you are not a kid anymore . from now on don't talk to me , until you reflect on your mistake . ( about to leaves , turned back ) from now on you stop drawing and focus on studying . ( leaves Angrly )

Rihanna keep sobbing 

Time skip after 9 months

Rihanna pov

Today is the day when my baby brother is going to born ,

From that ancient me and my mother didn't talk with each other , and as per mother order servents took away my painting set , so all the time I only do study,  I even stop playing outside with my other royal friends. 

When I feel like drawing,  I draw something on my notebook.  And every day  I go to Ngo to see the conditions of it , I wear normal clothes,  so that they don't hesitate with me ,

I was wondering around the ngo , suddenly  i bumped into someone,  when I looked up i see a boy same age as me with blond hair .