

????'S P.O.V.

'Have you heard what she is?'

'She shouldn't be here'

'She's too scary'

Those whispers who keep lingering in my ears piss me off every day. They never get tired, they always gossip about someone's life, especially mine. It's every day but I won't let this go, not today.

I stop walking and stare at them, looking directly at their eyes without blinking and showing emotions.

"What are you staring at, freak?" Someone speaks while I just continue to stare at them thinking about how to shut them up.

"Tch... A freak shouldn't be here roaming around with her gloomy clothes" A girl spoke which made some laugh but I didn't, I continued to stare but now controlling myself not to hurt them as I remember someone's advice for me.

'No matter what they did, learn to control yourself because if you don't it's your lost'

But as time went by I couldn't hear those words anymore, I began to stare making them crumble down the floor with them screaming and calling me a freak. I continue doing it and I don't plan to stop it when someone calls my name.

"Ms. Keznetsov your brother is here" it's the principal, upon hearing my brother is here I left immediately heading to where he was.

Before I even greeted him, he pulled me towards my dorm, almost breaking the door.

"What were you thinking?!" He whispered but loud enough for me to hear, I stayed silent as I knew answering wasn't the best option.

"I told you, you have to control yourself but what did you do? You almost hurt somebody" He said looking at my hands on his hips.

" Why are you here? " I ask not wanting to argue more

"Don't you think you can change the subject" I just stare at him slowly getting annoyed.

"I ask you why are you here?" I repeated and he just sighs.

"I don't want to argue with you, pack your things we're leaving here, father misses you" After talking he just suddenly disappeared.

"Tch...He won't miss me" It's true he disappeared because we're different from everybody…. a demon.

???'s P.O.V.

It was always the same, I go to school just to learn things I already know, but what can I do?

"Hey does anyone know why he wanted us to be together early in the morning?" One of my friends, Adam, asks.

"I don't know either" I spoke without sparing a glance at them as my eyes kept roaming around the place in the hope to see her again.

Time passes and they still wait as they know if they didn't, they're not so friendly friends would be annoyed to death.

"Speaking of the son of Satan" Aden, also a friend of mine, Adam's twin, said looking right through me. Stop reading my mind, instead of answering he just smiles at me.

"Finally, you're here I thought we would wait longer" The oldest of us Luca, said while smiling brightly. I didn't bother looking as I knew who they're talking about.

"My apologies as I have someone with me who moves like a snail" He said annoyance is present in his tone.

"It's your fault for dragging me here without my approval" A voice I'm not familiar with talked back to a friend of mine with a short temper.

"Why did you call us here, and do you mind introducing us to this fine lady with you" Luca said that earn a slight grown of disapproval from the said lady, but like I said I didn't bother looking at them and just continue to roam my eyes around the area

"I called you because I want you to meet my sister which is this fine lady which isn't true but that's not the point, I need your help taming her while I'm gone because she will study here" He explained immediately.

"Nyx my annoying brother I'm no near a child to be tame especially by boys who seem to be scared of you, so how can they tame me when they can't do that to you "Now they're conversation starts to make me interested but not that much that will pull me from what I'm doing.

"Can you stop for now, just stay here with them while I'm fixing where you'll be staying "In just a minute a blue flame-like smoke appears in the corner of my eyes signaling he disappears.

Silence lingers in the air as Nyx disappears leaving his sister to us while hearing silent curses in the Greek language that I quite understand 'den mas xezeis?' She is definitely his sister.

"Hi, I'm Aden a vampire" Aden introduces himself "I'm Adam, Aden's twin brother I'm a werewolf" Those troublemaker twins have a vampire as their mother and a werewolf as their father.

"I'm Luca, a werewolf, what's your name" He's not just a simple werewolf, he's soon to be alpha.

"I'm Lolita, Nyx's sister, a demon "She spoke with a hint of sadness that I don't understand why or I'm just hallucinating.

"My friend who's distracted, why don't you introduce yourself by just sitting there without looking at our guest, and look at her while doing it" Aden spoke in my mind and in my ears, causing me to sign.

"Don't bother, I'm not someone who wants someone to talk to me who doesn't know the words politeness" She spoke softly but with pure annoyance.

When I turned in their direction she was standing and was about to walk away but when I spoke, she stopped.

"I'm Hendrix, a vampire" I said, making her turn around, and when she did, I felt something I haven't felt for a year or two.

"Next time know to face someone who's talking to you or to your friends" She said and walked away with me continuing to stare at her back.

"Am I hallucinating or not?" I speak but my friends remain silent staring at me.

Lolita's P.O.V.

My brother's friend is nice I guess but not the other one, he's weird and annoying. I continue walking around not even knowing where I'm going.

After my brother visited my school a week ago, we did things I don't understand from visiting my father who acted that he misses me after years of pushing me away, making everything that he thinks I want with my brother and transferring me here to fear I might do what I almost do to those students who insult me, I know I'm different but I want to live like humans.

I continue to roam around until I spot my brother talking to someone wearing a formal yet fancy suit with glasses. I decided not to approach them and just stare, they continue talking but suddenly snapped their attention to me. I just keep staring slowly recognizing who my brother is talking to.

"Ethan" I whispered but they never failed to hear it. Why are you here? I want to ask that but I can't.

"Lolita comes here for a second" My brother Nyx said while waving his hand. I walk slowly contemplating if I should come to them or run away, away from them away from him. Without me noticing I'm already in front of them

"This is my younger sister Lolita, Lolita this is Ethan he would help you around here then after he would accompany you towards your dorm which is beside mine so be nice, Ethan I'm leaving her to you for now also don't let her get into any fight in the first day" Nyx puff like a cloud of smoke after speaking leaving me with him.

"I didn't know your sister and that you'll be studying here" I start walking away from him when he fast walks towards me starting a conversation.

"Does it matter? No" I said suddenly stopping "No, cool let's finish this tour as fast as possible"

The whole time we're going around all he talks about is about the academy and that's fine I don't want to talk about anything except school matters to him. After going for like an hour or more he escorted me to my dorm but he stopped when we arrived at the gate.

"You go on inside, I can't step inside as it's forbidden" Why would it be forbidden? I thought he was like us or not.

Upon entering I heard loud voices too loud for someone like me who has a strong hearing. I followed where those shouting is only to find someone getting chased by my brother, I think it's Aden I don't know and the other people inside just keep laughing, happy for the misfortune of one.

I just stare at them until they notice me making Aden stop followed by a book hitting his head.

"Oh, you're here already" My brother said with his deadpan face like hitting a person with a book is nothing.

"Where's my room?" Instead of answering me he just pointed towards someone and to specify that guy who doesn't know how to talk properly. And that person just started walking away without talking.

I followed him upstairs on the left-wing in the end near a gigantic window. He stops in front of a white door then just leaves me.

"Vampires" I didn't bother lowering it down for him to hear. As I opened the door of my supposed bedroom someone called me or rather someone.

"Natalya" That name, where did I hear it again?.

"Natalya stop pretending that you don't know me" It just sounds like in my dreams "Natalya please "

"Stop, Lolita, that's my name, I'm not her, I will never be her" After saying those I shut the door close.