
I'm Inside His Dream

“For him, it was just a dream. But for me, it was all real.” -Shiana Alvarez “I know it was just a dream but why do I feel like it was all real?” -Yuno Muri

race_to_G · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Job

"Okay, so now that were inside, tell me your proposal. What is that job you want me to do? If it is something illegal, I will not do it, okay?"

"Don't worry, it's not illegal but it can cost you your life."

"What?! What kind of job is it, that it might cost me my life? Is it the same as selling your body organs?"

"No, it's not like that. You're not going to sell your organs but you need to sell your sleep."

"What? Sell my sleep? Are you kidding? Will this be an experiment where you'll be observing me as I stay awake for a few days without any sleep?"

"Again, no, it's not like that. Can you just shut up for a while and let me speak?"

"Okay." I looked at him and do that gesture where you move your fingers to your lips as if you're zipping it.

"Okay, first this is not a job where you need to be awake it's actually the opposite of that. What you have to do is to sleep but as you've said earlier, this will be like an experiment."

I glared at him when he said that. If it's an experiment, then it really is something dangerous.

"A rich CEO's son is currently in a coma. He's been like that for 3 years now and his parents want to do anything to wake him up. They believe that their son is trapped inside his dream and that the only way for him to wake up is to have someone enter inside his dreams and convince him to wake up. Apparently, his father is a great engineer and his mother is a doctor. They made a machine that could make someone enter another person's dream. In short, they will be asking you to sleep, then they will operate that machine and have you enter their son's dream."

"Hahaha, is this a joke? Did someone beat you so bad? Because I think you need to get your head checked. You're spouting nonsense right now. Do you think I will believe this funny story of yours?"

I'm laughing so hard because what Rob has been saying seems to be a joke. But when I look at him, he seems so serious.

"I'm not joking Shiana. I'm telling you the truth. I also thought that my friend who told me this was also joking at first but he seemed so serious when he's telling me this story. He also showed me all the information about his client's request."

"Okay, so let's say I agree with this, how much will I be paid to get this job done and what exactly should I do to wake that male version of sleeping beauty?"

"The client will give 2 million to whoever get this job done."

"2 million? That's a huge amount but this will really be a life threatening job as I will not know what would happen once that machine was used on me. Huh, the parents must really love their son so much to do this. But, why won't they do it themselves?"

"It's because they are the only ones who know how to operate the machine and they don't trust anyone. As you know, this concerns their son's life.But Shiana, actually they are not the client."

"What? If they are not the client, then who is?"

"The client asking us to get this job done is the son's fiancé. She's having an affair with another man and when the CEO's son found it out, he threatened to cancel their engagement and that he will reveal to everyone what she has been doing but on the same day, her fiancé got into an accident and was not able to reveal her affair."

"Ok, so this job is about a marriage and betrayal, huh."

"Well, this is really quite a complicated story. Anyway, the client still needs time before she can execute her plans to avoid any conflicts that her fiancé might cause once he wakes up but if he wakes up before then, she will be in a great trouble. That's what she doesn't want to happen. So your job will be to keep the guy trapped inside his dream for a longer time."

"Huh, sounds easy but if I kept him inside his dream, then I'll be trapped in there as well. Also, how can I possibly keep him inside there? I don't even know what's going to happen once that machine is installed on me."

"That's for you to know. So, are you in?"

"Your offer seems to be a hard one. Let me think more about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll wait for your response until tomorrow but I bet you're going to grab it. Tomorrow's the deadline Boss set for you right? This is the best opportunity for you to pay all your debts as well as your sister's hospital bills"

He's right. This is a great offer but is that machine really safe? What if I don't wake up after doing that? Ugh, I don't know. I'll just sleep for now and let's see what tomorrow will bring.