
I'm Not A Psychopath It's My SCP System's Fault!: DXD

" Nothing can get worse than having a System In the theme of SCP, can It?" A 'simple' young man: Lukas Artorias from Earth asked himself. And oh~ How wrong he was~ " What the hell?! Why am I In DXD as a Kitsune Naruto!?" Tis is why, one does not temp Murphy, less you end like this sorry excuse of a human. This is a simple tale of a young man from Germany waking up In DXD as a Kitsune Naruto with the SCP System and how It changes his lazy mindset to something far more sinister and charismatic... Of course after dying once, because as a great Hero once said:" People die If they are killed..." ____________ >Disclaimer: I own nothing In this Fanfic, I made it purely out of enjoyment and Wish Fulfillment, so don't sue me. Though, the only stuff I own is my own creations. >Extra Tags: SCP • Chaotic Neutral MC(?) • Handsome-Beautiful MC • Highschool DXD. [FYI: I know both English and German, but writing In English seeing how there are more English Fanfics on this Site/App] ____________

DarkSoulsGod69 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter ~ 3: Savior


Walking out of a snow-covered forest is an extremely handsome young man, that possesses an otherworldly feel about him. He has elegant short yellow-blond, spiky hair, and mystical blue eyes that seem to pull everyone In by their beautifulness. Cutely, three whisker markings are on both sides of his cheeks. Clothing-wise, he wears a long black T-shirt and oddly colored comfortable-looking orange pants. Lastly, around his neck hangs a beautiful blue crystal necklace, that seems to hold life of Its own.

...This is: Lukas Artorias.


Looking at the church, I sighed. I can still see the purple gas they used to execute those children.

' So I'm In Italy...' Been there a few times, and I gotta say they have some kinky and freaky women there. Every time I got laid, I tried something new and that started my love for BDSM...

...Don't look at me like that. Try It first, then I allow you to speak to me.

" Tosca... Ava." Eh? Who's this Ava?

...Wait, I'm In an AU DXD aren't I? Because me being here already makes It an AU as I don't exist In the original DXD, so this Ava may be a butterfly effect...

The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon. Of course, a single act like the butterfly flapping its wings cannot cause a typhoon, meaning I must one big ass butterfly If I'm already making changes In the World.

' Dying is okay they say. It's okay, Isekai is real, they say. Having a Harem is amazing they say.' Walking to the church, I groaned. This World hates me, doesn't It? Because I know for one, I don't even remember If I did die. So that R.O.B may as well be a friendly neighborhood older brother who took me on a trip(read as World) and gave me money(read as: cheats) for games. And being the lucky little shit I am, I won the best prize there is(read as: SCP System).

" Tosca... Ava." Still fainted, Isaiah whispered out weakly, gripping onto my clothes with a tight grip.

" Don't worry little one, I'll save them." I'm a good person at heart If you can break through my bedrock shell and swindling self.

Dropping the fat-so on a tree, breaking something, I smiled.

I then put Isaiah gently under a tree. And being the nice person I am, I left him a little orb of Fox-Fire to keep him warm.

Patting his head, I started to walk towards the purple poison gas-filled church.

Once In front of It, I started to sniff, picking up a few scents and fragrances. Most of which is death and that odd-smelling poison gas.

" Hm?" Lifting up my eyebrow, I smelled two people alive somehow.

' Girls... Young girls the same age as Isaiah.' Feeling a need to start burning down this forest, I calmed down my breathing... Experimenting on kids and then killing them is something I don't stand for, as anybody shouldn't. I am not some Hero. No-no, I'm selfish as they come. I'm just Human...

With this said, I ran Into the poison gas-filled church, somehow knowing this gas won't do me any harm and smelled for the two girls.

" Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here!" Yelling such, my eyes became sharp as two beautiful soft orange Fox ears sprouted it on top of my head. Following the ears appearing, nine glorious otherworldly orange Foxtails materialized from above my butt, picking up and throwing away anything that was In my way.

As my Kitsune parts appeared, all my senses heightened and my mind became clearer and more down-to-earth. I feel like I have become one with the very Earth and Its existence.

Y'know the feeling when you cum? Yeah, times that by one hundred and you just may experience what I'm feeling.

Sniffing them out, I followed the scents and found myself In a rather big room, filled to the brim with poison gas.

Laying next to each other are two cute-looking young girls, knocked out. One has white hair tied into braided twin tails with a hair clip on the right side of her bangs, and the other one has long blonde hair and gray-blue eyes. They both wear a long white and blue church robe while retaining a white long-sleeve T-shirt underneath the robe.

" Hm?" Finding some odd, I can lightly see a golden barrier around the white-haired girl, covering her whole.

' Must be Tosca.' I nodded, then looked at the second girl,' And you must be Ava.'

" Halt! Name your status!" Rushing through the door with white hazmat suits with a golden cross on their chest, are some no-name humans.

" Oh, my test dunnies." Cracking a smile, my tails became longer and sharper, pointing at the 20 or something men.

" Wh-"

Before they can understand me, my tails shoot out, skewering nine men. Following my rapid bloody onslaught, beautiful blue flames arose from the ground, burning the men to ashes.

' More...' Knowing more men are poring In, my Fox-Fire blasted through all the church scorching and roasting everything It touched.

' MORE...' Heeding my command, soon a pillar of Fox-Fire appeared, as It started raining down blue arrows like It was Judgment day, killing everything single enemy around and Inside the Church.

' Off...' And It stopped.

" Fuuuu~ That was fun." In a matter of a few seconds, over half a hundred men turned Into ash without even knowing how they died.

" Let's get out of here." Making my warm Fox-Fire clouds, I gently put them on It and started walking.

' Today is a good-'

" Hello." Halting my thoughts, I found myself In front of a young smiling Rias and Grayfia, behind her.

' Son of a bitch.' I fucking hate my Shirou luck!


