
I'm In Love With A Spirit

Cursing the dark, I decided to step out and find someone who could tell me what was going on. To my utter surprise, I realized I was in a hospital. ----------- “Don’t touch me, you freak. Nothing is happening to me. I am fine, I feel fine, and I am going to my room to rest,” I yelled and I started to reach out for the door-knob but I just couldn’t. I tried again, but my hand just passed through it. How? “What is happening to me?” I shouted, instantly freaking out. I tried catching it again but I could not touch it. I pushed the door but instead of pushing it, I passed through it and fell on the floor. He was immediately beside me, trying to help. Scared to death, I pushed him away and started to crawl backwards, hoping to get away from the scary man and also hoping to find something to rest my back on, but instead of finding something, I crossed the bars of a bed and was now almost in a drawer…I stood up shrieking and started to run everywhere in a haphazard manner when suddenly my eyes fell on a still figure on a hospital bed. Lying there was a lump of a woman. She was in the worst state possible, bruised everywhere and had a huge bandage on her head. Tubes stuck out from every orifice. She was breathing off a life support system… She was barely alive. She was me. ----------- A wonderful story of how the spirits of a guy and a girl met in hospital during an out-of-body experience.

Yang_Studio · General
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35 Chs

Vedant, The Complete Gentleman

For the first time I saw the gentleman's face, and tried not to admire it. He had a fair complexion and a square face with perfect features. There was something about his hair that made him incredibly attractive.

"I am Vedant, by the way," he extended a hand.

I tried to take it but Armaan, somehow had it interlocked.

I shook his hand with my left hand instead and replied, "I am Amrita, thanks for helping me. This is my friend Zara."

"What's wrong with your right arm?" Zara asked.

A left-hand shake did look pretty weird.

"Err nothing, just hurting a little," I lied to her.

"Are you hurt? Here, let me take you to the hospital right now? My car is right here," and he pointed to a spectacular black Mercedes convertible.

Very impressive! Instantly, my hand was free. Perfect timing, Armaan!

I shook my shoulder, moved my arm; it seemed fine.

"Nah, I think I am fine. I would rather stay out of the hospital now."

"Are you sure?" He asked with a smile. He was clearly flirting.

"Yes." I tried not to be flattered.

"Cool, glad you are not hurt. Here, this is my card. Maybe you could give me a call sometime?" He winked and left, leaving me slightly dazed.

The card revealed him to be a real estate agent. Whoa - handsome and rich!

This time when I crossed the road, I was secured from both sides. It was almost funny how tightly both Zara and Armaan held on, did they expect me to fall down again?

"You are not going out alone again. You should be chained," Zara was angrily muttering as we both went back to work.

It occurred to me again that if not for Armaan, I could have been dead, or at least seriously injured. The realization drove home the point that he was not my imagination, instead he was real, or as real a ghost could be. My heart twisted in pity for his body which was lying in coma somewhere in the city.

"Amrita, what are you thinking about?" Armaan asked and I realized I'd been staring into space again, sitting in my chair.

I felt an overwhelming urge to hug him but Miranda stepped in just then.

"What are you up to?" she asked uninterested.

"Err nothing! You wouldn't believe what just happened," I spoke tiredly.

"Not important; you wouldn't believe what happened to me."

I tried not to glare although I wished to reply back saying 'not important'.

"I have got you an appointment with that Oberoi at 3PM. He is flying out of the country tomorrow, so the interview has to happen today. Get ready to leave."

I was shocked.

"But Miranda, I am not prepared! I am yet to finalize the questions and –"

"Don't bother; Shrey was supposed to meet him on your behalf so he has already done that bit. You can just use his material and prep on your way."

She started to leave and I followed.

Shrey was another journalist here, he was hardly any good but somehow he managed to keep Miranda extremely happy.

I stopped at the travel desk to book a car and driver for the journey. Once in the car, I closed the door behind me. Armaan joined me from the other side.

Like it always did, I received a jolt when he entered the car without opening the door, but sat comfortably on the seat. How?

I opened a notepad, knowing we couldn't talk with the driver in the front.