
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Chapter 6 Don’t worry, I haven’t finished yet

Hearing Wang Yue's words, the fans in the live broadcast room were immediately amused:

"Brother, I apologize to you first.

When you expose the master's true face, we will go offline to test him, hahahaha."

"Well, I can only support you spiritually.

I'm afraid that the master will expose my past!"

"Fuck, brother, I admire your courage.

Have you ever secretly watched a young lady taking a bath before?

If so, run away quickly.

It's not too late now..."

"The melon seed bench is ready.

Come on, please start your performance..."

... Lai Yuejing felt that he could dig out a three-bedroom and two-living room house with his toes, but he didn't expect that he was actually seen through.

Wasn't what he did just now sincere enough?

Then he asked with an embarrassed face: "Master, how did you see it?"

Wang Yue used the speed of his hands, who had been single for 25 years, to quickly calculate, and said with a profound look:

"As a master who has seen countless people, isn't it easy to see if you are lying?" Fans: ???

Master, shouldn't you use your eyes to see? Why are you pinching your fingers?

Lai Yuejing shrugged his shoulders, looking depressed, and said, "Since you've figured it out, I won't pretend anymore.

I'm going to show my cards!"

"I just saw you and Dancing Da Nai Miao on the same microphone.

The ability you displayed was not that of a human, but a god!"

"As an atheist like me, I don't believe it at all. I would rather believe that you guys are a conspiracy to hype it up in advance!"

"So I decided to stand up and fight against fakes!"

Wang Yue laughed at Lai Yuejing's words and said, "Haha, you'll know if I'm fake after you try it!"

"Tell me, how do you want to fight against fakes?"

Lai Yuejing adjusted his sitting position, cleared his throat, and said with a confident look:

"Just now, you were able to clearly know her past through Dancing Da Nai Miao's face, and you told her in detail!"

"Then you can also help me take a look and tell me about my situation.

If you are right, there will be a reward.

If you are not right, don't blame me for calling on other netizens to report you together!"

Wang Yue spread his hands and said indifferently, "Of course!"

"Even if you don't ask, I will tell you through your face.

After all, the past cannot be changed, and it can also increase the trust between us!"

As soon as Wang Yue said this, the water friends in the live broadcast room smiled tacitly in front of the screen, and the barrage said:

"Hahaha, Master, you still use this familiar formula, I like it!"

"Master: Young man, you have a big bra!" "Brother, men have to be strong, I'm ready to report with you later, don't be afraid, be strong!!!"

... Lai Yuejing looked disdainful.

It was obvious that there were some Internet trolls leading the rhythm in this barrage.

Did they think they could scare me like this? He thought, I've been to college, your tricks won't work on me!

Back then, I could chat with a liar for two hours while taking a shit, and finally made the other party collapse.

Do you think I'm so easy to fool?

Then he urged: "Master, can we start?"

"Of course!"

Wang Yue slowly said:

"From your face, you have been a good baby in the eyes of others since you were a child.

Not only are you independent, but you also have excellent academic performance!"

"From elementary school to high school, you have been the class life committee member, serving teachers and classmates!"

"In the end, you did not disappoint and was admitted to a 211 key university, becoming the pride of the whole village!"

Lai Yuejing smiled contemptuously at what Wang Yue said, with an expression that it was as expected!

Then he interrupted Wang Yue and said: "Wonderful!!!"

"Master, I admit that what you said is true, but it is not difficult to know these!"

"I think that from the moment I connected the microphone, your team has begun to obtain my information through various channels, and my Douyin and Weibo use the same nickname.

I have shared a lot of my growth experience on Weibo!"

"You just read out the information you got, am I right?


Lai Yuejing also deliberately emphasized the word "master", as if he was mocking Wang Yue!

After that, he kept staring at Wang Yue, trying to see the panic after being exposed from his expression!

But he was soon disappointed.

From beginning to end, Wang Yue's expression did not change at all, and he kept a faint smile!

After listening to Lai Yuejing's analysis, some viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly realized something, and they felt like:

Wow, that's what's going on.

Indeed, if there is an operations team responsible for collecting information, summarizing and extracting important experiences, and feeding them back to the anchor, he can really stun people by just reading it out!

But I didn't expect that [Zouzou Daifeng] would see through it this time.

No wonder [Zouzou Daifeng] dared to come out to fight against fakes, it turns out that he had alreadySee through everything!

At this time, when netizens looked at Wang Yue again, they no longer felt magical, and they all flooded the screen with comments:

"The winner of this year's Sherlock Holmes Award has appeared, and he is @走带风..."

"Master, are you not going to quibble about this?

Or have you already tacitly accepted that this is the case?"

"Master, can your team find my girlfriend's hotel check-in records?

If you can, I will also float a Huazi."

"Two words floated in the sky:

That's it?"

... Some people also believe that Wang Yue has real skills.

After all, the incident of Dancing Da Naimiao just now did not look fake, so some people began to speak for Wang Yue:

"Have you forgotten that more than 5,000 people called the police just now.

If this was fake, would it be necessary to make such a big scene?

Send yourself to jail for hype?

Did you flush your brains when you went to the toilet?"

"That's right, Master, give him some private revelations to shock their big dicks!"

"Master, if you don't show your power, do you think you are Hello Kitty?

Master, don't give me face, just do the hard work..."

... The barrage of comments suddenly became a battlefield for two groups of people, The popularity quickly increased, and new people kept joining.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 100,000+!

The new fans were confused:

What's going on? ? ?

Old fans:

Prepare your mineral water bottles, and solve the problem on the spot if you have to pee urgently, don't miss the wonderful scenes!

Wang Yue smiled lightly and said slowly: "People say that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Don't be anxious.

I haven't finished talking yet."

"I just said that you are just a good baby in the eyes of others!"

"In fact, the things you have done, others don't know, don't you know it yourself?"

After saying this, Lai Yuejing seemed to remember something, his face became a little unnatural, and he kept telling himself in his heart, Don't panic, he is just trying to trick you!

He definitely doesn't know! ! !