
I'm Inside Naruto Manga

A shuriken flew through the air. It is an unexpected angle. The moment it was so close to him, Logan's eyes widened - not because of the sharp weapon that carried death, but because of the thing that jumped out of the shadows. A line of text that should not exist in this world appeared behind him. [To be continued...] "To be continued?" Update Schedule: 4chp/1week Mon,Wed.Fri,Sun.

Iampoorguy · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 47 Take Care

"I'm okay," Itachi forced a smile. Of course, this was a lie. Logan found it hard to imagine where Itachi's situation could possibly be considered okay.

"I gained a lot from being in Kakashi-senpai's team before. I indeed became ANBU Captain recently, but it's not something worth boasting about. Senpai, you were promoted to captain much earlier."

Itachi said. He didn't want to mention his current awkward and dangerous situation. He was drifting between Third Hokage and the Uchiha Clan, and with plans to join Akatsuki in the future. He could only bury his inner turmoil in his heart, as speaking out at this time would only cause Logan to be dragged into trouble.

Logan scratched his head, realizing that asking about Itachi's situation was futile. He followed Itachi's lead and said, "Well, being a captain isn't all that great. The pay is low, and there's a lot of work."

Itachi's expression stiffened, 'That's not exactly what I wanted to express...'

After finishing a cup of tea and exchanging a few inconsequential remarks, as Itachi was not a talkative person. Seeing that the conversation heading towards awkward small talk, Logan promptly asked if Itachi wanted to tour the house.

Itachi gladly accepted, and Logan took him around his house. Of course, there wasn't much to see, as Logan had lived alone for many years and hadn't put much thought into decorating or arranging the house.

Soon, they arrived in the wooden corridor, looking at the yard bathed in moonlight.

"I've been living alone all this time, so there's not much interesting stuff around." Logan chuckled and said, feeling a bit embarrassed about the lack of furniture.

"That's okay." Itachi stood side by side with Logan. This was probably the first time he had visited a friend's house alone, without the company of his parents or clan members.

Touring the house also revealed another side of Logan to him. In the past, he had always lived in a large clan where there were always plenty of people around. Although having many people also brought many troubles, but here, just after taking a stroll around, he could feel how lonely it would be to live here normally.

"Senpai, you probably don't have parents, right?" Itachi tried to say.

"Well, I've been alone since I came here." Logan replied calmly. It was the truth. He still had his family on Earth, but he was indeed alone when his six-year-old body appeared in the Land of Fire.

When Itachi heard this, he took it with a different meaning. He felt that this is the classic setup for a 'tragic backstory', so he wanted to say some cliche words of comfort, but considering that it was Logan, it didn't seem necessary.

"Itachi, you must have a lot of relatives and friends in your large clan. It must be quite lively usually." Logan said casually, wondering why Itachi had come over tonight.

'It couldn't just be a sudden impulse to visit, right? Considering the current situation in the village, was he seeking help?'

But Logan knew that Itachi won't do that. Itachi, being who he was, would naturally choose to silently tread the path of tragedy alone.

Logan felt that Itachi was likely here to bid him farewell.

"Well, there are a lot of people, and we all live together..." Itachi said with a vacant look, "But not all clan members can get along with each other, and there are conflicts usually. My father is also very strict during meals at home."

"Oh, so there are a lot of rules in a big clan?" Logan nodded with deep understanding, "It's more comfortable being alone. Oh, by the way, Itachi, don't you have a younger brother? What's his name?"

"My foolish brother is Uchiha Sasuke, he is eight years old this year." Itachi said, a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips, "How do you know, Senpai?"

Logan's gaze drifted to the moon in the sky, "Well, you know, there's always that kid who ranks first in the Ninja Academy, and he's from the Uchiha Clan... Just hear the gossip from people in the village, and you'll find out."

"Sasuke's skills are still very poor, he has a long way to go." Itachi felt a twinge of happiness in his heart, but he maintained a calm demeanor.

"As a big brother, why are you so strict? Be careful or he might not like you in the future." Logan teased.

"Senpai, you jests."

The cool moonlight shone in the yard, casting mottled shadows on some potted plants.

"Being strict... is also for better growth." Itachi said softly.

Logan's expression shifted slightly, but he still didn't say anything.

After a while, as time passed, Logan noticed that Itachi had been lost in thought for quite some time. He wondered if he should steer the conversation in another direction and then go back to their own house to sleep.

As for getting Itachi to stay overnight, Logan felt it wasn't a good idea. After all, he was afraid that the Third Hokage would point his crystal ball in their direction and peeped them crazily.

Moreover, if Kishimoto decided to write a flashback scene with Itachi and him sharing a room... Those Fujoshi among the fans can be very scary.

"Senpai." Itachi suddenly spoke up, "Will you be a Jonin Instructor in the future?"

Logan paused for a moment, then replied uncertainly: "Teaching a team of Genin as a Jonin... A friend of mine did that after he retired. Maybe I will..."

Logan wasn't really keen on staying in the ANBU anymore, but he also wouldn't switch careers to become a Jonin Intructor. After all, isn't this just bringing three useless baggages? How can he improve his strength then? It was just polite conversation. But when he glanced at Itachi's face, Logan suddenly understood, 'Was he not worried about Sasuke?'

"Senpai, you're a very skilled Ninja. I think if Sasuke is taught by you after he graduated, he can grow up quickly." Itachi smiled and said, but he could tell Logan's response was perfunctory, "But knowing Senpai's personality, you might prefer being alone."

"Hey, that's not entirely true. It depends on the person." Logan patted Itachi's shoulder, "What's our relationship? We've been through life and death situations together in Amegakure. Don't you remember how I teach you how to collect information correctly? Haha. If there's a chance in the future, I can guide Sasuke."

Knowing that even Itachi can do absolutely ruthless things, and he is expressionless on the surface in the original work and shows no pity for Sasuke, but deep down, there was still a hint of concern. After all, Sasuke was just an eight-year-old kid who would have to grow up on his own someday.

Logan then thought, 'I, a kind-hearted Ninja, definitely have a warm heart.'

Of course, after saying he would mentor Sasuke, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. After all, Sasuke will be one of the two strongest Ninja in the future.

"In that case, thank you, Senpai." After hearing this, Itachi thanked him sincerely, without any doubt.

After a while, Itachi mentioned leaving. Logan politely asked him to stay before being refused, and then he escorted Itachi to the outside of the yard.

"Senpai, this is as far as you need to go." Itachi said calmly, his face gradually returning to its usual cold demeanor, "I wish you a good sleep."

'Perhaps this would be our last meeting as Konoha's Shinobi.' Logan sighed in his heartas he watched Itachi turn away.

Instead of saying the usual 'be careful on your way home' or 'sweet dreams', he hesitated for a moment before saying: "Take care."

Itachi paused for a moment, then nodded.

"Take care."

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