
I'm In Love With A Spirit

Cursing the dark, I decided to step out and find someone who could tell me what was going on. To my utter surprise, I realized I was in a hospital. ----------- “Don’t touch me, you freak. Nothing is happening to me. I am fine, I feel fine, and I am going to my room to rest,” I yelled and I started to reach out for the door-knob but I just couldn’t. I tried again, but my hand just passed through it. How? “What is happening to me?” I shouted, instantly freaking out. I tried catching it again but I could not touch it. I pushed the door but instead of pushing it, I passed through it and fell on the floor. He was immediately beside me, trying to help. Scared to death, I pushed him away and started to crawl backwards, hoping to get away from the scary man and also hoping to find something to rest my back on, but instead of finding something, I crossed the bars of a bed and was now almost in a drawer…I stood up shrieking and started to run everywhere in a haphazard manner when suddenly my eyes fell on a still figure on a hospital bed. Lying there was a lump of a woman. She was in the worst state possible, bruised everywhere and had a huge bandage on her head. Tubes stuck out from every orifice. She was breathing off a life support system… She was barely alive. She was me. ----------- A wonderful story of how the spirits of a guy and a girl met in hospital during an out-of-body experience.

Yang_Studio · General
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35 Chs

Delay Is For The Dead

Her mother opened it for me with a huge smile, "Hello Amrita! Look at you all well."

I was enveloped in a warm hug, and pressed for breakfast. Despite my protests, I was made to sit down on the dining table, where Zara was gorging on freshly buttered Paranthas – A popular Indian food. They smelled heavenly and I caught Armaan give it a rueful look.

I wanted to ask him if he misses food but couldn't in the present company.

"It is okay, enjoy your breakfast," he answered my unspoken question. "I am used to this now."

"Babe, what are you staring at?" Zara asked with a concerned expression, examining the place where Armaan was standing.

"Err nothing." I spoke and took a bite. "My God, these are delicious! Especially after the hospital trash I was made to eat."

"Yes, but only one for you. Doctors advised against too much oily stuff."

I relented and Zara pointed at a covered dish on the table indicating boring omelet and then handed me a bowl filled with multiple colored pellets.

"What's with this rainbow?" I asked examining the pills, they were so many.

"These are your pills sweetie; now eat quickly so that we can leave. Miranda will kill me if I am late – you're the only one who can use the hospital as an excuse." Her words brought me back to the reality.

Miranda was our perfectionist boss who was part-German and was stricter than a military sergeant. Her motto for life was, "If you are alive you can't be late. Delay is for the dead." We both hated her.

Thankfully, our office was only a ten-minute walk away. We were both lucky in this regard. The rent was abominable, but Zara's father was in real-estate and I had a sweet deal.

Zara started again in a minute. "Are you okay with walking?"

I tried not to get irritated. "Yes, Zara."

"Are you sure?" Armaan asked again from the other side. He was walking beside me on the road, and cars frequently went through him. His safety bothered me for a second but instantly I realized he is a ghost, so I eyed him, irked and simply nodded.