
Chapter 67: Empty-handed

Even if the diligent search among the students bore no fruitful outcome, the everyday life and teaching routines within the stone walls of Hogwarts had to press forward. Admittedly, Dumbledore, wise to the uncertainties life presented, was well prepared for this outcome.

In the wake of Colin's attack and the brutal slaughter of all Hagrid's poultry, the venerable headmaster had taken it upon himself to suggest Hagrid acquire a flock of spry roosters and isolate them for their safety. Unimpressive as these creatures might appear, their significance was not lost on the Hogwarts staff – they were in fact a formidable weapon against the tyrannical Basilisk lurking within the castle.

The ambiance among the students had palpably shifted. The undercurrent of unease refused to ebb away with haste as it used to but found home in the hearts of every student, spreading like wildfire. This change was felt sharply by Professor Sherlock Forester.

After delivering his lecture to the second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts students, he noticed the draining energy and dwindling chatter amongst students once lessons concluded. With a gentle tap on the wooden podium with his book, he captured the attention of the young wizards and witches eager to escape the classroom.

"The topic for the next lesson will be on serpentine dark magical creatures. Those of you who find it intriguing can start gathering information in preparation for the upcoming lecture," said the stern professor with a stoic face.

The room suddenly fell silent until a curious Ravenclaw student, his hand stretched towards the ceiling, put forth his apprehension.

"Professor, our textbook for the year doesn't mention of serpentine dark magical creatures, why are we spending an entire lesson on them?" The question hung in the room as perplexed expressions beckoned for an answer.

Sherlock's intention to introduce serpentine dark magical creatures as a topic aimed to provide vital knowledge about Basilisks - their threat, weaknesses, and all relevant information to equip the students to survive another potential attack. This was a decision arrived at following intense discussions and consultations with Dumbledore, who had approvingly endorsed his approach.

Faced with the sea of inquisitive eyes, Sherlock tactfully smoothed over their confusion. "The recent events have left everyone a bit tense. It could be beneficial for all of us to deviate from our textbooks for a while and indulge in some unusual yet intriguing knowledge. Our next lessons won't be too serious, I want you to enjoy learning about a new class of creatures, that's all."

The announcement was received with exchanged glances among the students. Not one of them found the prospect of learning about serpents to be 'fascinating', or 'enjoyable'. But Hogwarts was known to encourage flexibility in learning content, Sherlock had the principal authority over the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Even if he chose to elucidate the complexities of nuclear fission, the students had no alternative but to lend an attentive ear.

As Sherlock was methodically collecting his possessions, preparing to exit, the familiar trio of Harry, Hermione, and Ron hesitatingly approached him. Pausing in his movement, Sherlock looked at them, "Isn't it true that you three were causing an scene in the Great Hall yesterday? Demanding to see me for some urgent matter? I hope there isn't another cause for suspicion against me?"

Harry hastily laughed, nervously wringing his hands, "Oh no, no, Professor Forester. Haha- we would never suspect you of all people, that'd be ridiculous. Actually we just wanted to ask you for a small favor."

At this, Hermione passed a piece of parchment into Sherlock's waiting hand. Along with Ron, she joined Harry to gaze at him with hopeful eyes. Sherlock found their behavior peculiar but shifted his focus to the parchment instead. Written in pencil was a simple message: 'Harry will not find a Knut in Hogwarts today.'

Eyebrows raised in intrigue, he returned his attention to the trio. "This tells me nothing about the favor you wanted to ask me for," he responded plainly.

"Could you read it aloud for us, just once?", Hermione pleaded.

"And what would the point in that be? How am I to guarantee if Harry will chance upon a Knut in Hogwarts today? Are you trying to manipulate a spell using language? Attempting to curse me, perchance?"

Harry and his friends were apprehensive about divulging their true thoughts to Professor Forester in fear of negative consequences. They were at a loss to provide a solid explanation, resorting to a desperate plea. "Professor, we're only thirteen! We promise, Professor, we're far from skilled enough to curse anyone. We just wanted you to say that sentence out loud, just once."

Seeing no end to their earnest pleading, Sherlock sighed deeply. He spoke with exasperation, "Harry will not find a Knut in Hogwarts today. Have we settled the matter? Refrain from troubling me further unless it's something of true importance. Go on, get about your business."

Their faces lit up in response, a sight that Sherlock found puzzling. He shrugged, too overwhelmed by the day's events, "Do you really believe Harry can't find any loose change lying around the castle?"

He found himself in the middle of their childlike antics, "How am I to know where he could find money within these walls? If I possessed such knowledge, what makes you think I would share it?"

With his words reverberating in the silence that followed, the trio's joyful exclamations echoed in the room. Relieved, they expressed their gratitude before scurrying away. Left to his solitude, Sherlock returned to his office to gather materials required for the lesson on serpentine dark magical creatures. His task was a significant one as he couldn't simply introduce the Basilisk directly–it would be too conspicuous.

Fresh from securing a strangely worded prophecy from Sherlock, Harry, Hermione, and Ron devoted all their remaining time to wandering the castle's sprawling corridors. Their eyes were glued to the floor, filled with hope that Harry could find a Knut.

It was over lunch that the ever-curious Ginny from Gryffindor House approached them, "What are you looking under the tables for? Dropped some food, or something?" Ron waved her off with undisguised annoyance, "Quit being nosy, Ginny, it's got nothing to do with you."

The trio explored every corner without luck. Ron, who had initially been so hopeful, grumbled, "I mean, what if the prophecy's a bit picky and decides to play its game only when the professor's mind is unguarded and he's speakin' his real thoughts?"

Hermione, although disappointed, had anticipated this outcome. "If all of Professor Forester's words had magical implications, he would be the most powerful wizard in the world."

Their dreams of saving Hogwarts crumbled as the day came to a dreary end, with Harry not finding even a solitary Knut. Deflated and exhausted, they retreated to the Gryffindor common room just in time for curfew.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Let me know what you thought of the chapter in the comments or give the book a vote (^ω^)!

_Riuxcreators' thoughts