
I'm In Korea, How and Why?

Choehabu wakes in a black space. Light touches nothing, only shadows remain. An indeterminate amount of time transpires before a ball of light brings Choehabu into a new world. A world based off of Korea, but with a few differences. A new world awaits him, one that will bring him to the highest peaks, and the lowest depts. Currently canceled. If this were to begin again, I'd start at the beginning and construct a different and better world because holy shit, was this awful.

Sir_Fuckwit · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Birthday Planning

The week goes by while I pertain to my schedule. In the mornings, wake up at six, make coffee, and hang with Ryung and Hana. Head to school at seven thirty to learn Korean with Mr. Han. Go to Martial Arts Class and learn martial arts with Joon woo and Instructor Kim. Spend the school day doing work and teaching myself more Korean.

After school ends, head to work and work until twelve where I close down shop and head home to fall asleep. Repeat until this Saturday. Saturday is when the schedule stops.

I awake at six thirty again and start a pot of coffee. I also open the curtains so that I may read Korean notes by the morning sun. While reading and memorizing, Ryung and Hana exit the bedroom and sit at the table beside me. They groggily lay their heads upon that table and close their eyes.

It's nice having sibling who also aren't morning people. Or is, were morning people? I don't know.

The bubbling of the coffee pot stops, thus signaling my rising and dispensing of the glorious brown liquid. I nab three mugs and fill them up, putting a little sugar I had bought with my bonus in. The heads of Ryung and Hana rise when they hear the pouring of wonderful coffee.

In the past days, they've been even more happy about coffee, probably due to the sweetener that's now available to us. I set down the three mugs and finally sit at the table. We sit in silence for a while until our coffee is all gone.

That's when conversations start. Usually it's about what they learned the day before or what they did with friends, but this time it's very different. The opening question is asked by Ryung, "Hey, Choehabu, what are we going to do for my birthday?"

I set down my mug and ask, "When is your birthday?"

"It's on the twenty second."

That tells me nothing, I don't know the date. "In how many days?"


Ah, it's five day. Ah, it's five days! I don't anything planned out! Did Choehabu get presents beforehand? I sure as hell haven't nabbed any!

In a voice far more calmed sounding than I currently am, I respond, "Sorry I didn't recall that. I would've planned something in advance if I had."

Ryung shakes a hand in front of him, "Don't be sorry. I should've said when my birthday was, it slipped my mind due to your accident and teaching you how to society."

"Well I'm sorry all the same. What would you like for a present?"

He looks at me, confused, "Present? How do we have enough for a present?"

Oh, that's, that's sad. They didn't have enough money to buy presents. New resolution, give these kids the fucking best presents I can buy.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way. Where there's a will, there's a way as they say."

Now both Ryung and Hana look confused. Seems like that saying doesn't exist here. I lean back in the cheep plastic dining chair. What should I buy, and how will I get the money for it. I fish for the probably Fight Club card and take it out. Turn it around and look at the numbers.

He did say that I could join for an event. I don't think I'd win, but I might make enough by getting my ass handed to me. But if the opponent goes to far, I may spend time in the hospital and end up with a net loss. Is that chance worth it for these kids?

I look at Hana and Ryung, a real good look. Ryung has raven black hair that covers his forehead and ears, ending halfway down is neck. He also has a strong nose, thick eyebrows, chubby kid cheeks, and near limitless energy. Aside from the morning lull.

Hana on the other hand, is nearly his direct opposite in appearance. She has light blond hair running down to just below her shoulders. A soft nose, like those found on models, parts her large eyes which are crested by a thin brow. What they both have though is a good jawline, unlike one of my friends. I hope he's doing alright

No, don't think that #####, look on the bright side of life. You're still alive and have caring siblings who care for you.

Think of something else. Wait, do we do anything on the weekend? I don't know so I ask them, "Did we do anything on the weekends? Is there like, weekend school... activities?"

Ryung starts to answer but Hana cuts him off, "No, we usually study at the library while you work over time."

"Hey, I was going to say that!"

Hana smirks at him, "Then you should've answered first. It's not my fault you were too slow."

He pouts at her provocation, "No fair, you've always been faster. I want to say things."

"Calm down, you got to speak earlier about your birthday. It was my turn."

Ryung looks at like his mind was just blown. A deep understanding forms in his eye, "Oh, that makes sense."

"I thought so too."

God that too cute. So this is what multiple younger siblings is like. It's nice. I look at the card's number again. These kids Are worth getting beaten up for. I stand up from the table and take all our mugs to the sink.

"I'm going to be heading out for a while, if you want to do something then tell me now."

Ryung acts faster this time and asks, "Where are you going?"

"Oh you know, looking at an event. Might get paid for it."

I open the door and take a step outside, "Do either of you want to do something? I can postpone if you want."

"Nah, we're fine." They say at near the exact same time. I smile at them and close the door.

I need a phone to call this number. Hopefully there's a pay phone around here. While looking for maybe ten minutes, I finally find one. Heading in and calling the number, I wait for it to pickup.

It rings a few time before hearing the sound of it connecting. The boy from school's voice enters the receiver, "I knew you would call, was only a matter of time. Let me guess, you wish to join the newbie league?"

I nod my head before realizing he can't see that, "Yeah, when's the earliest I can join?"

No immediate response is heard. The flipping of paper starts and continues for a minute before he says, "You could join right now to be honest. Is that what you wish?"

"Yes, yes it is."

Can nearly hear his smile when he says, "Then come on over to Instructor Wu's Dojang."

I hear the receiver click, signaling the recipient had hung up. Standing there for a few seconds, I wonder how I'm going to get there, not being able to read Korean and all.

Dragon's Dogma 2 comes out in two days where I am and I am SO FUCKING STOKED! Been waiting for it to come out for over five years and it's nearing the end of the wait. Any of you also excited for its release?

Sir_Fuckwitcreators' thoughts