

"Oh my, don't tell me you are here to kidnap me?" She said dramatically and in-between smiles. I adjusted my glasses and starred at her for a couple of seconds before I broke into a smile and responded. "Oh hell no Beth, I just want us to run away for a couple of hours before dawn." I said with my biggest smile on my face hoping she'll say yes. "I'll be down in a minute." She said and if not mistaken I clearly heard excitement in her voice. Cutie. I just wish I had the balls to tell how much I love her.......

Daoist62d31d · Fantasy
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5 Chs


  "Go! Go!! Score a goal, together we are made of stone!".

    "Go! Go!! Score a goal, together we are made of stone!"

    Here I am sitting on the bleachers, and watching the cheerleaders practice, at least that's what everyone thinks.

    I'm only here for a reason, the same reason I have had for the past two years since she joined the cheerleaders, to watch her, my childhood crush that I have never grown balls to talk to.


    There she was, Bethany Hayes moving gracefully like she ain't got no bone in her body and encouraging the others to follow her steps like everyone was hell boneless like her. How did she even make it seem so easy?. I have been coming here for two years now and trust me I have seen three and more girls being carried out of the fields with a stretcher just because they were trying to "follow in her footsteps."

     A small smile played on my lips as she did a triple back flip and landed on her feet. For some reason I don't know that move kinda...er... turns me on?.

   I could stay here forever watching her, it never gets old. I just love...

(School bells rings).


   Well speaking of forever, I roll my eyes as I picked up my bag and got off the bleachers. I dusted the back of my khaki pants and tried looking at the bottom because you never know when you're walking around with dirt on your butt. I love being extra careful.

    I carefully made my way to my locker arena, which is popularly none as the Nerd zone. Once reached, I began to arrange my not needed books neatly in my locker and arranging the needed once neatly in my bag.

   "Yo Nathan!." I turned my head to the direction I heard my name and like always, there is only one person who can shout my name like a dying whale my best friend 'Sam'. 

   "Yo Nathan". He called out again only this time breathless due to his unnecessary running.

  "Hey Sam." I said to him while pulling out the last book I will need from my locker and shutting it.

    "Hey." He said with a smile I know too well.




"I passed by her locker again." He said not out of the blue, I knew that was coming.

  "Ohh really?." I said with fake surprise dripping from my voice. Yeah I don't even bother to hide it. "And what did she smell like today?." I asked pretending to be interested.


   Sam rolled his eyes in response to my question. I couldn't help but chuckle at the face he was making, pretending to be upset. Yeah this is us and it never gets old

   "You don't here me being sarcastic when you're talking about Bethany all day." He said still making the same face.

  "Well that's because Bethany is a very meaningful person unlike...er...., Well you know." I said as we began to exit school building.

    "Well Emma's is just as popular, smart and even prettier than Bethany." He said with hand gestures while I gave him a 'dude are you trying to mess with me look'. He must have read the message loud and clear because he immediately stopped talking.

   "Well today she smelt like peaches." He said while trying to lighten the mood. I couldn't help but laugh at his character, good old Sam.

    By the time we reached his car, he already has his keys out and is about unlocking the doors for us to get in when we heard shouts from the school entrance. We tried to look but there is a huge crowd and it's really hard to see, even with these high frequency lenses although they can't see through people unfortunately.

     Sam still got his head up trying to see what the commotion is all about but I don't bother anymore cause I already know who it is that is causing this huge scene.

    Haas Hall Academy's baddest and most handsome male student, every single girl he passes by drools over him. Well wouldn't really blame them, he's drool worthy. He's blonde hair curled perfectly to the side as he flashes his admires his one in a million smile and that just seems to get him more followers how?.  Girls would literally kill to get him to notice the color of their hair at least.

   Honestly as good looking as he sounds he's a complete asshole, and he got his head way up in the cloud that he doesn't seem to notice the people around him. He treats girls like garbage and toss them in the trash and can't really care less if their feelings are hurt or not.

And as nonsensical and as crazy as it sounds,the two years in a row homecoming king, Captain of the number one successful football team in the state and a definite asshole if I might add, is non other than my own flesh and blood, my twin brother 'Ethan Dawson'.

   He passes by my direction and as usual I'm invincible even to him. In fact we almost never communicate especially not in school because he claims he has a reputation to keep and cannot be seen talking to a nerd. So he normally sends me texts even though we are three feet away from each other like now.

      I hear my phone beep and take it out only to see 'one new message from Asshole'.



                      Hey bro, please tell mom I will be home later tonight. Actually Brandon's throwing a welcome back to school party and you know I can never miss a party. See ya


We both have mouths and yours seem to be working better so why don't you tell her yourself.


   I waited for about a minute, no response from him. With a pissed sigh I kept my phone in my pocket and got in Sam's car.

     Ethan always has me covering for him. He knows very well I won't be telling mom that he's at a party instead I will have to whack my brain to come up with a reasonable excuse.

        And for the hundredth time today I say: Asshole.