
I'm Playing Minecraft! (Prologue)


( Darkereyener Tried To Swim In Lava. )

( Score: 116439 )

[ Spectate World ]

[ Delete World ]

I read the text with a mortified expression.

All because I got excessively near peeking over the lava In the Nether.

"Do you know how much I sacrificed?!"

Now this wouldn't be such an issue as I could merely Respawn but...

The thing Is I can't...

...I for my own good became too arrogant and attempted to win the Game In [Hardcore]...

Such an embarrassing thing to happen to someone who's 'experienced' Minecraft Player If I say so myself.

And yes I actually took my time building and mining for at least a year.

Even going as far as cultivating the seeds which many people don't for some reason do.

As I miserably sat on my chair I heard a creak from the door of my Room.

It was my Mother.

"Dear? Is something—"

"Get the Fuck out of my room I'm playing Minecraft!"

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I In the Heat of the moment—And In unnecessary rage proceeded to throw the Controller on the wooden floor which clearly broke It.

'Fuck Indeed...'

As I sat there I slowly but gradually began to understand what I've done.

"...Just leave Mom."

Might as well save some of my dignity.

I was always the kind of person who always apologized while looking the person I've wronged In the eyes but this time I couldn't so I planned to apologize tomorrow.


Then I glanced in bitter at the choices I had on the TV screen again.

But something surprised me.

[ Spectate World ]

[ Delete World ]

[ Experimental Update ]

( 3% ... )

I read the last 'choice' that I had and the thick text in it was beautifully covered in Diamond.

My favorite Gemstone.

But anyway.

'Experimental Update?'

I haven't heard any of that since the last time I checked Twittar.

Which was a few hours ago.

What's going on?

Surely there would be an announcement of something like this right?

I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and checked Twittar and as I was right there weren't any notifications on my phone about any of this 'Experimental Update'.


I decided to check it out tomorrow as of right now I should get finally some sleep.

Don't get me wrong and forgive me for this heresy because I would rather just continue playing but there's school tomorrow.

And it would let me kill two birds with one stone as I'd expect the 'Experiment Update' Probably to take a long time for it to finish.

So for now let me just doze off like a log.


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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. And don't worry there's gonna be character development but It all honestly depends on how I pull it off.

LightNeyercreators' thoughts