
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Third Hokage's scheme

The Third Hokage sat in his office, carefully reviewing the documents pertaining to Kizaru Akimitsu. In the top right corner of the paper, a small picture of Kizaru provided a visual representation of the individual under scrutiny.

The information contained within the documents offered glimpses into Kizaru's background and life.

"Hmm... Kizaru Akimitsu, twelve years old," Sarutobi murmured, his eyes focused on the text. "His father perished during the Nine-Tails attack, and his mother passed away shortly after his birth. He was then taken in by an ordinary civilian who owns a bookstore, out of gratitude for Kizaru's father saving his life." The Hokage absorbed the details, his expression pensive.

"Declined the invitation to the ninja academy..." Sarutobi continued reading. "According to the bookstore owner, Kizaru is known for his timid and carefree personality." He exhaled a plume of smoke from his tobacco pipe, his thoughts drifting.

"Meditates in the forest frequently..."

As the Hokage delved deeper into the report, he sensed that there was more to Kizaru than met the eye. Kakashi's account indicated that Kizaru possessed a speed surpassing even that of a skilled jonin. There was an unmistakable air of mystery surrounding this young boy named Kizaru.

Lost in contemplation, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to gaze at the paper in front of him. While he occasionally kept an eye on Kizaru using the Telescope Technique himself, he couldn't dedicate all his time to the task, hence entrusting the Anbu with the responsibility of observing the boy.

Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen rose from his seat, a determined mutter escaping his lips. "It appears there is only one way to truly uncover the truth."

Filled with determination, the Hokage steeled himself for what lay ahead. He was resolved to personally meet Kizaru, and he devised a plan to engage the young man in conversation using a clever technique that would allow him to interact without revealing his true identity. This way, he hoped to gain insight into Kizaru's thoughts and feelings about the village.


"Did you see Kakashi-sensei? I thought he would help us meet Kizaru after reporting to the Third Hokage," Naruto grumbled, frustration evident on his face. They had been searching tirelessly for two days, but there was still no sign of Kizaru. Furthermore, Kakashi hadn't shown up since their last meeting.

"It seems Kakashi-sensei never had any intention of meeting Kizaru," Sasuke replied, his expression cool but his eyes narrowing in annoyance. He was itching to confront Kizaru again, to prove his superiority and skill. Ever since their initial fight, Sasuke had sensed a certain disdain from Kizaru, even if it hadn't been explicitly displayed. He tightly clenched his fists, a mix of excitement and anger coursing through him.

"It's strange not to have seen Kakashi-sensei these past few days..." Sakura mused, a hint of confusion in her voice. While Kakashi wasn't always present, in the beginning, he would gather them even without missions to strengthen their bond as a team. But now, two days had passed without any word from Kakashi, leaving Sakura puzzled.


As spring neared its end, giving way to the arrival of summer, an important event loomed on the horizon. Hiruzen Sarutobi contemplated the weight of the situation, his mind filled with solemn thoughts ,urging him to discover the true nature of Kizaru and his sentiments towards the village. He knew he had to meet him promptly.

With a determined stride, Hiruzen made his way to the forest where Kizaru was meditating.

Despite being a forest, the location where Kizaru chose to meditate was actually within the confines of the Hidden Leaf Village, Konoha. Within the village, there were still numerous underdeveloped areas that retained the lush greenery of the surrounding forest.

He appeared beside the surprised Anbu, who promptly bowed in respect. Hiruzen gestured for the Anbu to dispense with formalities before turning his attention to a young boy who had risen from his meditative position.


Kizaru, once again seeking solace in the forest, had meditated to taunt the observing Anbu. As he concluded his session, he sensed a familiar presence with his observation Haki—the Third Hokage, the old man himself. A faint smile played on Kizaru's lips, confirming his earlier suspicions.

Using his observation Haki, Kizaru sensed the chakra signature of the Third Hokage. It neither felt warm nor cold, but he could sense the vitality of the chakra, wrinkled and weathered by the passage of time, yet still resonating with power that had once been formidable.


Kizaru feigned ignorance toward the presence of the Third Hokage, choosing to act as if he hadn't noticed the elderly man. He was about to leisurely make his way home when he sensed something intriguing about the old fossil, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Detecting a transformation in progress, Kizaru realized that the Third Hokage had disguised himself as an ordinary bald monk, adorned with monk-like robes. As Kizaru walked, the Third Hokage strategically positioned himself on the same path, creating an illusion of a chance encounter.

Amused by the Third Hokage's efforts, Kizaru decided to play along, allowing the old man's plan to succeed. He continued walking along the path, fully expecting to meet the bald monk.

As predicted, Kizaru crossed paths with the monk, who stumbled and fell to the ground, trembling with apparent weakness. Without missing a beat, Kizaru, aware of the Hokage's ruse, rushed to assist the old man, feigning concern.

"May the blessings of yamabushi and tengu be upon you," the monk uttered, expressing gratitude toward Kizaru as he stood up with the aid of his beads of bracelets.

Kizaru couldn't help but find the Third Hokage's elaborate plan rather amusing. The old man was going to great lengths to learn more about him. However, Kizaru didn't let on that he knew the true identity of the monk.

"You should be more careful and take care of your aging body. Avoid unnecessary trips outside," Kizaru responded, feigning disinterest.

Observing Kizaru more closely, the Third Hokage noticed his unconventional attire, not commonly seen in Konoha. Moreover, from his view, the old man caught sight of the white grandiose cloak adorned with the word "justice" boldly written on the back.

"Justice," Hiruzen thought to himself. It became apparent that this young individual still held a sense of righteousness, evident from his choice to wear a cloak with such a conspicuous word. The Hokage's concerns about Kizaru's potential danger to the village began to diminish.

"Are you from this village? Your attire seems rather uncommon here," Hiruzen innocently and curiously asked Kizaru, attempting to engage him in conversation.