
I'm in Konoha, My Spiritual Power is Skyrocketing Everyday (MTL)

When Chen Wu was finishing the dice..., the spirit took the dice to cross into the ninja world and became a Konoha Shinobi who is about to graduate. The dice can be thrown once a day, and the number of points can increase the mental power. At the start, it was 666 for three days, and with the original 8 points of mental power, the mental power soared more than twice. One look can make Naruto and the nine tails in Naruto dance together! Naruto: What a ninja dream! Go to the special Hokage dream! Go to the savior! I'm not a ninja anymore! Nine tails: Go to such a special freedom, whoever told me freedom, who am I worried about! Shimura Danzo: Hiyazaki, I regret it, I shouldn't provoke Fengyi. Sarutobi Hiizaki: Fengyi is Hokage. Madara Uchiha: I don't dance anymore. (This is a MTL and I am just editing it.) Author: Rock Fox Link for mtl : https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-in-konoha-my-spiritual-power-is-skyrocketing-everyday-1 Link for raw: https://wap.faloo.com/1156634.html I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this. All copyright goes to their original owners.

DaoistDuck387 · Anime & Comics
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Copy the Sealed Book

In the evening, after Yayi, mom, and dad had dinner, Chen Wu excused himself to go out to play, and after returning later, he left the house.

Yes, Chen Wu intends to take advantage of Naruto's opportunity to look at the sealed book to observe and steal the ninjutsu in it.

Although Chen Wu can't even learn the three-body technique, this is actually because of the talent of his predecessor Chen Wu.

It is not the case with the current Chen Wu.

Although Chen Wu originally thought it was his own talent.

However, in the past few days, Chen Wu realized through analysis that it was not his own talent.

But because of his own spiritual strength soaring, this results in an imbalance of the physical and mental energies that make up chakra.

Although generally speaking, the higher the spiritual, the easier it is to control.

However, after a certain percentage is exceeded, the energy of the body will be swallowed up by the energy of the spirit, resulting in an imbalance of charka.

This makes it clear that for high mental power, ninjutsu such as the three-body Technique can be said to be a ninjutsu that can be learned by eating and drinking.

However, this is not a big problem. Later, Chen Wu can solve it after spending some time and having more precise control over his mental power.

Even, it is very likely that Chen Wu can go a step further and directly MUJI because of his mental power.

And waiting to take up the role as a ninjutsu professor, it would be too slow.

Also, the professor's ninjutsu is too weak.

Although Chen Wu is not impatient, he is not willing to wait in vain. Moreover, for too weak ninjutsu, it is not easy to learn, and it is not as easy to use as Chen Wu's mental power.

Therefore, Chen Wu set his sights on the sealed book.

Chen Wu is not afraid of being discovered. After all, Chen Wu's mental power can scan a distance of five kilometers in a straight line.

Seeing things with mental power is much more convenient than seeing with eyes.

Looking at things with mental power is like copying them with a copier, and then sealing this mental power, you can look at it at any time, and the copying speed is much faster than that of a copier, and it can be completely copied in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, it is so simple and so convenient to obtain the contents of the sealed book, so why not do it like that.

As for the fear of Naruto getting lost, it was even more impossible.

Although it's only been three days, Chen Wu has developed many uses of mental power, such as mental power aiming.

After aiming at a target, although it will not be as clear as scanning, the aiming distance is farther.

Even more than a hundred kilometers away, or even further.

As long as it is targeted, it will have a connection with Chen Wu's spiritual power.

Although Chen Wu couldn't scan it directly with his mental power, he could sense which direction he was in.

To get closer to the target.

It was late at night, and the streets of Konoha gradually quieted down. Whether it was drinking or entertainment, they all went home to sleep.

And Naruto, who was targeted by Chen Wu, finally started to move.

Chen Wu, who was hidden in the shadows, was not in a hurry, but slowly moved towards Naruto from the shadows.

After all, Konoha's guarding ninjas have not yet begun to act, and obviously, Naruto has not successfully stolen the sealed book.

Soon, Chen Wu walked within five kilometers of the Hokage building.

Immediately, Chen Wu stopped and took out his mental power.

Soon, Naruto, who was stealing the scroll, was locked.

Apparently, Naruto has used seduction to knock down Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage.

In other words, this was originally a test specially set by the Third Hokage.

The purpose is to give Naruto the strength to put on the last and biggest shackle, the shackle called Iruka.

Chen Wu did not change Naruto's fate, because, as Ashura's reincarnated, he was born with such a temper. Even without this shackle called Iruka, Naruto would still be the savior and hero of the ninja world.

So, Chen Wu hid in the shadows and watched Naruto happily steal the sealed book.

Then I watched him leap out of the Hokage Building and leave quickly.

Chen Wu followed suit, locking Naruto within five kilometers, and quickly followed him.

From behind, a whistle sounded soon, Chen Wu reversed his mental power and swept back.

Suddenly, I saw Chūnin who was patrolling the village leap up.

Originally, Mizuki, who wanted to chase after him, was blocked by a Chūnin, so he could only follow the ninja back to the Hokage building in frustration.

There is no doubt that his unfortunate situation paved the way for Naruto's subsequent counter-kill.

Soon, Chen Wu followed Naruto outside the woods where he often practiced.

Yes, Chen Wu did not enter the woods.

Because the forest is only five or six kilometers in size, even if Chen Wu is outside, his mental power is enough to scan Naruto.

I saw Naruto happily open the scroll, and then said in an instant of annoyance: "Hey... the ninjutsu at the beginning is the Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu? The first one is the ninjutsu that I am not good at."

Although Naruto feels unlucky, he has a stubbornness in him, and it is precisely because he is not good at it that he wants to learn it.

So, Naruto put down the scroll and began to practice.

And Chen Wu also attached his spiritual power to the scroll and began to copy the ninjutsu on the scroll.

The first is Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu, copied.

The second is Water Severing Wave, copied.

The third is Raikiri, copied.

The fourth is Rasengan, copied.

The fifth is Flying Thunder God, copied.

The sixth is the Spiritualization technique, copied.

The seventh is Impure World Reincarnation, copied.

The eighth is Reaper Death Seal, copied.

The ninth is Tandem Paper Bombs, copied.

The tenth to the fifteenth is Wood Style Ninjutsu, copied.

The sixteenth is Thought Sealing Technique, copied.

The seventeenth is Eight Trigrams Seal, copied.

The eighteenth is the Double Snake Killing Technique, copied.

The nineteenth is Chakra limit extraction technique?

"The Senju family's cell activity limit squeeze technique, with the ultimate squeeze on the cells, release the potential of the cells and even further force the cells to evolve, to have greater activity, this technique, even the Senju family and the Uzumaki family use it. It's very dangerous, it's completely dancing on the blade of death... Is it really a technique invented by Second Generation? Isn't that how his sea escape came from?" Even Chen Wu, who thinks he knows the world of Hokage very well, When I saw this technique, my eyelids jumped.

"Forget it, let's copy it first," Chen Wu said.

Next, Chen Wu made another twenty copies of the dangerous ninjutsu that made Chen Wu's eyelids twitch.

As for the other ninjutsu of stinky skin and rotten shrimp, Chen Wu doesn't like it.

At this time, the village was already noisy, so Chen Wu resolutely evacuated with a full harvest.

When he got home, Chen Wu sealed up the mental power that copied the next forty ninjutsu.

In an instant, Chen Wu's mental power shrunk by half, the linear scan was only 2.5 kilometers, and the full-scale scan was only 500 meters.

Chen Wu doesn't care either, since it is far more than usual genin.

There will be a mass release of chapters today to get the word count up to 15,000 so this book can be voted and ranked. Hope you enjoy this and subsequent chapters!

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