
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
317 Chs

Chapter 295: The Reason for Not Having the Money

That's a misunderstanding on your part, I really don't mean not to give, it's just that..."

"Just now I had already emptied out all the money on me, now I really can't take out a single penny."

"When I took an order for barbecue just now, after picking up the food at the restaurant, I saw that other orders were about to expire, so I delivered those first."

"And then hurried to deliver this barbecue order again, at that time, while in an alley, suddenly someone jumped out."

"At that moment, in order to avoid that person, I quickly hit the brakes and turned the car around, in the end the car flipped over, and I fell too."

"But luckily, I didn't hit the other person."

The audience in the live stream room heard this and all felt relieved, glad that no one was hit.

Soon someone commented in the barrage:

"Yesterday I was brushed by a guy riding a small electric scooter, I was walking on the sidewalk normally, he came up behind me at super speed, even brushed against my arm, didn't even apologize, and ran off... in a hurry to reincarnate."

"Some people really have no manners, if they don't change, they can only go out at noon in the future, otherwise they will definitely have accidents sooner or later..."

"It's all for the sake of living, otherwise who would work so hard, but still have to be careful, after all, safety comes first..."

"Although I know you're all struggling, you can't drive too fast or rush around just to save time.

It's good that nothing happened this time, if you had really hit someone, it would have been too late to regret..."


Upon seeing the comments in the barrage, Liu Buzhu couldn't help but shake his head in pain, then continued to narrate:

"Just as I got up from the ground, I found that the other person was an old woman, lying on the ground, crying for help."

"I quickly went over to see what was going on, and she was pointing at me, saying it was me who knocked her down."

"I was completely baffled at that moment, I was still several meters away from her, clearly didn't hit her, but she said I did!"

"I knew I was being set up."

"As expected, as soon as the old woman grasped my leg, several men popped out and claimed to be her sons."

"Then one by one, with fierce expressions, they surrounded me, demanding why I had hit their mother."

There was no surveillance in that area, and with their sheer numbers, no matter how much I explained, they were adamant that I was responsible for hitting their mother."

"In the end, they gave me two options: either go to the hospital, have the old man undergo various examinations first, stay for ten days or half a month, and then compensate them for all kinds of lost wages, nutritional expenses, mental damages, etc..."

"Or settle privately, pay them fifty thousand upfront, and that would be the end of it, they would take the old man for medical examinations themselves."

Some listeners were speechless, some were angry, and of course, there were also those who were skeptical.

So the barrage on the screen kept rolling frantically.

"You can't settle privately.

In this situation, you should just go to the police, let them investigate the scene to get evidence, prove your innocence!"

"Is it useful to call the police in this situation? You have no evidence to prove yourself, isn't it just their word against yours..."

"These people who deliberately cause accidents are really annoying.

They've made it so that now, people are afraid to help when they see someone fall on the street, for fear of being taken advantage of..."

"Who knows if he's lying or not, the previous corpse salvager, didn't he start off claiming how great he was.

In the end, it turned out he was a hypocritical villain..."


On the screen, some listeners resonated with Liu Buzhu, condemning the fraudulent behavior of the other party.

Of course, there were also listeners who were scared off by the previous corpse salvager and did not believe Liu Buzhu's words.

As Liu Buzhu looked at the skeptical comments on the barrage, he was also very anxious and hurriedly said:

"I really haven't lied!"

I must have been in the wrong, I didn't hit anyone. Why should I compensate, and I don't have the money to compensate.

I thought of calling the police directly back then.

But they took out my ID and threatened that they could find my address.

If I didn't compensate, they would target my family too.

If I get hit by a car when I go out, or get hit by a flower pot falling from upstairs, or slip and fall into the water...

that's none of their business.

After hearing their description of the situation, I admit I panicked.

I didn't want my family to be in danger, I wanted them to be safe and sound.

So I chose to settle with them, but I didn't have that much money. In the end, I borrowed a little from online lending platforms and scraped together 10,000 yuan to give them, only then did they leave!

Then I saw the overturned barbecue on the ground, and realized it was past time.

I quickly called the client, only to find out they had already complained.

In the end, the platform ruled that I would bear the loss for this order and also deducted my money.

I was on the verge of collapse, life is so damn tough, why does it have to torture me like this???

Why did I have to encounter such a thing?

It made my already not well-off family even worse off...

As Liu Buzhu spoke to himself, tears streamed down his face.

This scene stunned the viewers in the live stream room!!!

A grown man actually cried in front of so many people in the live stream room???

It is said that a man sheds tears not lightly, it's just that he hasn't reached a point of sorrow!

It seems that life has pushed him to the edge...

That's why he lost control of his emotions!

The viewers in front of the screen looked at Liu Buzhu on the screen and suddenly felt a bit sad, a bit upset...

And Liu Buzhu, with a choked voice, continued to speak into the camera:

"I stopped taking orders, picked up the barbecue that fell on the ground, lifted the car, and used the last few dollars on me to buy some alcohol."

I dared not go home because I was afraid it would affect them.

Then I came to this park to release some of my stress.

So now I really can't even come up with 10 yuan...

At this moment, the viewers in the live stream room didn't know what to say.

The world of adults is never easy!

In the end, they could only offer comfort to Liu Buzhu in the barrage.

"@Damn crappy life, brother, hang in there, keep going, believe that life will get better."

"If you run out of money, just earn it back, as long as you're okay!"

"@Damn crappy life, I really understand how you feel right now.

I'm also the type of person who handles everything on their own, it's really exhausting, really frustrating..."

"I feel like this situation definitely isn't that simple, maybe it's another deceitful hypocrite spreading lies."
