
I'm in love with a Pop Star

Beck is just an ordinary girl. She was kept sheltered by her parents since an only girl. Ever since she was little she dreamed of weird and scary things, people, but what does all this tell her. One night a voice asked her, Who is Christ? Sino si Kristo? Will she be able to answer the QUESTION? Now that she became a big time businesswoman, will she be able to hide her feelings for Liz. And would she be able to face her destiny with a powerful secret group who have been wanting her to join ??? Vic hates Liz but what if tables turned and Liz happens to adore her? Being the CEO and holding power was what she alwasy wanted but what if she needs to rule over the world and need to do it soon? Superhumans are only seen in the movies or you tube vids, what if you yourself is one? What would you do?

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Teen
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71 Chs

REVO & Alex

Pedrito feels angry whenever his dad smiles and treats Alex like a son than him. He is obsessed with Alex and Pedrito couldn't compete with her since she has it all. Now that she is becoming one of the most feared leader in the world, what would become of him. I must find a way to be known, so that my dad would recognize me and that I'm worthy to be called his son.

*Pedrito went out of their house while his dad is admiring Alex's baby pictures, again. He was mumbling and grumbling like a child about how pathetic his dad was and all. A dark shadow is seen coming up to him while Pedrito is seated on a bench at their garden with a lion king fountain in the middle. The shadow turned his way and became a whole person in a dark suit like a REVO soldier. It is the villain, Morgan, the shape shifter wizard who was known for his mischief in the olden days of the Montfort Royals. Though he is not that known to mortals, he was just a so called myth, but now a reality in this time and age. Hello, Pedrito, right?. You know we should change your name to Firo instead of that Mexican baby name your dad has given you. You are unappreciated, unloved and always not enough.

So, I will give power which you will no longer feel less of a person and inferior amongst your peers, your family especially your dad. What?, who are you?, Pedrito said like he is being controlled by some invisible hallucinating force. I am Morgan, your wizard dad from now on. Firo, because, starting from today you will be a man with this power. Ha, ha, hahahahahaahhahah!, the powerful wizard said while his hands are giving out energy to Pedrito. All his power are sort of being absorbed by Pedrito, who is white and blue and like lightning is striking with numerous and repetitive fiery volts which is unimaginable that he would survive it. Pedrito lost consciousness and Morgan kissed his forehead giving him the mark of the devil which says, I am, then disappeared like dust blown away by the wind.

Firo my child get up and do what you are told to do. You are now one of my slaves, my son and you will scout the world for lost souls who wander and want to escape from cruelty, hardship, poverty and racism. Pedrito who is now Firo got up and when he opened his eyes with fiery blood shot eye balls. His hands can create fire and his body can emit gas that turns himself like a burner that can ignite when he feels like it. Then, he can change to an ordinary guy when he thinks it, and change to become a powerful Firo when he thinks it just the same. Ha, Ha, what's this, I'm so….cool!, Pedrito said in awe. Thank you, da…dad!!!

Firo, you're no longer Pedrito. So, get the feel of your powers and roam wherever you want to go. You know where to find me, Morgan said in the wind, where he has vanished a while ago. His voice echoed on Firo's ears strongly vibrating while he is getting ready to fly out to go somewhere, he still don't know where. He then thinks of the bar where his dad and his men is staying, but he hates it there. Maybe, in a small time bar near it, about a couple of blocks away from it. Ah!, yes, Angelina Resto Bar, one of dad's friends' bar. I could get some drink and try to get drunk and celebrate this momentous occasion, Firo told himself, though he still felt sad and wanting inside. He thought that maybe he can find someone to love or accept him there or somewhere. He still doesn't know. So, let's find out, then. I was a loser then but how about now with powers, maybe things will change.

That's what he thought, things will definitely change and he didn't know that his powers can cause fear and discrimination. He didn't realize that he is now a freak of nature, a flaw on society, a villain. But if he truly is, he doesn't have the right to live? Or he is still human, a person who has the freedom to be different and live whatever he wants and whoever he is In this life and in this world.

Firo went to the bar. He ordered for a drink, scotch on the rocks and whiskey after. A irl came up to him, since he was never ugly nor untidy, there are still some who find him attractive and nice. Pedrito is nice and rich. He was known all over town and every girl knows that he can give whatever they want with a flick of a finger. But Pedrito wanted love, a girl who whould love him for who he is and not his money, nor his new powers, just him and his true self, vulnerable and naked, innocent. She kisses him on the lips and Pedrito couldn't contain himself and kissed the girl back with steam coming out of his mouth. The girl found it sexy but when she felt the sting of heat on her tongue she complained. Ouch!, ow, stop, ahh, ouch, stop it, its hurting me, the girl said and touched her tongue.

She felt blisters on it and looked at Pedrito weirdly. You freak, you burned me, what are you?, she added moving away from him. They were in a private room in the bar. I. I am Firo and tat's my powers. I'm sorry. I, like you, please stay with me, he pleaded. No, no, you freak stay away from me, the girl hesitated and started to run away and head to the door, when Firo stopped her. No!, you will have sex with me and you don't have a choice because I paid for your services, you little runt.

Ahhhh, no, help, help!, the girl shouted and the other patrons just laughed thinking she is having so much fun with her client. Firo did the girl but since he is steaming hot while having sex, the girl just melted and burned looking like black and blue eggplant. Firo felt even stronger and asked the manager for another girl, and another and another, until, he was satisfied. His hunger for love is like getting famished with food but instead of having steaks or burgers, he likes girls , naughty and evil girls, since they tasted good and burns better in between his legs.

This is insane and Firo knows it. But with his new found superpowers he can now do whatever he wants. Alex, won't even stand a chance with him. Poor baby sister. You're next, besides, you're not really my blood sister but adopted, so I can taste you and I wonder how you'll burn when I get my hands on you. Ha…hahahahhaahahah!, Firo thought and laughed enormously. When he left the bar with money on the bedside of the room he rented, five girls lay burnt, some of them were on the bed and others on the ground. The manager couldn't contain her fear, and screamed her lungs out because of the weird incident. She secretly contacted REVO and told them about the issue.

She didn't disclose her name nor her identity since she knows she'll be in danger to whoever is responsible with the murders at the bar. Rebecca knows that someone is behind this trouble. She needs to train and work on Alex and it's going to be sooner than she thought. Alex should have a gift, a super power and I need to make sure she has one or else we are all doomed to die, Becca thought to herself now getting more worried for the group and the world, while her arms clasped together, looking at the GSP charts, monitoring that a powerful energy is emitting fire and is consuming its prey whenever it is near, absorbing their energy and life source. We are in the state of emergency. And no better way than to solve this by letting Alex show her powers in a battle to be held tomorrow at dawn.

Becca invited soldiers and extremists to help out in the search for the most powerful person in the world. She called out the heads of the factions and advised to send their best soldiers to join the competition and exhibition tomorrow. All agreed and Alex is the only one who hasn't been informed about this, competition. Becca is hopeful that she is truly the Chosen One. She is praying that Alex is truly the one to save us all and soon.

Becca advised Alex to wake up earliest in the morning. Kat was still asleep when she prepared and wore the odd suit the woman gave her. There was a note on the box that said, "wear this If you still love your life". Aha!, that woman is something. It's a good thing I still remember my moves and did stretches or flexes to make sure I'll kick some butt today, if I needed to, I thought to myself while doing my push ups, sit ups and planks. Did some punches and kicks too.