
I'm live fortune telling

Wang Yue crossed over to a parallel world and was forcibly bound by the system to inherit a fortune-telling shop. "This damn system has been stuck at 99.99% for two years. Do I really have to give up?"

Dust_free · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Chapter 144 Are you sure that the coffin in your hand contains the ancestor of the Qiu family?

Looking at the Qiu family members around him who were ready to kill him.

Yuan Hua wiped the cold sweat from his head.

He wanted to struggle again.

"Uncle Qiu, this is really a misunderstanding!"

"Qiu Dahai must have been controlled by someone with evil magic, so he is talking nonsense."

"Yes, it must be like this, and the person who has this ability must be him.

He can know a person's past with just one look, so it is normal for him to have this kind of evil magic to control people."

Yuan Hua pointed directly at Wang Yue, who was watching the show with a smile on his face.


Before anyone else could say anything, Qiu Ya spat a mouthful of thousand-year-old phlegm at him.

Then, like an angry little female cat, she started the landlady scolding mode and output crazily:

"You shameless and disgusting thing, you actually want to slander my brother Wang Yue at this time."

"Why are you so vicious?

Brother Wang Yue didn't offend you, why do you want to frame him again and again?" "Why don't you die if you like to frame others so much?

You look disgusting and always have a disgusting smile on your face.

Do you think you are handsome like this? Bah, when I see you, I want to vomit..."

Yuan Hua was scolded by Qiu Ya and became autistic.

What followed was endless humiliation and anger.

The anger in her heart was twisted, you bitch!!!

You wait for me, I will find a million readers to ravage you severely.

With Qiu Dahai's instigation of the false accusation, no one believed Yuan Hua's words this time.

Others also joined the team of cursing Yuan Hua.

For a time, all kinds of curses rang out, cursing all 108 generations of his ancestors! Looking at this scene, Wang Yue touched his nose and wanted to help him.

In fact, he was not wrong this time.

I used a small spell.

However, Qiu Dahai and the others did not talk nonsense.

They just told the truth. Qiu Yushan was also furious.

He looked at Yuan Hua and said coldly: "Don't call me uncle.

I can't bear it."

"Do you think I am blind or stupid?"

"The evidence is there.

Do you think he is talking nonsense?"

"Hand over the ancestor's coffin immediately, or I will make you wish you were dead!"

Yuan Hua felt his anus tighten and almost peed.

Qiu Yushan gave him too much pressure! What to do?

At this time, Qiu Dahai, whose half of his face was swollen from being slapped, stood up with his head shaking.

He wanted to explain, but it turned out to be: "Yuan Hua, why the hell did you hit me?" "Don't think you are great just because you are the current heir of the Yuan family?

Do you think I am afraid of you?"

"I tell you, I have been in love with your mother for a long time.

She is planning to poison your father and then be with me, so even if you become the head of the family, I am still your father!" "You are a fool, you dare to hit your father." This remark once again stunned everyone in the audience.

It turned out that this traitor not only harmed the Qiu family, but also the Yuan family. Although they themselves were also victims, they didn't know why they couldn't help laughing when they thought of the head of the Yuan family with a green head.

"Fuck, Qiu Dahai, you are such an awesome bastard, you stole your master's house, hahahaha."

"In view of your glorious deeds, I will spare you a blow later, so that you can have one more fun with his mother with your last breath."

"Wait, say it again and I will send it to that old ghost Yuan!"

... Yuan Hua was thinking about how to deal with Qiu Yushan and the Qiu family, but after hearing what Qiu Dahai said, his brain froze. His eyes turned red, and he stared at Qiu Dahai, saying word by word:

"You, said, what…"

He looked like he wanted to kill someone. Seeing him like this, Qiu Dahai took two steps back, trying to explain that it was not true, but ended up saying:

"You don't believe it?"

"She has a mole on her left buttocks, and she's a lecher.

I could never satisfy her, and I almost drained her dry..."

"If you don't believe it, you can call your father Yuan and ask him if it's true."

"I'm telling you, don't think I'm afraid of you just because you look at me with dead eyes. I'm your new dad, call me dad!"

"It's okay if you can't accept it right away, I'll give you time!"

"Ah~ I'll kill you!"

Yuan Hua went crazy and rushed towards Qiu Dahai, wanting to kill him directly.


The two of them fought instantly, and the others also made way for them, letting them fight each other.

Qiu Dahai said frantically in his mind, I really was bewitched, you stop and listen to me. But he kept saying:

"Son, you can't do this, your mother will be sad."

"If you do this again, I will spank your mother tonight."

This made the crowd of onlookers around laugh, and some people watched the excitement and asked Qiu Dahai to hang up his mother and beat her!

This made Yuan Hua so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the whole person became more violent, and the fighting style was completely reckless.

He risked getting injured to kill Qiu Dahai. The injuries on the two people were getting more and more.

At this time, Qiu Yushan shouted:


The ancestor's coffin has not been found yet, and they can't be left to die like this.

He personally took action and subdued the two in an instant.

Then he said in a deep voice:

"Hand over the ancestor's coffin, and I can give you a quick death!"

At this time, the effect of Qiu Dahai's truth spell also disappeared, and he cried: "Patriarch, spare my life!"

Uh, he suddenly found that the words he said seemed to be controlled by the brain! Not sure, he said again:

"I didn't sleep with Yuan Hua's mother!" Yuan Hua was so angry that he kept struggling and wanted to rush over to kill him, but was suppressed by someone!

After discovering that he could really be controlled by the brain, Qiu Dahai shed excited tears.

It was so fucking terrible that all his secrets were exposed!

Then he quickly cried and said:

"Patriarch, I was really possessed just now!" "I was controlled by someone, so I talked nonsense!"

"What I just said is not true, you have to believe me, I am loyal to the Qiu family!" Yuan Hua's face was distorted because of extreme anger, staring at Qiu Dahai and roaring hysterically:

"Qiu Dahai, don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

"You're dead!!!"

"Yuan Hua, listen to my explanation!" "Explain your mother, get out~"

Then he looked at Qiu Yushan and said directly:

"Qiu Yushan, if you want your ancestor's coffin, kill Qiu Dahai for me.

First chop up his disgusting thing and feed it to the dog, and then cut his meat piece by piece!"

"Then let your daughter get naked and climb onto my bed!"

Hearing this, the two people who were holding him were so angry that they trembled all over and wanted to kill him directly, but the ancestor's coffin had not been found yet, so they could only bear it! Yuan Hua suddenly saw Wang Yue watching the show with a smile on his face, and his whole chest was about to explode with anger.

If he hadn't called him, the following things would not have happened.

His hatred for Wang Yue was second only to Qiu Dahai!

He continued:

"And that dog thing called Wang Yue over there, chop off his five limbs, dig out his eyes, cut off his tongue, cut off his ears, and let the dog gnaw off his nose..."

Wang Yue was also helpless.

I was just watching a show, and this could come to me?

Then he raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a playful smile, and said slowly: "You dare to be so arrogant because you robbed the Qiu family's ancestral tomb, and now the coffin has been taken away, so you are fearless!"

"But are you sure that the coffin in your hand contains the ancestor of the Qiu family?"