
I'm In Game Of Thrones

I thought it's going to be over after I die, Turns out it's just a new beginning. NOTICE: -I hate being insulted, So if you don't like, Don't read. If you have some constructive criticism, I'm all ears. However don't come later calling me Stupid or my story trash, That is not criticism that is straight-up insulting me. I hate it. -Don't expect the characters to be as smart as they were in the books, The characters can only be as smart as the author, WARNING!! I will add monsters from different universes so be warned.

Makh · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


{298 AC 10/2: }

It has been 3 days since I got rid of the bitch, Tyrion still didn't leave for some reason, Achilles and Theokoles are training in the training grounds.

I and Harrold are in the throne room. I'm sitting on the throne and Harrold is standing in front of me, There are only the two of us in the room. Four Spartans are guarding the doors and the rest of them are in the training grounds.

"Our military food rations can't keep up with the consumption ever since we brought the clansmen, And sooner than later we'll start hearing complaints about it. " Reported Harrold.

"I'll see what I could do about this matter, It's very urgent. Continue." I said.

Just as he was about to report about the second matter we hear the sounds of a shield hitting a sword and fighting outside the doors.

"What's going on? " I asked.

"I don't know. " Answered Harrold.

I get up, Take my sword out and start going down the stairs, Harrold does the same as he follows behind me.

Just as I took one step away from the stairs, The sounds from in front of the door stops.

"ARGH!!" I yelled as I felt a chilling cold pain, I look down to see a sword halfway trough my abdomen from the back.

I look to the back only to meed Harrold's smirking face as he holds the sword with two hands.

Fuck, I let my guard down.

The doors swing open as Four Spartans run inside, Behind them laid 8 dead soldiers.

"Fuck! " Yells Harrold as he takes the sword out, Giving me more pain.

He quickly charges at the Spartans.

I fell to the ground on my back.

One Spartan parries the sword away and the other stabs his spear into Harrold's right ankle. Harrold fell down yelling in pain.

Blood came out of my mouth as I smirked at Harrold.

One Spartan pinned him down as the other ran in my direction, The other two ran out of the room. To call the maester and the soldiers in the training grounds I presume.

I will die.

I don't think I can make it.

Too much blood is coming out.

I'm going to fucking die.

Just as the Spartan was 3 steps away from me, Time slows down as I find myself in a white room laying in a bed made of what seems to be the clouds.

ROB suddenly appears out of nowhere as he stands to my side.

"Already dying huh? Very disappointing. " He asks with a smirk.

"I only have one question for you. " I ask with a smile, Blood still streaming out.

"What? " He inquires, Narrowing his eyes.

"What's your last name? " I ask.

"It's 'Truck'. " He said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I blow up in laughter "ROB Truck, I can finally die in peace. " I said.

"Hey, When my father chose that last name, You humans didn't exist yet, Let alone trucks, We thought it was cool back then. " He said as his veins started showing.

"Whatever dude, What do you want? " I asked, My face started losing color but there was still a smile on my face.

He quickly gets his composure back, "Here, Drink this. " He said as he opens a bottle with a blue liquid inside and makes me drink it.

I suddenly feel better, My wound started closing but not all of it, Just enough to remove the threat to my life, There is still a stab, But not as deep as it was before.

"I didn't think you could just help me like this. " I said.

"I can, I just don't want to. This is the last time. Be careful. " He said.

"Then what did you do that for? " I asked.

"Well, I can't have you die before you entertain me. " He said.

"I'm a toy to you? " I asked.

"Not really, But you will have to pay a price for this, So I added a little something down in your world. " He said with a smile.

"Of course you did, As I thought, There is no free launch. What did you do? " I asked as I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's a surprise. " He said. "Here, You will most likely need it." He added as he handed me 5 Low-Level Tickets (It costs 10000 each ).

Just what the fuck did he do that I will need these?

"They will appear in your territory first. " He said. "See ya. " He added as he waved his hand.

"See ya, ROB Truck. " I said with a smile, Right before I found myself back in the throne room, The tickets nowhere to be seen, With the system probably.

The Spartan checked my wound and helped me lay straight, He stepped back after that.

Harrold was still yelling in pain as blood came out of his wound. He couldn't move tho as he was pinned down by the Spartan.

A few minutes later, Achilles and Theokoles and Artemis and the rest of the Spartans entered in a hurry, The maester entered right behind them.

All of them were covered in blood, Except the maester. Theokoles has 7 arrows on his body, 4 in the abdomen, 1 in the left shoulder, 1 in the right leg, And one in the back. He walked like it's nothing.

The Spartans secured the place, 250 of them guarded the corridor leading to the room, Soldiers and servants also came but no one was allowed inside.

Achilles and Artemis stood to my right, Theokoles stood beside Harrold as he kept an eye on him.

The maester came and started checking my wound.

"It's not too deep, My Lord, It's not life-threatening, It will take some time before you can get back to normal however. " He said.

"Help me take him back to the healing room. " He said as he looked at Theokoles.

The latter quickly took out the arrows on his body before he picked me up.

"ARGH. " I yelled in pain, Fuck this hurts.


I open my eyes and look around, There are 5 Spartans beside me, the maester is also here. He is making something.

I struggle to sit up, "My Lord, You can't get up yet. " Said the maester after noticing me.

"It's alright, Nothing I can't handle, I have more urgent matters to attend to. " I said.

I slowly got up.

I found a cane by the bedside.

I took it as I walked out of the room. The Spartans behind me.

There are 45 Spartans and Achilles and Artemis guarding the place.

As soon as I came out, The two walked by my side with the Spartans following behind.

"Where is Theokoles? " I asked.

"He is guarding the traitor's cell, After yesterday, We couldn't trust anyone, He volunteered for the job. " Said Artemis.

"20 Spartans are with him. " Added Achilles.

"Good. Call them to the throne room. " I ordered.

Entering the room, I slowly climbed the stairs and sat on my throne, Achilles to my right and Artemis to my left.

The Spartans surrounded the room with 10 of them outside in the corridor.

"Tell me all that I missed. " I ordered.

"Yesterday, While we were training, we were rained by arrows from all sides. Thankfully no one was hurt from the attack except Theokoles, After that, more than 400 soldiers attacked us, Just as we finished them, We heard that you were attacked and came here." Said Artemis.

"It seems he planned it well. " I said.

The doors open and Theokoles entered, Dragging The traitor by the hair followed by the 20 Spartans.

He forces him to kneel on his knees.

"How can you survive? " Asked Harrold with confusion all over his face.

"I'm the one who asks questions here. " I said, Theokoles gives him a strong kick before forcing him back on his knees.

"Why did you do it? " I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? For the throne. " He said.

"Since when did you have your eyes on it? " I asked.

"Ever since I can remember. I wanted to kill you when we were in the mountains. But if I did, Robin would get the throne. So I waited. " He said.

"What was the plan? " I asked.

"Easy. I poison myself, My Loyal friend would get me the antidote, Do you really think Lysa would try to poison you with such poison? The maid worked for me, I told her to frame Lya. Thus, You kill Lysa and her son, And I kill you and get the throne. Except for the fact that you let Robin go, So I had to kill you, Find him and kill him too. Then get my rightful seat. You were supposed to die, Why are you alive? " He said in anger.

"The soldiers? " I asked.

"They work for me, I was recruiting them for years, Money can buy loyalty. " He said.

I see. So I was being toyed with all along.

"I really want to kill you right now but I will not, Do you know why? " I asked.

He just looked at me.

"Because it's too easy that way. I'm going to make you suffer. " I said with a long, Chilling look.

Two Spartans came and dragged him away, The other 18 followed behind.

Now, Let's test my luck.

'System, Use my Tickets. '

I found myself in a white room again with a huge spinning wheel in front of me.

I press the button and it starts spinning.

After a while, It stops and returns to its optimal condition.

I repeat the process 4 times before I found myself back on my throne with five tickets in my hand.

{Schneizel el Britannia - Code Geass} FINALLY, My luck is smiling at me. Finally, someone to help me run this place.

{Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Video game series: Assassin's Creed}

{Bayek of Siwa - Video game series: Assassin's Creed} NOICE, I have just the job for these two.

{white tiger.

Name: N/A

Age: 5 years old.

Species: Familiar.


Intimidation: Able to intimidate and make people pee their pants just by looking at him.

Defense: His defense is strong enough to withstand a bullet from a 50- caliber rifle.

Bite: His bite is as strong as a saltwater crocodile's bite.

Speed: As fast as a Cheetah.

} Interesting.

{TRANSFIGURATION magic - Ziamoro universe.

Description: The user can transfigure anything to anything as long as he can imagine it and has enough mana. This object can last forever if so the user wished while creating it, It will consume more mana to create however. Can create animate and inanimate objects with this. Can't give special abilities.

} What kind of universe is this? I never heard of it. Very useful ability however.

'How much mana do I have? System. ' I asked.

[Host has 250 in mana. ]

I don't know how useful is that?

I picked the cane to my side and tried using the magic on it.

I imagined the grip to be a silver eastern dragon and if I willed it, It changes into a hammer, and that the cane is actually a sword, And if I willed it again, It transforms into a bracelet. If someone held it without my permission, It would return to being a normal dragon cane. (I will put the pictures in the comments. Sorry if it's confusing. )

And so it did.

I can see it as it transforms, Magic is awesome.

I hold the cane by the grip and take it out of its scabbard which was originally the shaft to see the blade of the sword. I return it back and will it to transform, the handle transforms into a hammer but the shaft remains the same. I will it again and it transforms into a bracelet the surrounded itself with my hand like it came to life.

'How much mana do I have remaining? ' I asked the system.

[Host has 0 mana left. ] It answered.

'What is the regeneration rate? ' I asked.

[10M/H] It answered.

I see, so it will take 25 hours for it to fully regenerate.

I look at the tickets in my hand with a smile.
