
I'm No Magical Supernatural Demon, I'm Just A Farmer's Boy!

Damn it... They really think I'm the Demon King? I'm not! I swear I'm not! This isn't fair. Of course it wasn't. Nothing in this World was fair. I'll prove it to them that I'm innocent... no matter the costs, no matter the blood I must shed!

Sweet_Sui · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Execution

Somehow, I went unconscious, I think a few of the mages used a spell on me. But the next time I woke up, I was in a dark candle-lit room chained down to the wet floor, with some sunlight poking through a window. It looks like I'm in some sort of dungeon cellar... The floor was wet as water dripped down from the ceiling. Two Guards stood in front of me, and they noticed I had awakened. My mouth was covered with a dirty rag, preventing me from speaking or making any noise.

"Ah... that thing's awake now," the Guard on my left scoffed, pointing his magical staff right at me. His eyes squinted cautiously at me while he examined me from head to toe.

Rude. I'm not a "thing," I'm a human, I quietly thought to myself as I couldn't express my emotions.

"You idiot... I told you we should've killed it already!" The other Guard, on my right, yelled out as she kept her staff close to her. She had the same cautious, alert expression as the other guard did.

W-wait... Killed it... They mean me!?

That's right... I'm supposed to be executed!

I flailed my legs as my eyes filled up with terror. The guards did nothing but raise their alertness to my sudden movement.

"We can't! You're the idiot if you think you have the power to take down the source of all evil! Besides, Captain is the one who's supposed to do it," The left Guard tried to reason with the right guard.

"Shutt Up! That monster can hear us, and so might Captain!" the righty Guard argued back, and their bickering reminded me the way siblings fought.

Actually... now that I looked closely, they did seem to be siblings. Almost identical armor, identical face features and the same light-blondish hair color. They even sounded similar to one another.

"What are you two on about," Iomene suddenly appeared behind the pair, scaring them into a jump and scream.

"AH!" the two shouted in unison, "N-nothing..." Yeah, they were definitely siblings. No doubt. That was the least of my worries, though.

The King sentenced me to execution... Iomene had a sword on her hip, and the pair of guards held magical staffs in their hand. What the hell were they going to do to me here?

Actually, that was obvious... I just didn't want to admit it!

"It doesn't matter," Iomene read right through the guards as the look on her face implied she overhead their conversation, "This thing will be gone in a few minutes," Iomene mischievously looked at me, staring with her lifeless green eyes.

I've heard countless stories of the Captain of the Vrusta Kingdom, and all of her... accomplishments. Especially being the first female Master Swordsman. Well, Swordswoman. Her reputation is fierce, and for a good reason too.

Scary. Ruthless. Confident. That's how Iomene seems, and surely acts. But man... she didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. And with this rag lodged into my mouth, I couldn't if I tried!

No wonder Iomene is feared and well respected as Captain of Vrusta's army. She acts and even looks scary. I've heard of her having green hair, blue hair, even blonde hair, but she has red hair. Right, then that person who interrupted at the trial was the legendary Captain Iomene...

Well in that case.

Screw you, Iomene!

But something about her viridian eyes... pierced me. Even though we had only exchanged looks for a moment, her eyes stuck out the most. It's almost like- no, she definitely was mad at me.

"Right," Iomene looked at the Guards, "I'm counting on you two."

"Y-Yes Ma'am!" The two once again shouted in unison. The pair's eyes sparkled as they gripped onto their staffs. They murmured a few words to activate a spell that I couldn't make out, concentrating their aura onto the staff.

"Stick to the plan."

Iomene unsheathed her blade, and out came a gloomy blade with mystical dark energy fuming from it, the tip coated with a bursting fire enchantment as it was exploding with a crimson red. It looks like something that I would- I mean the Demon King!- would use as a weapon, instead of Iomene.

"Okay!" The guards said in unison, "Reaaaadyyy!"

Iomene pointed the fiery tip of her blade at me while I stood still on my knees, chained down to the floor.

The twin Guards stood still and silently hummed, muttering gentle phrases to activate their spells. I know that in a situation like this, fear and pressure should've captivated my heart and mind long ago.

But instead, I'm... angry! Furious! Mad as shit! I don't deserve this at all!

The sudden energy from the spells and blade attracted the Ring of the Serpent on my finger, causing my hand to stick out. It must've been magnetic or something. Iomene channeled her power into her special sword, charging up her attack.

The twins activated their spell. Iomene's sword glowed a bright yellow. Iomene channeled the last bit of her power and released her devastating attack, with the power, energy, skill, strength, and speed to kill the true Demon King.

But I wasn't the Demon King.

"Demon King Dwulun... I seal you back to Metozos Kingdom, in the name of our King. Begone!"

The rag covering my mouth fell off, allowing me to speak for the last time.


But it was too late. The attack had gone through.

I slowly saw my body fade away. My hands, legs, torso, my vison began to disappear.

The End.


I can't...

I can't die like this! Not in a million years!

All this resolve...

I must live! I will live! Even if it defies all logic and meaning!

Something inside me... It's burning!