
I'm just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, nothing more.

Just having crossed into the world of Harry Potter, Sherlock Forester, without a golden finger or memories of the original owner's life, regarded the offer letter from Hogwarts in his hand with a sneer. "It's just a professorship in Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts." ----------------- Years later, the Daily Prophet interviewed Harry Potter, one of the most outstanding wizards of the 21st century. "What was the happiest day of your life?" An involuntary smile spread across Harry's face. "The day after Professor Forester predicted that I would be taken by Voldemort." "Um… And the day you'd least like to relive?" Harry's face darkened immediately. "Every Christmas." "Why is that?" He covered his face in agony, letting out a sob. "Wu Wu Wu… Because on that day, Professor Forester would wish me Merry Christmas!" ----------------- This is a translation of '不过是黑魔法防御课教授罢了' by '大海船', you can support him on Qidian if you like.

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Chapter 57: Start of the Vacation

As expected, the trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione found themselves hurriedly ushered out of Professor McGonagall's office. It seemed they hadn't quite realized that without irrefutable evidence to bolster their claims, their words would be nothing more than unsubstantiated rumors.

The true depth of Professor Sherlock Forester's formidable talent for jinxing had only become clear to them after multiple discoveries and subsequent trials. The pressing challenge facing them now extended beyond convincing Professor McGonagall to accepting and acknowledging the danger that Sherlock presented.

A turbulent tempest of emotions engulfed Harry and Ron as they gazed upon Hermione's plight, their hearts gripped tightly in the clutches of unease and trepidation. However, Hermione's voice resonated through the gloom, suffused with a newfound determination.

"I must leave Hogwarts!" she declared. Caught off guard, Harry and Ron shot her questioning looks. Quick to defend their friend, Harry began, flustered,

"We understand you're at risk, Hermione, but leaving Hogwarts entirely isn't necessary!" Hermione dismissed Harry's concerns with a shake of her head, her voice resolute, "I'm not ending my time at Hogwarts; I merely need to leave its grounds for the Christmas break. "

Hermione's words rang out like a clarion call, banishing the shadows that draped over Harry and Ron's faces. In the throes of their concern, the epiphany dawned upon them that they'd overlooked the fact that Hermione wasn't bound to stay at Hogwarts Castle for Christmas despite having initially expressed the intent to do so. She could still change her plans and head home to enjoy the holiday season. Her absence from Hogwarts would mean that she would be out of harm's way even if Sherlock's sinister jinx still lingered. The relief was palpable.

In high spirits, Harry exclaimed, "Exactly! Professor Forester only wished you a joyful Christmas break. If you merely leave Hogwarts during this break and lay low, you'll be safe from the potential dangers!"

Ron's countenance lit up like the morning sun after days of relentless storm. They had danced precariously on the edge of calamity, yet fortune had graced them with her fleeting favor. In fact, Harry regarded his past year's adventure of protecting the Philosopher's Stone from Voldemort to be less thrilling in comparison. Professor Forester was just that horrifying! This thought continued to gnaw at Harry's mind.

Resolving Hermione's decision to spend the Christmas break at home was uncomplicated. They promptly appealed to Professor McGonagall to remove Hermione from the list of students planning to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday season. As a result, Hermione could catch the Hogwarts Express back to London a day before the holidays officially began. Cognizant of their close call, the trio resolved to prevent any further interactions with Sherlock in the days leading up to the Christmas break. They worried that even a casual greeting could trigger an unforeseen curse.

On the eve of Hermione's departure, she gave Harry and Ron stern instructions. "Remember we've got a potion brewing in the bathroom - it requires fueling the cauldron every three days. And on Christmas day, remember to steer clear of Professor Forester! If you can't avoid him, interrupt him before he has a chance to utter any Christmas greetings."

In the unfortunate event of being too late to interrupt, she advised that they immediately take refuge in the common room and stay there until the jinx's effect expires. As far as they could tell from past occurrences, the heir of Slytherin, who had opened the Chamber of Secrets, posed no life-threatening dangers. Hermione reiterated these instructions, her primary caution being to avoid testing Sherlock's jinx while she was away.

They'd carelessly thought being hexed by Sherlock would be entertaining, up until Hermione had been ensnared by his malevolent charms. With Hermione leaving, the Christmas holidays had been officially kick started. Sherlock, who had just wrapped up preparing practice books for his older students, looked forward to a much-deserved break.

Yet, he never let his vigilant guard waver. With the help of the Marauder's Map, Sherlock tracked Neville's comings and goings closely. Up until now, Sherlock had noticed a worrying regularity in Neville's peculiar behavior around the castle. There were no new attacks in two weeks and Neville's tracks on the Marauder's Map seemed normal.

Sherlock did not fail to notice the gradual improvements in Neville's condition, based on his mealtimes alone. Neville's complexion had revived from a pallid hue to a healthier glow, and he seemed to be more at ease compared to his earlier jittery demeanor. Despite retaining an outwardly timorous appearance, his incessant nervousness seemed subverted. Sherlock was left to ponder the cause of Neville's sudden turnaround.


In the enchanted halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a palpable sense of enchantment filled the air on Christmas morning. As the first light of day broke through the ancient windows, it painted the snow-capped grounds and towering turrets with a warm, golden hue, ushering in the magic of the festive season. As the morning unfolded, the enchanting atmosphere seemed to weave its magic on every student and staff member at Hogwarts. It was not merely a celebration; it was a harmonious blend of tradition, unity, and the extraordinary wonder of the wizarding world.

As the students were unpacking their gifts in their respective dormitories, so too was Sherlock in his office. As he first woke up he had discovered a pile of assorted gift boxes in his room. Gift givers primarily included members of the Order of the Phoenix, who regarded him a pivotal figure in their ranks.

Sherlock's lone Christmas present, a box of festive candies, was set aside to be given to Professor Dumbledore, the only person to ever receive a gift from the original owner. The annual exchange was customary, started five years earlier when the original owner realized Dumbledore's sweet tooth. Sherlock, taking inspiration from the original owner's private journal, had preserved this tradition without fail. Along with the gift, he included a small parchment that read - "Merry Christmas, Professor Dumbledore."

Once he was done unwrapping his presents, mostly consisting of magical books, a handmade sweater from Mrs. Weasley, and a knitted hat from Professor McGonagall, Sherlock slipped on his new sweater beneath his robes, topped it with the dark blue knitted hat, and left his office to aid in the decoration of the Great Hall. However, just as he was ascending the first-floor staircase, he caught sight of Dumbledore, his silvery beard catching the sunlight as he slowly made his way up, seemingly recovering from an unexpected slip on the stairs.

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