
I'm Monkey D. Luffy

An ordinary guy from Earth was strangled by Corona-chan and died. He was reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Luffy while recieving a golden finger. A/N: I don't own One Piece Oda does. The cover art is not mine.

Dr_Chad · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

{New}[Slime Commander]

<Slime commander will appear if 10 slimes will combine together. It is known that this types of slime and above will attack anyone it sees. It has the ability to call for back-ups. Can shoot out water projectiles>

After so many trials and errors I finally found the right number to combine. This thing infront of me is 8 meters tall and it is very big, I don't even know if punches and pistol attack can take it down. But the information that I am very intrigue was that it can shoot projectiles.

This slime commander turned it face to me. His eyes and expression are still a bit ridiculous and goofy. But I know that it can give me some hard time like those bald monkeys that Garp always let me practiced on. I iniated the fight first since it is very big, it can be punched easily.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket" I tried another move from the series. I grabbed the branches between two trees and flew towards the body of the slime.

"Boom" I was flung hard after I hit its body. I stood up from the ground and noticed that the slime commander jumped high towards my direction. I ran to my left 10 meters in order to evade it.

"Baam" the ground crack from the weight it carried. It caused a hole with 6 meters in depth. 'Gulp' I swallowed some saliva. Even If I know I am a rubber, it is still better not to be crushed by that, well it was common sense in my last life. The slime commander was temporarily unable to move after it made its landing. I ran to it and barrage it with punches. Left and right and left and right.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" I continued to give it combos one after the other. It seems that it has a restriction after it made that jump. After 10 seconds of punches its body began to twitch a little. I distanced myself immediately. I began to evade after it will make another jump but to my surprise it didn't made its move but instead it shriek loudly. I was surprised and covered my ears. The high-pitched sound is very annoying, it is like I listen to someone scratching a blackboard with chalks.

"Shreeeeeeiiiiik" The high-pitch and peircing cry continued for 5 seconds. I slowly took off my hands from my ears. But to my dismay there are a lot of slimes coming to its direction about 8 to 14 slimes.

"Ooh, come on. Facing the commander is already tough, but it even call for help from others" I complained louldly. "Damn, it's using the nakama power. You're not even a shounen protagonist".

The slimes thats was summon consists of both slime soldier and normal slimes. They are currently behind the commander.

"Damn, how would I proceed this time, I didn't even see the slime commander use water projectiles yet" I complained inwardly. 'But well let's just take care of the annoying small one first' Before I made my move I notice that the slmie commander stop moving. Maybe it also freezes after doing that move. Then I began to sprint to the nearby slime soldier.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Huff" "Huff" "Huff" I panted hardly. It was already 20 minutes and this damn slime keeps on calling for reinforcement. And what was very annoying is that it can heal itself after it consumed smaller slimes.

"Damn it all", eventhough I didn't seem to get hurt. But my stamina is currently consumed fast. I keep on dodging and attacking while the slime commander called for backup. Sometimes it also jumped high and attacked me. What I was nervous about, is that when I can no longer move, maybe it can trap me inside its body suffocating me to death. I can't certainly let them do that. I haven't even grind more enough.

"Gomu Gomu no pistol" I punched the body of commander when it freezes for a few seconds after it made it's jump. The recoil flung me away for a few distance. This time normal slimes began to fuse with each others creating more slime soldiers who can ram it's attack to my body. 2 slime soldiers jump in linear motion and attacked me. Others they went behind my back. 'This, lil sh*ts were very coordinated. It is like they're in sync' I was blown away several meters from their position. I raised my head in look to the slime commander.

'Damn, it must be him. That commander can direct instructions to this slimes' then I noticed some peculiarity within its body. Most slimes I met even the slime soldiers only consist of liquid like materials. I didn't saw some stone-like object. This time the slime commander finally made it's move. The stone-like object in its body began to glow in red color. It raises its body and looked at my direction.

"Pew" "Pew" "Pew" It formed projectiles around itself and launched to me. Well I already saw it coming, the moment its core-like object began to glow. I feel vibes from it, maybe it was thanks to my perception. I dodged two of them, while moving in zigzag line but the third one grazes my left arm. It stings a little. I sprint towards the commander to deliver some punches, cause I noticed that every time it perform an attack it has a time delay for everything. But to my dismay there are a lot of slime soldier infront of it. They seem to guard the slime commander. But my momentum cannot be stopped, I instead directed my punches to the slimes infront of me.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" I began puching the slimes. Left and right, my punches seems to accurately hit them. Lessening the times I can kill it. I endured some of their attacks to not get blown away. After 6 seconds, my senses telling me to evade. I dodged and rolled sideward.

"Pew" "Pew" "Pew" water projectiles arrived at the same moment I intinctively evade.

'The hell! the cooldown is very short. I thought it will be long, like the jump attack it made' I was very frustrated right now. This commander seems to know little things about tactics. I then remembered the object inside of it. 'Maybe that stone-like object it its brain. A core that made the slime commander different from the rest. Can summon minions, can think about strategies, then can make long distance attacks. If I can only break it'.

"Ughh, maybe this slime is Rimuru. If only I can kill the normal slimes and slime soldiers in wide range, an area of attack if you must that can kill them at the same time" I began to think possible ways. But nothing comes to mind, all of my current arsenal are single point of attack. I distanced myself to them, the slime commander had 6 seconds before it can make that attack again.

While I am running, I notice that there seems to be different in my body. The sweat produced by my body is a bit different. I tried to touch it and to my surprise it feels sticky, milky colloid drawn off in the skin pores and collecting the sweat-like substance and gathering in the surface of my skin. Then an idea struck to my mind. Within 3 seconds a theory began to form in my thoughts. I don't really know if it really works, cause this is the first time I'll make this.

'If I can make this move, then all of my attacks will be upgraded in a whole new level' I stopped running, facing the adversary ahead of me. I closed my eyes and feel the current changes in my body. I tried 'it' to feel and move, and to my surprise it can be controlled. I inhaled a mouthful of air and slowly released it. After a few seconds my `spider-sense` are tingling, I felt some intents are going in my direction.

I raised my right arm while closing my eyes and concentrating. I feel that something leaves my body. I clenched my right hand and swinging it backwards. Then I said slowly.

"Gomu Gomu no" I waited for the exact moment where the attack launched to me.

"Pew" "Pew" "Pew" I open my eyes and with all of my strength, I punch forward.














Hello Mass_Release_kun here. Ughh, first time writing battle scenes, sorry for the mess. Maybe it doesn't feel good?

Well just as always leave a review, comment down below and drop power stones. Hehe

-- This work got more than 1000 collections already. Thanks.

-- Another chap for the day as a token of appreciation.

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