
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Kakashi and the others wore a range of expressions as they observed the unfolding situation. Naruto's teeth were clenched in anger as he cast fearful glances at Sasuke. Sasuke, though taken aback by the unexpected outcome of his Fire Ninjutsu, maintained his cold demeanor. Indifferent to Naruto's reaction, he spoke in a chilling voice, "If you can't handle this and lack the resolve to take a life, then you don't deserve to be a ninja."

Naruto's initial fear transformed into seething fury, his eyes burning with anger and frustration. "You... you bastard!" His fearful expression gave way to an unyielding rage directed at Sasuke.

Naruto's fearful expression transformed into unbridled fury as he clenched his hands into fists. His originally fearful eyes now burned with endless anger. Sasuke, surprised by Naruto's reaction, snorted dismissively and provoked him, "What? Do you want to avenge him?"

Sakura, watching the escalating tension between Naruto and Sasuke, muttered Naruto's name with concern. Kakashi shook his head, never anticipating that the situation would escalate to this level.

Just as Naruto was about to charge at Sasuke, a voice abruptly intervened. "Phew, that's dangerous... Never do that to someone again. It's hard to fathom the harm it could cause."

Sasuke, poised for a fight, froze in surprise, his eyes widening. Naruto, halted in his tracks, wore a shocked expression, followed by a visible sense of relief. They turned their attention to where Kakashi, Sakura, and Tazuna stood, and a familiar figure stood among them. Clothed in distinct attire with a Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, he stood next to a terrified Tazuna..

Kakashi, who had failed to detect Kizaru's approach, felt a chill run down his spine. His eyes narrowed in shock and disbelief. Kizaru's sudden appearance had unnerved him, and the realization that he had underestimated the man struck him. He had been unable to track Kizaru's movements or comprehend how he had managed to get so close to them undetected.

'This guy is far from ordinary... I misjudged him,' Kakashi thought, figuring out how Kizaru had evaded Sasuke's attack without a trace. What troubled Kakashi even more was the uncertainty surrounding Kizaru's intentions.

Meanwhile, Kizaru observed Sasuke and Naruto, their gazes filled with a mix of emotions. Kizaru had intended to feign his demise, allowing Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and the others to grapple with the guilt of taking an innocent life. He wanted them to experience that heaviness as a consequence of their unwarranted assault on him.

As he continued to observe the scene, Kizaru decided against it, realizing it could sour Sasuke's relationship with the others. While Kizaru usually wouldn't care, he couldn't ignore the potential complications that Naruto and Sasuke might face. Sasuke's earlier statement about the cruel world of ninjas lingered in the air, and even Kakashi, who disagreed, had to reluctantly admit its truth. Kizaru, who had been observing Naruto, felt a pang of guilt at the thought of affecting Naruto's bond with his friends, especially since Naruto reminded him of Luffy.

Although Naruto was much smarter than Luffy, it was undeniable that they both possessed the shounen qualities that deeply moved ordinary people, including Kizaru himself.

With these thoughts in mind, Kizaru made the decision to reveal himself and resolve the bond between Naruto and Sasuke.

"You... you're alive?" Naruto's voice trembled, as if he had known Kizaru for a long time, and his eyes even welled up with tears.

"Impossible!" Sasuke, the brooding individual, couldn't believe it and stared at Kizaru with a mix of astonishment in his eyes.

Feeling somewhat awkward and embarrassed by Naruto's emotional reaction, Kizaru glanced at Sasuke and let out a sigh. "That was a terrifying experience, you know. You almost killed me, and you only find it impossible? You're so cold."

"That's right, Sasuke. You're too cold. That's why I'm better than you," Naruto couldn't resist the opportunity to assert himself over Sasuke before he approached Kizaru. He walked up to him, this time without any intention of attacking, as he knew it would be futile. "I'm sorry for my earlier attack... I genuinely believed you were an enemy. But now that you've displayed your strength and barely harmed us, I don't consider you as our enemy. So please forgive me for attacking you!"

Naruto brought his palms together in a praying gesture and, with an embarrassed expression and closed eyes, bowed to Kizaru, admitting his mistakes.

"That's why you shouldn't attack someone who doesn't have the intention to attack you, and never attack with hostility," Kizaru shook his head with a sense of helplessness.

Naruto apologized once again, while Kakashi and the others observed Kizaru with curiosity.

Sasuke, who had been listening, wore a serious and solemn expression. He narrowed his eyes at Kizaru and asked, "Who are you?"

Kakashi also focused his gaze on Kizaru, maintaining a state of alertness. Fortunately, it seemed that Kizaru had no intention of attacking.

"Me? You're only asking now, after almost killing me?" Kizaru looked at Sasuke with an expression of disbelief before continuing, "You should have inquired about my identity or origin before jumping to the conclusion of attacking me."

Sasuke felt a tinge of embarrassment but concealed it, rebuking, "It was the idiot who attacked you first, not me."

Naruto twitched upon hearing this. "You shameless bastard! You wanted me to take all the blame?"

"And who do you think should take the blame? Of course, the one who wanted to show off takes all the blame!" Sasuke snorted, ignoring Naruto's grumbling as he turned his gaze back to Kizaru.

"Actually, your teacher already knows me..." Kizaru casually put his hands in his pockets, glancing at Kakashi, who was also being stared at by the others.

Kakashi was dumbfounded as all eyes were fixed on him. He pointed at himself while looking at Kizaru, who simply nodded in response.

"I apologize if what I'm about to say offends you... Although you seem familiar, I don't recall ever knowing you," Kakashi expressed a hint of awkwardness and embarrassment, flashing a sheepish smile as he spoke.

. . .

Silence engulfed the area as everyone's attention focused on Kakashi, who appeared somewhat unreliable at the moment.

Fortunately, Kakashi wore a mask, concealing the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth that everyone would have noticed otherwise.