
Chapter 12: Partner II

Rich POV:

There's something intriguing with Althea's retort a while ago. Especially with her, trying to avoid the subject.

What is she planning this time?

I'm in deep thought that I didn't notice Warren had stopped walking and my forehead hits onto his back.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my forehead with my left hand.

"Why are you zoning off again?" He asked with furrowed brows looking at me.

"Nothing." I said while my left eye closed. I got surprised when he hold my left hands and removed it. He touched my forehead instead. I twitched for a bit because it hurts. "Its swelling. Your so clumsy." He scolded me with a worried look.

He might have noticed that I was smiling from ear to ear. He sudden snatched his hands back and cleared his throat.

He's cute when embarrassed.

"Let...Lets start.." He pulled two chairs in front of the table. He sat on the other one and tap the second chair and says, "Sit." He ordered and I complied right away.

Why do I feel like I'm a dog here?!

"Here's the next lesson." He opened his notebook and slid it in front of me.

He explained the lesson carefully but I, on the other hand felt so sleepy.

I woke up so early because of excitement, you know?

I yawned. He faced my direction and I immediate acted as if I'm attentively listening. He turned his head back and started to discussed it again. I'm forcing my eyes not to shut close by widening my eyes but its useless.

Warren looked at my direction again and I was caught off guard.

"Why are you forcing your eyes to get bigger? Any problem?" He asked me.

"Nothing. That's... That's my way of concentrating." I lied.

"Really??!" He asked in disbelief but this time its like he wants to burst out laughing and he's obviously forcing his self not to.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked with a glare.

"No. Do I look like laughing?" He forced himself again to look serious this time.

I rolled my eyes.

But I like the Warren I'm seeing right now. Who would have thought this alien knows how to smile...


The real one..

Without pretending...

without walls..

Is he starting to open up because of me?

I smiled and looked at his face.

He began explaining the lesson where we left off thoroughly.


Here we go again!

I can't control my eyes anymore.

Its shutting...



Warren's POV:

"You have to find what its looking for first. Then create your own equation based on the given scenario." I explained.

I felt a head fell into my shoulder and I turned to her direction.

Stupid sleepy head! Am I really that boring to you?

I waved my hand in front of her. No reaction.

She's really asleep..

Good thing we're on the part of the library where shelves somehow is covering us and it doesn't have much student compared to yesterday.

I sighed. I sat straight and leaned my back towards the wall while carefully holding her head positioning myself where we can be more comfortable and for her to be more relaxed.

She moved a bit.

My body stiffed, trying not to wake her up. When she didn't move again I leaned her backwards too.

I sighed. This girl always puts me into trouble.

I bowed my head and looked at her.

She looks so sleepy..

So that's the reason why she's like forcing her eyes to come out from its socket a while ago. I chuckled silently.

She should've told me..

I caressed her cheek.

What am I doing?

I'm getting soft now a days.

What's gotten into me? Why am I acting this way towards her?

I'm trying to stay away from Rich but my body and heart won't even listen.

I saw how disappointed she were a while ago when our professor announced Ayesha as my partner. I don't care whoever they wanna pair with me. But when I saw how sad she was and how Adam looked at her I wanted to switched partners instead. Adam Anderson is considered as my rival when it comes to academic standing. I can't deny the fact that he's smart too and he's really a rival. That's fine though. But the interest I saw in his eyes bothered me. That guy was known to be a playboy.

I won't let him lay his hands on her..


What's worse was I saw Rich crying.

I don't know why but I wanted to hug her. Wrapped my arms around her. Protect her all of a sudden.

To think that I'm the one who always made her cry. Something inside is telling me to stay by her side.

No. No. It can't be.

I shook my head.

I'm pathetic..

I even came up with an excuse and pretended that we're not done with the lesson yet.

Its true though.

But the main reason was because I saw her cried and I wanted to cheer her up. That's also why I gave half of my burger to her. Good thing its somehow lighten up her mood.

But I got all worried when she starts zoning off again and hit her head onto my back in the process.

She always make me worried that I didn't notice that I was getting all cheesy. Thanks to her ear to ear smile, I got myself embarrassed.

I sighed.

This is bad. How can I be so vulnerable like this to her? When did I become so weak?

I'm in that kind of thought that unconsciously, I also closed my eyes..

And after a couple of minute I was already sleeping with her.


Rich POV:

I heard the bell rang. I rubbed my eyes. Where am I?

I was shocked when I realized that I was still inside library.

I was about to stand up but I notice someone is sitting next to me. I recognized the body so I tilted my head.

Warren is sleeping..

Beside me with head leaning against mine.

Omg! We're like couples!

I have to capture this moment.

I took my cellphone out of my pocket and click my camera application to open. I positioned my hands while monitoring the screen and finding the most perfect 'couple's angle' and pressed the shutter.


I forgot to turn off the flash and that woke him up. I immediately put my phone inside my pocket and hide the glee that wants to come out my mouth.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said while positioning my head back to his broad shoulder.

He pushed my face off and I forced myself to go back.

"Come on! Let. me. go.. back.!" I said while forcing my face back to his shoulder.

"No. S-stop!" He's still pushing my face on the other hand.

"What are you doing, you two??" We both stopped in surprise and straighten up ourselves. "The class had already started, why are you still here?" The librarian with her brows arched.

We stood up and walked without saying anything but he turned to her and bow.

"I do apologize." Then we both walk as fast as we could. "Now we have to face the anger of our professor being late. Damn!" He mumbled while almost running.

"Nah! You're with me remember, he won't be mad. Trust me! If he will, I'll spank his face." I said with full of confidence.

He chuckled. "Oh yeah??" He said thinking that I'm just bragging.


He chuckled? This alien knows how to that?

I grabbed his shirt. He yelped, "What?!"

"You just chuckled?! OMG! I didn't know you could?" I said in disbelief.

"Its not a big deal! I'm a person, genius!" He said trying to avoid my gaze.

"No, your not!" I answered him back.

"What?!" He grumbled. "Do I look like a monster to you?" He asked with irritation on his tone.

"I mean, your not an ordinary person. Your special. To me to be exact." I uttered and I saw him blushed before me. Awkward! "You just don't seem to smile often and I'm so glad you did." I smiled him back.

This is so cheesy coming from me..

He just stood there and looked at me intently. Carefully listening.

"No one and nothing can ruin my day because of this." I added.

I'm just really happy. I can finally see the real him. I felt like we become closer than ever.

We started walking again.

"That's..that's great! So don't you dare crying again in front of me." I turned my head hastily because of what he said.

So he knew I cried.

"Especially, if its just because...because of me. Believe it or not, I don't like seeing you crying." He said awkwardly and twisting the knob of the door.

I got shocked.

That was so sweet!

I want to cry in so much happiness.

I was about to say something but he entered the room and I followed him. He bowed and apologized for being late. I, on the other just stood there looking at my nails.

All of our classmates eyes are focused on us. They whispered into each other ear after.

Seeing me with someone is always a big news.

It will be a lot bigger deal now because of Warren's popularity with women.

"What are you doing?" He whispered. He held my hands and pull me down. I don't want to, but his hand is holding mine enough to make me comply.

"I said, I don't need to do this." I whispered back. Trying not to be obvious I'm enjoying the moment.

"No!" He pressed my head down to bow.

"Go back to your seats now." Ordered by the professor.

I removed his hand on my head and I fixed my hair.

I beamed at Warren. He widened his eyes in return scolding me.

"Whatever!" I stumbled back to my seat. He just followed me and took his.

The professor cleared his throat to get all the attention back to him because every single eyes were staring at us.

"Just like what I mentioned earlier, well be having a paired activity. You already knew your partners so exchange seat with whoever they're sitting next to right now and be with your partners." He said and annoyance is starting to consume me again.

Warren and I turned our head at each other. Trying to figure at what to do. His eyes were full of confusion too. Suddenly, Ayesha 'the bitch' stood in front of my chair with her one brow raised. I glanced at Warren and he just nodded. Asking me to just follow. I rolled my eyes at him and let out a deep sighed. "Fine." I stood up and Ayesha instantly pushed me away from my seat.

As if, she can't wait to be with Warren.

I gritted my teeth. But I don't have a choice.

Oh! wait a minute.

One more thing, I don't know who the hell that Adam was..

I didn't have the strength to look at his face a while ago.

I turned around trying to find that Adam whoever that is.

Then I saw a boy student near the window. Two seat apart from my original seat. His chin resting on his palm not looking at me.

Is he Adam?

He turned his head at me. Furrowed his brows and say, "What are you waiting for?! Here." He ordered me as if I'm his maid or something.

I controlled myself. I'm getting irritated with all of this crap. People ordered me around like I'm not the richest student here.

This is testing my patience..

I sighed. Remember, you promised Warren that no one or anything can ruin your day.

I stumbled and take the seat next to this foolish Adam. His attention was not on me so I examined him.

In fairness, he's handsome..

He glanced at me. "What are you staring at?" He asked with an irritated tone.

What the?!

His attitude...its somewhat similar to Warren.

I got surprised but manage to say, "Nothing."

Professor started to explained what will be our activity for today. He said that this will our seat for the rest of the week. I frowned.

Damn it!

Adam on the other hand was always so rude to me. He keeps on asking me to do all the job after explaining me how it works.

To my surprise, I was following his orders probably because of the resemblance of his attitude with Warren.

It's like Warren is with me.

I was so occupied for the past 3 days that I didn't notice that it was the last day of the pairing activity and for some unknown reason everything had become so easy for me. I can solve the problem without Adam's help or explanation and I was amazed with myself.

"Are you done?" Adam asked with a smile. "Easier than before, right?" He grinned. His somewhat in good mood today. He's not scolding or being rude to me.

"How did you know?" I asked curiously.

"Well, everything has a purpose. I asked you to do all the hard works not because I want to ditch from it but for you to learned." He said with a smile. "I didn't mean to be rude to you but I have to. I know you won't listen to me if I don't." He added.

"Really??" I asked trying to gauge if what he's saying is true.

He was so rude back then.

But thanks to that, I learned a lot. Even the most difficult problem can be solved now.

By me?! Isn't that amazing!

He just nodded.

"Thank you!" I was touched. I hated him before not knowing that he was just trying to do me a favor. "That was so nice of you." He scratched his head.

"Your welcome. Not a big deal." He said with shyness. He was so different with the Adam I'm paired with before. I realized I'm lucky to be partnered with him.

"I owe you a lot." I gave him a smile.

"Nah! But if your so thankful though..." He paused. "Can I asked you to have a lunch with me?" He asked. I don't see any ulterior motives behind it so I said, "Yeah, sure." He grinned. "Great!" He yelled with so much gladness.

Getting all the attention of the crowd to us. Including Warren who gave me a serious face and Ayesha clinging onto his arms. I sneered at her and she said something to Warren while looking at us.

After the encountered we had at the library, we haven't spoke to each other since then. Probably because I'm so busy doing all the work. He's also busy flirting with that Ayesha so I guess he didn't mind, me not to talking to him that much..


"Everything okey?" Adam asked. I turned to his direction. "Yeah! I'm fine." I smiled at him.

"Times up! Submit your papers now." Yelled by professor.

I heard Ayesha frowned. Probably because she's not done yet and Warren don't seem to care.

I giggled. That's what you get bitch.

"I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate, Rich and Adam for doing a great job on this pairing activity. They got the highest score so far." I got surprised. This is the first time I got complimented for doing a great job in school. They gave us around of applause.

Gosh! It felt so good.

I got carried away and hugged Adam in the process.

I felt his hands hugging me back and I realized what I did. I stepped back and removed my hands away from him. I cleared my throat. "Sorry! I was just so happy." I'm still smiling with disbelief.

"I don't mind. Great job! Your a fast learner and you did all of that." Adam. Giving me all the credit.

"Thanks to your patience." I grinned.

Then the bell rang. I glanced at Warren. I want to see his reaction and brag my achievement but he seemed to be in bad mood again.

I stood up and called out his name. "Warren!" But he just ignored me and went out of the classroom without even looking at me.

What's his problem??

He seemed to be cold again.