
I'm in love with my sadist boss.

I think I'm in love with tormentor. He is the absolute bane of my existence, he is my master. I'm my master's puppet doing all he's ever asked of me without question. He is my master, my enemy, my family and the most important person in my life all wrapped up in one. Nut despite all he has done to me I still love him. But I could never tell him he didn't regard me as a person

Daoist39qZiP · Realistic
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1 Chs

Chapter one.

As I sat in my office I thought back to the first time I met him. It was years ago, I was a different person than I am now. He was like an angel with the light behind him illuminating his shiny blonde locks. "Sir, the documents you wanted " said Claire my secretary of three years now. She had been the only one who managed to work for me this long because master didn't want anyone suspecting anything, I didn't even know what he did to my last secretary but I knew I couldn't have been anything good. " Thank you, Miss Claire." I said addressing her formally. She wasn't my friend even though I wish she was but I couldn't master didn't allow me and I didn't want any harm coming to her because of me. I sighed as I looked away from her leaving back and picking up the file she dropped on my table. An attorney who was quite competent was picking a bone with cos we murdered her father, I know it's a terrible thing to do but it was master who ordered it besides her father was being a nosy bastard and that's just how things work around here. Besides she was also one of our lawyers once so she should know this is how we handle things. She doesn't work for us anymore since we kinda murdered her father. Well she is causing us a big headache, I had to report this to the boss to know the next line of action. The thought of having to meet up with him later put my stomach in knots even though I actually live with him.

It was a busy day at the office, getting out as one of my numerous bodyguards opened the door and bowed respectfully. I stepped out thinking of how limited my privacy was given that my bodyguards were always following me around but they did try their best to limit their presence. The reason for the bodyguards apart from the fact that I was a public figure and super rich was because I was master's Achilles heel. But at times like this I was reminded of their existence as one of them pressed the button to the penthouse where he was waiting for me.

I walked out of the elevator all alone the bodyguards disappearing as they always do until the next morning but it gave me time to clear my head and prepare to ne in the same vicinity as him.

I walked in ignored the sitting room which looked elegant as it always was, it reminded me of the time we moved here master had to hire a famous interior decorator to the whole penthouse in deep tones of brown, black and grey.

I walked slowly towards his study door expecting him to be there as per his routine. I knocked on his door waiting for permission to enter. A minute later I heard a deep baritone respond " Come in" I tightened my slightly damp hands on the file I wanted to show him. Grabbing the door handle i walked to see him busy working on files that's probably from the office.

I walked towards his desk and stopped in front of it a few feet away from him setting the file I brought down on the desk gently. Waiting for him to open it while I try not ogle him. He just looked so good in a suit. Probably noticing my staring but choosing to ignore it. He set down his pen and picked up the file doing all this without stating me a glance.

I watched as the looked through it growing more furious as he scanned through each page. He slammed the file down on the table "Those bastards fuvking hell" he muttered furiously. He looked towards me motioning me to come over I knew what he wanted haven being with him for a long time.

Finally done with chapter one. please comment on your thoughts. thanks.

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