
I'm In Game Of Thrones

I thought it's going to be over after I die, Turns out it's just a new beginning. NOTICE: -I hate being insulted, So if you don't like, Don't read. If you have some constructive criticism, I'm all ears. However don't come later calling me Stupid or my story trash, That is not criticism that is straight-up insulting me. I hate it. -Don't expect the characters to be as smart as they were in the books, The characters can only be as smart as the author, WARNING!! I will add monsters from different universes so be warned.

Makh · TV
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14 Chs


(3RD POV: )

The achievement of Ryan was quickly spread all over the Vale and soon, Westeros. He might not know it, But it's not a small deal that he subjugated the mountain clans, After all, They were terrorizing the Vale since They fled to the mountains refusing to kneel to The Andals after the Battle of Seven Stars, There was always fierce enmity between the mountain clans and the knights of the Vale, The clans don't trust the "lowland lords", They only knelt to him because of his battle strength and him being the first in the battlegrounds. Otherwise, They would rather die than kneel.

(Ryan's POV: )

After the Party was over, Only I and Harrold stayed behind.

"Did you empty the training grounds? " I asked Harrold.

"Yes, My Lord. " He said with a bow.

I glared at him and he smiled.

"Come on, You can take a joke. " He said patting my shoulder.

I just smiled.

"Seriously, The training grounds are emptied, there is no one there, You can do whatever it is you wanted. " He said.

"You know what to do now right? " I asked.

"Yes, I'll get right to it. " He said, He knows of my plan to change all the staff of the castle. He also doesn't trust the bitch.

However, Suddenly...


He coughs blood, He looks at me with confusion as he holds his chest and I hold his arm to hold him up with a scared expression.

"Hey, What's wrong? " I ask as I notice the blood coming out of his nose.

"I don't know..." He says as he slowly falls to the ground on his knees.

"GUARDS!!!" I called.

The four guards at the door immediately enter with their hands on their swords in full alert.

"Help me, Something's wrong with Harrold. " I said as he slowly closes his eyes.

One of the guards quickly comes to help me.

"GO!! Call the maester!!" I said. As I and the guard try to help Harrold up to take him to the maester.

One of the guards quickly runs to the maester's.

"Let's go, We have to take him to the maester. " I said.

I and the guard raise Harrold off the ground, Each of us support one of his hands, as we take him to the maester's, more and more blood was coming out of Harrold's mouth and nose.

We met the maester halfway with the other guard.

"What happened, My Lord? " He said when he saw Harrold hanging like a dead body as blood was coming out of him.

"I don't know, Let's go, You should check what's wrong with him. " I said.

After we took him to the maester's and the latter was done checking Harrold, He came out of the room.

"Lord Harrold was poisoned, Because the symptoms were noticed early, I can save his life by putting him in a coma and giving him some medicines to keep him alive. " He said.

"Good, Good, So we can still save his life, Can you make the antidote? " I asked. It's good that he can still be saved.

"I'm sorry to say that I can't do that, my lord, I don't know what poison was used, I have never seen such symptoms, And we have to find out. Whether he can hold until we know solely depends on his Tolerance. But we have no more than an hour to know what is the poison." He says as he lowers his head.

This is bad, What if he couldn't? What if he died? It's all on me, He ate the food that was meant to me because I wasn't hungry. Wait a second, It's not the time for this shit, I have to find out what poison was used.

"Keep him alive. " I told the maester.

"Return to your posts. " I ordered the guards as I headed towards the training grounds with my hand on my sword's hilt and my thumb finger rubbing its tip. I can't trust anyone right now.

After I reach the training grounds I look around, there is no one.

I take out the tickets.

The first is The Spartans.

I cut it in a hurry and all the 300 of them appear before me.

The moment their eyes lay on me, They drop on one knee with their shields on their left hand and the spear on the right with a "WHOO".

I take out the second ticket, Theokoles.

I cut it and he appears before me, He also kneels when he sees me.

The third was Achilles Who did the same as the others.

"Nice to meet you too, But we don't have time for this. Follow me." I said as I turned around and left for the throne room.

They didn't say anything and did as ordered as they could see that im in a hurry.

The whole Eyrie could feel the stable steps of the Spartans shaking the ground as they follow me in an organized and disciplined manner.

In front of them walked Theokoles and Achilles.

Whenever a guard sees the Spartans they would take their swords out, They stop when they see me.

As we entered the Throne room, I turned to the guards from earlier.

"Bring me everyone that cooked for the feast earlier today" I ordered, They nodded and left.

I turned to the Spartans. "Guard this place. ", They did as ordered, They circled the whole room and the rest went out and guarded the hall that leads to the room.

I turned to Theokoles and Achilles and the captain of the Spartans who stayed beside me, "So here what happened, I was named the Lord of this place today so we were having a feast, However, Someone tried the poison me, The one who was poisoned was my right hand and best friend, I have a limited time to find out what poison was used to save him before he dies, Catching up yet?" I asked.

The three of them nodded.

"Let me handle this, I'm very good at getting information out of people. " Said Achilles.

"Okay, You'll interrogate them. " I said as I turned and climbed to my throne, Theokoles stood to my left and the captain stood to my right.

then a minute later, The guards entered with 30 servants, men, and women.

They stood in a line before me and looked around with confusion.

Achilles looked at me and I nodded at him.

He then turned towards the servants with a smile.

"Who of you poisoned the Lord's food? " He said, They all turned Pale after hearing the question.

No one talked.

Achilles turned to me and said, "I figured it out. " Then he turned towards the Spartans and said, "Force them to their knees. " He said. The captain looked at me and I nodded. "Do as he says. " He ordered.

30 Spartans did as told and they each stood behind a servant and forced them to their knees.

"Close their eyes. " Said Achilles.

The Spartans took cloths from the servants' clothes and closed their eyes with it.

Achilles then made sounds like he was walking then stopped.

He looked at me. "This is the one, Cut his head. " He said, I looked at him in confusion, He wasn't pointing at anyone but suddenly.

"NO, NO, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I WAS ORDERED TO DO IT, I HAD NO CHOICE" one of the servants yelled, Achilles smiled as he looked at me with a proud smile.

I looked at the captain and nodded. "Take them out" He ordered and the Spartans took the servants out of the room except the who pleaded mercy just now.

"Take the cloth off. " I ordered the Spartan and he did as said.

The one who yelled was a woman in her 20s. A beauty at that.

"Who ordered you to do it? " I asked, I already know the answer tho.

"Lady Lysa did, She told me to put poison in your food. " She cried out.

"What poison was it? What poison did you use? " I asked in a hurry.

"It was the venom of an Inland taipan." She said as she cried in regret.

"Go call the maester. " I ordered the guards from earlier.

One of them nodded and left.

"Take her to the Sky cells. The Lords should hair what she has to say. " I ordered them again.

Two of them came and took her away.

Just as the door opened, The maester entered.

"Did you find out my Lord? " He asked as he looked around at the unknown individuals in confusion.

"Yes, It's the Venom of an Inland taipan, Can you make the antidote now? " I asked in a hurry.

When he heard the name, His face turned pale, "My Lord, Im afraid i can't, There is no antidote to these snakes here, They rarely ever appear in the deserts of Dorne. My Lord. However, I can make some medicines to keep him alive for a few weeks, If you could get the Antidote from Dorne we would be able to save hi life. " he said.

FUCK!! I just hope he can hold on to life until i return from Dorne, I will go, I have no choice.

"Do it, make the medicines and keep him alive, I will go to the Vale to get the antidote, " I said, He quickly bowed and left.

I turned to my men, Took a deep breath, And started telling them Everything about this new world.
