
I'm Not A Hero!

Superpowers are not all they are cracked up to be! Nathan Grant wanted nothing more than to live quietly after the tragedy his power caused when he was younger but fate has other plans for him, including meeting a mysterious woman named Sierra that no one can seem to remember... *Set in the same universe as The Sound of Silence* *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Hypothetically Speaking

After a moment of deliberation, Nathan began the edited version of his story. "I suppose I should start with the way my mother blamed me for not preventing my father's death in a hit-and-run that happened in front of our house. That was what started all of this…"

He wasn't sure how long he let the story pour out of him but the only thing he held back was the part about him having superpowers. Everything else about how he became an emergency preparedness expert and couldn't stop himself from jumping in to help people came out in a confusing tangle of words. 

He explained how his small acts blew up after the Ferris wheel incident, his injuries sustained as Crossbones, and how he pushed Sierra away believing she was better off without him. Right up until his current issue.