
I'm In Game Of Thrones

I thought it's going to be over after I die, Turns out it's just a new beginning. NOTICE: -I hate being insulted, So if you don't like, Don't read. If you have some constructive criticism, I'm all ears. However don't come later calling me Stupid or my story trash, That is not criticism that is straight-up insulting me. I hate it. -Don't expect the characters to be as smart as they were in the books, The characters can only be as smart as the author, WARNING!! I will add monsters from different universes so be warned.

Makh · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


We are now riding to Sunspear along the river of Greenblood, To my right rode Achilles and Theokoles to my left, The latter has a bigger horse, Behind us rode the 300 Spartans, It has been a week since we left the Eyrie, We have been riding none stop, Only resting to let the horses take a breath and then at it again.

I ordered that the bitch is thrown in a sky cell, I can't have her running around in my house wreaking havoc, I wonder how her son is going to survive without his bitch there to milk.

I have left 10 Spartans to guard Harrold's life, I can't leave him alone with that snake even if she was in a sky cell, I don't know what she will do.

Sunspear is already in our line of sight, It's getting closer and closer until we reached the gates.

A guard came forward, "Who might you be? " He asked.

With the rein in my left hand, " I'm Lord Ryan Arryn of the Eyrie, I'm here to speak to Prince Doran Martell on an urgent matter, I already sent a letter so he should know of me coming here." I said.

"Yes, We were already notified to welcome you in when you arrive, Lord Arryn. " The guard said as they opened the gates for us with one of them leading the way.

We quickly ride towards the palace without looking around too much, We are here on an urgent matter and are not tourists.

As we reach the Palace, I find Oberyn already waiting there, I guess the prince didn't come down himself.

As we unmounted our horses and stood before him, I notice that he is just looking around at Theokoles's ugly face, And the muscles of the Spartans, Dude get your shit together.

"cough. " I did a fake cough to get his attention and it worked.

"Yes, Welcome to Dorne Lord Arryn. " He said.

I nodded, "Is Prince Doran in the palace?" I asked.

"Yes, This way Please, Follow me. " He said with a smile as he turned around and we followed.

We met The Prince in the place where he usually sits.

"Welcome, Lord Arryn, How may I be of help? " He asked with a smile.

"My friend was poisoned with the venom of an Inland taipan, We heard that we can find the antidote here, We came asking for it, For a price, of course, Bu we are in a hurry so the sooner we get it the better. " I said.

"an Inland taipan, A tricky one I might say, But, Yes, We do have the antidote, We always keep a little with us, Just in case, You can take it with you today if you want. " He said.

I can finally sight in relief but I didn't let it show on my face, "And in return? " I asked, There is free lunch in any world, Let alone this one.

"Consider it a favor, You can return it when we need it. " He said.

Old bastard, He will use this to ask me for something later, After all, He might need the assistance of a whole other realm later and I can't reject it, But I have no choice but to accept, After all, I'm the one in need right now.

"Yes, of course, Anytime. " I said with a smile, I didn't let my thought show on my face.

He looked at one of the servants around and nodded. The servant nodded back and went away, To get the antidote I presume.

"May I request a duel? I heard you are a great fighter." Oberyn suddenly said. I don't have time for this but I'm the one here asking for a favor.

"Yes, Of course, as long as you can defeat Achilles here. " I said as I patted Achilles' shoulder.

He looked Achilles up and down and nodded, "Sure. " He said.

Achilles looked at me and nodded as we followed Obreyn to the training grounds with The Prince behind up pushed by a servant.

Oberyn and Achilles stood before each other as the Martells started gathering around, All of them.

Achilles took off his shield and put it aside, He then took off his helmet to show his handsome face but with dark hair and eyes. The males and females gasped when they saw him.

"Let's fight. " He said as they started running up to each other.

Oberyn swond his spear at Achilles, The latter easily parried it as he got even closer to Oberyn. He then jumped and hit with his spear with a thrusting motion, Oberyn hardly blocked it as he was sent a few steps back with shock filling his face, Didn't see that one coming did ya, But seriously, He's very good to be able to block one of Achilles' attacks.

Before Oberyn could get his balance back, He already had a spear in his Throat, Threatning to cut him if he moves.

"This fight is over. " Said Achilles as he took his spear back, He then wore his helmet and took his shield.

Everyone looked at him with surprise as Oberyn was known as the best spearman, Not anymore he's not. Achilles already started making a name for himself huh.

Before anyone could say anything, The servant came back again with a small container in his hand as he handed it to me.

"Thank you. " I said as I nodded at the Prince and left.

I don't have time to waste.

I also have to deal with the bitch.
