
I'm in Solo Leveling With My Brothers

Me and brothers are in Solo leveling, we just got our memories back when the first gate appear in front of us. So it's up to us fight against the monarch & brilliant light whatever they call themselves. Warning: I don't own solo leveling, the credits goes to owner that made solo leveling. I'm just fan that's looking forward to see solo leveling on Anime,and I'm just making some random fiction ideas for the readers to enjoy.

Mazino_Carlodaze · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 plan

The brothers house

Michael woke up from on top of bed. He can see his brothers sleeping all over the floor, He didn't wanna wake them so he got up and head straight to the bathroom. His reflection looks like he still in college, but should he look little bit older.

Michael " Should change my appearance a little bit"

"Hey guys!!!"

The boys woke up mid way , because someone shout outta know where. They know who own that voice, so they went right back to sleep.

" Wake up guys!, I'm serious who took my toothpaste & my brush"

Michael " Lilian, you know we didn't touch it."

Lilian " Then who took it!"

Michael " Did you check inside the mirror "

Their sister went back to check, while that is happening. Michael went outside and checked the mail and get the newspaper, he started to like this world.

Michael " Damn it!, the bills is getting higher"

Michael went back inside and turn the TV on. He also read the newspaper, he was looking at any good news about hired or see what other guilds accomplishments.

" Heyyy... man"

Michael " What's up issei"

Issei: " Can you turn it down please I'm trying to sleep 😴"

Michael " Alright"

Michael was reading the newspaper, he was looking at the scavenger guild. Thomas Andre took down another red gate with his teams,and the promising future for the hunters.

This is also for others that wanna the best guild in America, please come right ahead to our guild we still hiring for new awakeners.

Michael then saw someone familiar on TV, he put his news papers away.

Michael: " Hey guys look at this"

Everyone woke at the same time, they also saw who they recognized from the television.

Mike: " Is that Hwang dongsoo from Korea ."

Michael: " Yea, the S rank huner"

Issei " Must be nice betraying their own country, just to get little bit juice from grandmom."

Michael: " Should we go hunt him"

Everyone: " Yeah!"

Issei: " Besides, it's our first time meeting him "

Michael: " Stop it, it's not time yet... We should find a gate to test our ability, likely for us there is spot available"

Issei: "Which is!"

Michael was excited he just pull out his phone, he immediately call the number on the Newspaper. Issei saw Michael smiling, he knows something aren't right. He was sweating hard and worried what is about to happen.


Week later...

" You guy's are E rankers, I don't why would you guys wanna work here. It's pretty dangerous in C level gate, I'm only gonna say this once. Do you guys wanna participate in this gate"

Issei " We told you three times again, we are 100% sure."

Michael "Yes"

"Alright then. You can call me Johnathan Kellal, and I would be your boss temporarily, since our last boss as call in"

Michael " Why did he call in"

Johnathan " His wife cheated on him with his best friend"

Michael " Wow"

Jonathan " Now then, please follow me and meet your teammates"

Jonathan show them around the neighborhood, since the portal appear in front the road next to the houses.

Jonathan " Okay guys, here are the new teams. This are the brothers that are gonna support you while holding your bags, so please be kind since there the only ones who apply for this job.

Jake " So..... This are the new teams, that I heard so much about"

Stacy " Woo... They look kinda hot as well(Blush)"

Mei " Yesssss...wooooo... Are you guys famous or something (blushing)"

Issei " Nah, we just looked like this since birth 😉"

Mei & Stacy: " Yes baby.... We can see that"

Jake didn't like to see girls, getting along and talking to this new pretty boys. They made it so easy talking with them, it took him a week to talk with this girls.

Jake " Hey guys, are you a hunter by chance"

Jonathan walk and told them at the last minute.

Jonathan " Sorry, I forgot to tell you this. The brothers are E rank. Please protect them very well, just in case any monsters attack them."

Jake " Really "

Jonathan: " Yes"

Jake " So they are a nobody then...haha... This is hilarious, I thought they were some big shot or something."

Kevin: " Hahahah.. This whole time that, I thought there some B ranker at least but and E rank"

William " Hahaha.... Come on guy's... Let's not embarrass them...."

The brothers eyes were all lock on them, they were aura showing behind them. The other teams didn't sense it, since they control their murder intents perfectly without anyone noticing. Issei was gonna use sharingan on them but Michael hold his shoulder saying.

Michael " Don't, let's just wait for right moment. We can't let this fools gets to us, let's go with the plan."

Issei eyes was showing, he was gonna put this asholes in a genjujustu. Michael hold him again tightly on his shoulder, showing him to stop.

Michael " Put.... it ....away..now (Mad)"

Issei "..."

Andrew " Mongrel, don't let this lower life get to you. You should be calm,and wise like a true king like me."

Issei " (You 😡 💢💢💢)"

Michael " Alright your Majesty, thank for wise words 💢"

Andrew " Your welcome servant, you should learn from this wise king"

Issei " Lol"

Michael " That's it, I'm gon...."


Jonathan " Follow me guys"

Everyone now raiding this C level gate, the brothers went in. When they got in there they were more hunters was waiting for them, so now they have 300 hunter in this gate.

"Hey look, those guys are from the Slayer guild (Man voice)"

" Yeah, take a look over there. Angel guild as well(Man voice)"

" I heard the Angel guild hired only womens in their guild( Man voice )"

" Guys look over there, it's silver guild"

" I heard they are the second strongest guild, I heard their guild is aiming for first spot in America( Women voice)"

" Good luck with that, the scavenger guild Thomas Andre will never let that happen (Man voice) "

" Speaking of scavenger guild, they are some over there talking to one of the Angel guild(man voice)"

" That one is David Cortez a.k.a the trainer, he is an A rank he was reawaken 6 month ago."

" I heard that he is a tank"

Issei " Hey Michael, should we go ahead since no one could keep up or see us"

Michael " They are about to go, so we should just grab some monsters core while we at it."

Everyone "😮‍💨 alright "

Jonathan " Let's go guys, we don't want to fall behind right"

Jake " Hey don't forget our bags"

David " haha.... Hey, make sure not to drop them as well. We got some very important equipment in their (Smirk)"

Issei and Andrew were looking at them while smiling, Michael also smile and watched them walk away.

Andrew " This Mongrels still doesn't know their place, should I send them to the afterlife."

Michael " Your Majesty, they are beneath you. You shouldn't dirty your treasure with insult, besides they don't have much time left any ways(grind)"




The battle was starting, the guilds were fighting a giant monster. The Angel guild were using magicians to protect the warriors from a different teams, they were using all types buffs for the hunters.

The scavenger guild were killing more monster then the other guilds, specially David he killing a bugs while shield his teammates.

His armor was tall & bigger, he was holding a axe while hold ok n a giant shields well. His teammate jumped from behind him, and stab few of the bugs that's coming at them.

David Cortez " Don't let them near the healers"

[Speed activated]


" We got this in the bag man( man voice)"



The sound of sword battle was intense, 3 hunters already kill 18 monsters already.

Jack " This feels amazing, this bugs are dead now, show we moved on"

David Cortez " Wait we should wait for our teams"

Jack " Come on man!, let's kill some more monster. Besides, the other guilds are already moving ahead of us. We can't let them take our score, what will our image be like if they got the boss before us."

" He is right, we don't want that. It will ruin our guild reputation, we have to move before they reach the boss room"

David Cortez was thinking about their safety, but they are right about what they said. If other guilds reach the boss and kill they will claim everything in this gate, he doesn't have choice.

David: " Alright. Let's move forward before any other guilds comes"

Everyone " Now that is our leader!"

While everyone was celebrating, on other side of the gate. There is giant door, inside there someone sitting on top a giant dead body. He was waiting for someone, he was still sitting while waiting for them to reach there.