
I'm just a Bartender

A man who fought continuously with and for his comrades was met with a setback during one of there [missions]...causing them to meet the wrong enemies, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. So, in a quick decisive decision... "I'll lured them away while you guys make a run for it! I'll catch up with you guys after I'm done! Trust me on this!" Giving them a grin before shooting off the opposite direction. Then...he was never seen again...assumed to be dead, his comrades grieved there lost because of a such major blunder in there [mission]. Soon after a decade they have all long gone there own paths but, One by one his comrades hear news of a Bartender displaying rather unique but awfully familiar feats of there once dead comrade. Join our lovely but scandalous Bartender as his once peacefully life of enjoying his Bartendering for a decade long is thrown out the window. Completely due to his comrades entering in his life again one by one along with others who he helps change their own life's for the better or worst.

BarryMcCockener · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Bartender You Say

At the Capital of Alavia, University of Arcane and Discovery

At the top floor of the pristine University, in a large luxurious room, where a huge artistically craved desk with a turned off lamp near a neatly stacked piles of papers that could be seen spread across the desk, placed in front of a magically enhanced window that reached to both ends of the room and was adored with violet golden trimmed curtains; pushed to the side to reveal a beautiful nightly lit view of the school and the Capital.

A lonely gorgeous woman with long white hair drifting down below her waist she was wearing a translucent nightgown while standing near the window; staring down at the the star like view of her school...with tired yearning eyes...as if lost in her own swirl of memories...

"It really has been over a decade since you've been gone...yet"

Grabbing a hold of a lusterless crystal necklace tied behind her white delicate nape, placing it on the top of her plam...looking down at the single crystal with melancholy eyes but, nothing changed within the lackluster crystal like she was hoping for...it hasn't for years, so what was she expecting...

A miracle...?

A sign...?

Gripping the small crystal tightly upon her chest with a straining hope...

"Even with this clear evidence that I'm holding around my neck...I simply just can't make a certain judgment that you're truly gone..."

Feeling a deep struggle within herself of accepting this reality, Staring out her window with a white slender hand placed upon it while still holding on to the dull crystal within her ample bosom.

"I know you're still out there...somewhere, even if the others have accepted your passing...I know...that deep inside...that they're still holding on to that negligentable fragment of hope...like I do"

Reassuring herself with an undying hope that has been burning ever so slowly in her heart, even if the cruel odds of him being alive is close to nonexistent!

"I will not yield!...Not yet!"

As she started to feel a different emotion that burned with hatred inside, remembering what those disgraceful religious snakes bastards did right after his supposed death!

"Not after those degenerates announced your death to the world like some glorified achievement while we all mourned your passing in hiding like some underground criminals...!"

With a renewed determination spreading throughout her body as she glanced up at night sky with bright stars surrounding a full moon, painting a splendorous display before her eyes.

"I'll make sure to put things right!"

*Bzzzt Bzzt*

Hearing the vibrations, she closed her eyes for a few moments before walking over to her desk, pushing aside her exotic leather chair to the side and opening a desk drawer, revealing a small communication device that looked like a blue cubed gemstone as it glowed faintly with each vibration.

Grabbing a hold of it within her palm, she channeled her magical energy into the cubed gemstone changing the color to a fuchsia like shade and connected the call.

"Why are you calling at this hour of the night?"

{Oh my~ Someone's a bit cold tonight~}

"Then you better have a good reason to warm my mood before I decide to freeze you into an ice sculpture and put you on display for the whole school to see"

{Oh no~ that won't do us any good for both of us~ but I digress, since I have some wonderful news!}

"Then speak, I don't have all night"

"Well~ I might have found the perfect candidate that you have been oh so painstakingly looking for~"


{Oh? Are things really that bad at your end that you don't want to arrogantly berate your loyal subordinate any further~?}

"I'm ending the call"

{Okay okay~ I'll talk!}

The mature woman at the other end of the call recited all the things she had heard and witnessed at first hand, From the ridiculous rumors to the scrap that happen during thier first interaction.

{And he goes by the name of-}


{Hm? What's the matter?}

"You expect me to believe a Human Bartender and his waitress achieved all of those ridiculous things you just told me?"

{Well~...No, I don't and I can see why you wouldn't trust such rumors but, I have seen thier strength at first hand, Especially the Bartender's"

"How can you be so sure it isn't all just complete and utter dribble from the townsfolk in order to scare travelers?"

{That's because...}

Pausing to herself to think about all that she has witnessed at first hand, She could assure herself that not all the rumors were complete lies, except for the stampede one, that one was too ridiculously to be true even by a lunatics standards.

But, that Bartender...he was something else entirely...At first, the girls and her thought of him as an exceptional Bartender, an expert at his craft.

So, we decided to have our little fun and began flirting with him openly after leaving the dumb bull to his own deject malice.

As the plan was to riled up the prey they have been trying to seduce, to get him to lose his mind over begin made a fool of and it worked!

Hearing a table being smashed up and then seeing the daft bull come charging at there direction with a look of a mad man, we all move to the side with faked terrified looks on our faces as the ugly bull came over and grabbed the Bartender by the black tie.

Thinking that we were all going to see a good show but...His reaction was...not what we expected. Such an uncaring and unconcern attitude emerge from his face instead.

Then he stared straight at us with a smile...and spoke sweet nothings to us with a playful wink at the end.

But to us..that smile had a different meaning behind it...it felt like a warning directed towards us, as if already suspecting us of causing him so much unnecessary trouble.

When he spoke to us in a calm comforting way...it was more like a hidden threat of what would happen to those who got on his bad side...as he quickly rendered the mad bull to howling mess on the ground with just a simple tight grip on his wrist before letting go and asking his waitress to 'take out the trash'...

What shock us even more was when out of nowhere, he pulled out a pouch of coins that belonged to the pathetic bull that was on his knees due to the prowess of the waitress, tossing it in his hands innocently.

We never saw when or how he manage that with everyone's eyes on him! Not even a hint of magic was sensed at all during the whole incident!

At that point, My girls were holding on to me for dear life as they shook in fear, not wanting to stay a second longer but couldn't move because thier legs had grown completely weak...until he spoke to us again as if concern for our safety and apologized for the disturbance, when in reality it was to see if we had had seen enough to know what we were dealing with.

The sense of dread that dripped off of him...I hadn't ever felt this sort of danger since I was a fledgling barely starting out...but there was another feeling that sprouted out from within myself...fearful magnetic attraction towards him...there was something about him that made him different than the other men I've seen in my lifetime...but, I wasn't sure if I was confusing it with my own fear of him or if was just sense of arousal because of the dangerous feeling he was oozing out...

But, weird feelings aside I had to convince the girls to stay or it would just confirm his suspicions even more, even though he more than likely knew already what was going on and plus, free drinks.

By the time night rolled in, the girls who were fearing for their lives were overcome with liquid courage as they fawned over him, which ended in rejection.

Noticing a few dozen or so auras closing in towards the bar I quickly wrote a note with magic and giving it a kiss, making it look like I was wiping my mouth before slipping it underneath my glass, thinking that this could call us even.

After leaving I decided to lay in wait on top of the bar with the passed out girls just in case, but in the end I wasn't needed at all.

But the best part it all? His taste! oh God his was so pure! so rich! So much raw energy from just one quick taste!

Seeming lost in thought as she just utters out one line.

{He was so delightful~...}

"Excuse me?"

{Oh! What I mean is that he's definitely the real deal!}


Noticing the tense silence on the other she clears her throat to continue where she left off.

{Well~, knowing that he can take three consecutive kisses from three succubus and still have enough energy to take on a night raid on his own with no fear, Can be considered already impressive if you ask me~}

Honestly, The mature succubus still didn't even know how he manage to over take the other two, other than using the excuse of them being drunk and not in control...while she was figuring out what exactly happened, the comms broke her train on thought.

"That just tells me he's a reckless, womanizing, human fool, who has no concept of rational thinking"

She immediately shot down her reason without a second thought before saying.

"Besides, how do you even know if he took care of the rest of the attackers, when you left almost at the beginning of it all?"

{Oh my~ Believe me, I only needed to stay for the first bit to know how efficient his methods were~}

"A likely story"

{Oh please~, he's exactly what you need~ or are you going to tell me that all the other pushovers you've hired were any better?}

"Hmph they were just unqualified for the role, that's all"

She didn't want to quibble with the this mouthy succubus about all the spineless incompetent imbeciles she had to deal with at the time. Quickly deciding to shift the conversation back on topic.

"Then pray tell, why should I take your words at face value Autumn?"

{A woman's intuition~}


{And you know I'm never wrong when it comes to these type of things~}

She silently started to rub her temple in a slow circular, As if to alleviate an incoming headache.

{You can't afford to be picky~ you know~}




{Can I take that as a 'yes'~?}

"I'll send two of my trusted aides to deliver an invitation"

{Wonderful~! I'll sent you the information of the whereabouts of the town!}

Feeling happy with herself, before hearing her next order through the comms.

"Just make sure you you report back to me when you've returned to the Capital"

{But of course, Head Mistress~ I just need to take care of our 'covers' on the way~ ufufufu~}

She knew full well what she meant by that last statement, as she heard Autumn's last attempt to reassure her of her decision.

{You won't regret choosing him~ I guarantee it! Ciao~}

The call ended...She toss the cubed gemstone back in her desk drawer, feeling a sense of defeat taking over her body.

Walking around her desk and towards the middle of the room, where a lengthy lower glass table and two lavish couches on both sides of the table could be seen.

She lazily plopped down on one of the couches then slowly eased herself on her back with an arm and leg hanging out the side while her other arm covered her closed eyes...like she was trying to contemplate something.

(...A reckless, womanizing, fool...how...oddly familiar)

Soon she realized something that she forgot to ask Autumn, As she was slowly started getting up half way.

"I forgot to ask her his name after I cut her off..."

Thinking of getting up to inquire Autumn about it...But, ultimately decided not to do so in the end.

"I'll probably know his name when I meet him in person or when Autumn comes back"

Laying back down on her side with languid looking eyes; slowly opening and closing, wanting to lull herself to sleep until...

[■ K■■w ■e'■ s■i■l a■i■e, ■e ■a■-]

"So do I, but were in no position to seek him out just base off a feeling..plus where would we look?"


"Shhh~ I know...You miss him too, don't you?


"Just keep holding on to that hope burning within you, just like I am...that's the only thing we can do for him"

Feeling the presence subside within her subconscious after their little pep talk exchange, knowing that she wasn't the only one missing him...suddenly she thought of the candidate...

"A Bartender you say..."

Letting out an exasperating breath, feeling her throat getting a bit dry from talking all that nonsense with Autumn.

"I need a drink..."

Sorry if this chaper took a bit longer than usual but, I really had to get in the mood for this one and that means finding the right music.

But, overall I tried not describing which teammate it was in the chapter but, I'm sure it's kinda of obvious who it is.

I might involve the succbi's a bit more.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it!

Please leave a comment or review if you enjoyed it or feel like it can be improved!

Have a splendid reading experience!

BarryMcCockenercreators' thoughts