
Chapter 195 Poor Tohsaka Family! Kill Medusa In Seconds!

"Not long ago, my mother passed away. As for what you said, I really can't believe this kind of rhetoric. Kotomine Kirei is my father's disciple. How could he betray and kill his teacher himself? impossible."

Tohsaka Rin retorted with a pale expression.

What innocent words!

"Sometimes, to judge a person's character is good or bad, you can't fully distinguish it with your eyes. Rin, the posture that many people show in secret is very different from the surface!"

Li Yiming looked at the girl in front of him with pity.

To be honest, the people in her Tohsaka family are basically all tragedies!

Tosaka Toki was betrayed by Servant and his disciples, and died tragically in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Tosaka Aoi was strangled by a dog licking her neck, and eventually her brain was damaged due to lack of oxygen, and she was paralyzed for many years.

Recently, she passed away in pain.

My sister Tohsaka Sakura was adopted, but was transformed by bugs.

Even Rin Tohsaka, the best ever, has been a thief for the past ten years, and didn't know the truth until the end. It's really ironic to think about it.

Sure enough, the vast majority of magicians are a bunch of lunatics!

"Don't rush to refute, there is one more thing I haven't finished! It's about your sister Tohsaka Sakura, but now it should be called Matou Sakura. Before that, I need to give you some acceptance. Time, the next topic is likely to make you feel uncomfortable, are you sure you want to listen?"

Plain words and serious expressions are all telling the seriousness of the problem.

Even though Tohsaka Rin was unwilling to believe Li Yiming's words deep in her heart, she had to believe what the latter showed.

She is not a fool, and some things can already be judged by herself.

"What happened to Sakura?"

"Ten years ago, Tohsaka Sakura was adopted by Tohsaka Toki to the Matou family, and the name was changed to Matou Sakura, in order to inherit the Matou family's magic seal.

Kiri Sakura is very talented as a magician, but the Tohsaka family can only have one heir, at this time someone is willing to adopt another child, which is undoubtedly the best choice."

"However, he forgot to investigate the details of the Matou family. The adopted Matou Sakura did not become the heir, but completely fell into endless hell!"

"The current 19th Patriarch of the Matou family, Matou Zouyan, not long after Matou Sakura adopted her, he used the engraving worm to transform her body, and at the same time implanted the Holy Grail fragment into Matou Sakura's heart, Transformed into an incomplete Lesser Holy Grail in an attempt to win the Holy Grail War."

"To put it simply, there are imprinted worms in Matou Sakura's body all the time, eating her body, absorbing her magic power and turning it into nourishment, so that her magic power is almost completely exhausted."

"And in many cases, Matou Zouken will also actively stimulate the engraving insects to make Matou Sakura thirst for magic power. As for the way to obtain magic power... as a magician, I don't need to say more, right? "

Li Yiming didn't say anything about the more extreme experiences later.

In fact, he also felt that this girl was very pitiful, but unfortunately, the time when he came was the Fifth Holy Grail War, so there was no way to redeem her.

The only thing that can be done now is to save Matou Sakura's life!

After hearing this, Tohsaka Rin on the side suddenly turned livid, his hands clenched tightly, and even his body began to tremble slightly.

"Are you kidding me, Sakura..."

The girl kept reassuring herself that this was just a story told by Li Yiming, but the facts left her no way to continue to escape.

When she was in school, she couldn't feel the magic calendar in Matou Sakura's body at all.

Coupled with the fact that the latter's hair color and personality have undergone earth-shaking changes, all of this is explaining one thing.

What Li Yiming said is true!

Thinking that his sister had suffered such suffering, Rin Tohsaka felt more guilty and distressed.

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly dropped to freezing point, Goddess Faith showed reproachful eyes, as if she was reprimanding Li Yiming for going straight.

This kind of thing should be more tactful.

The latter shrugged helplessly, "Sooner or later we will know about this kind of thing, so it is better to cut the mess quickly. Although I regret what happened to that girl, but the thing has already happened, and it is useless to continue to cover it up. It's better to think about how to solve it.

One word awakens the dreamer.

Rin Tohsaka, who was still silent, stood up instantly, with fierceness and hatred in his eyes.

It seems that she has made a decision!

"Archer, come with me to the house of the Matou family.

"Of course it's fine, Rin!"

Li Yiming stood up slowly and followed Rin Tohsaka.

"Hertos, do you want to come with us?"

"Of course, I also want to witness the death of that disgusting existence! But then again, do you really need my help?"

Goddess He Faith asked softly.

Hearing this, Li Yiming smiled and shook his head: "I can still deal with this kind of little guy, but I may see some uncomfortable things in the future. I didn't intend to let you go."

"Don't worry, I've seen a lot of things."

"Alright then, Rin, let's go now!"

Now that everything has been said for this sake, there is no reason to continue to refuse.

Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin didn't say much, and didn't even realize that the name Li Yiming said was the real name of the god.

At this moment, all her thoughts were on Matou Sakura.

She wants to figure out everything, and then save her sister from the dire straits!

In the middle of the night, in the courtyard of the Matou family.

The cold wind whizzed past at night, and the leaves in the yard began to fall with the wind, scattered everywhere. In the silent environment, only the sound of wind and insects were left competing for beauty.

And with the sound of two breaking winds, three figures slowly landed on the house.

Without any sound of footsteps, Li Yiming arrived here with Rin Tosaka and Goddess Faith Hetos without attracting anyone's attention.

Even Matou Zouken couldn't catch their arrival.

"Has it arrived yet? The speed is so fast, and the means of flashing by, is it space magic?"

Rin Tohsaka, who was so anxious, was still shocked by Li Yiming's ability at this time. Obviously, as an Archer, he still possesses this kind of means, which is simply incredible.

But after thinking about it, it seems that it is not difficult for archers to have space ability.

After all, Archer is characterized by long-distance combat, full mobility, and the ability to quickly transfer, which seems reasonable.

"Ah, we've arrived. The house of the Matou family is under our feet. I can already feel your sister's presence. There is also the location of Matou Zouyan, and there are unexpected surprises at the same time!"

"There is still a Servant hiding in this place, it seems that it is destined to be a battle between Yang and Yang!"


Hearing Li Yiming's words, Tohsaka Rin also seemed very urgent, and hurriedly asked: "Archer, can you solve it?"

"Trust me a little bit. Although I am an aerial heroic spirit, I am also very strong. Just take this opportunity to show it to you!"

With that said, Li Yiming let go of his hands.

A bright white light flashed, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Chop!" A cold voice sounded, Li Yiming slashed out with a knife, and the terrifying slash shot out instantly, enveloping all the houses in front of him.

A solid house is like glass, and it was shattered the moment it came into contact with the slash.

In the blink of an eye, the entire yard was reduced to ruins.

Such a massive attack made Rin Tohsaka open his mouth and said angrily, "What are you doing? This attack will affect Sakura, do you want to kill her?"

"Don't worry, Rin, your sister is the Master of that Servant, and I still have something left, so there won't be any problems. This kind of place that hides uncomfortable dirty things no longer exists. If necessary, let me destroy it with my own hands!"


As the voice fell, an explosion sounded.

The smoke produced by the explosion suddenly rushed out of two figures and fell heavily on the ground.

I saw a fiery Yujie blindfolded, holding a purple-haired girl in her arms, and appeared in the sight of the three people with a slightly embarrassed figure.


The moment he saw someone coming, Yuan planned to run straight up.

But before she ran far, she was suddenly grabbed by Li Yiming's arm, unable to move forward.

"Archer, let me go!"

"Don't get excited, calm down a little bit, now is not the time for sisterhood, if you pass by casually, the other party's Servant will definitely attack immediately, so in order to ensure your safety, let me deal with it later talk later!"

"But...I get it, so I'll leave it to you, Archer!"

Realizing what's going on now, Tohsaka Rin calmed down instantly, looking at Matou Sakura with distressed eyes, Shin still forcibly endured the impulse in his heart.

"Then I'll start!"

Feeling that the strength of the struggle in his hand was getting smaller and smaller, Li Yiming also let go of his hand in time.

He slowly stepped forward, and Medusa, who had just escaped from the edge of life and death, also hurriedly let go of Matou Sakura in her arms, stood up straight, and squatted down in a vigilant posture.

Clenching the weapon with both hands, it means to shoot if there is a disagreement.

"Don't be nervous, you should be Rider! I didn't come here today to fight you, and the Holy Grail War hasn't fully started yet, so it doesn't make any sense to let you exit early. I'm here to find Matou Zouken, so you Don't get out of the way!"

Medusa was slightly shaken, but she still waited in front of Matou Sakura.


But at this moment, Matou Ying suddenly let out a miserable cry, and everyone immediately looked towards her position.

I saw the originally beautiful girl, but her appearance at this time was quite terrifying.

Matou Sakura's body surface began to squirm continuously, from the arms all the way up, then wandered on the face, and then drilled in front of the body [every movement will be exchanged for the girl's screams.

"Sakura!" Medusa and Tohsaka Rin shouted almost at the same time, their eyes full of worry.

"Chu Jiejie, what a rare visitor!"

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the dark, but only heard the voice but could not see the person.

"Such impolite guests, presumably evil ones, Rider, please get rid of them, then Sakura will naturally return to her original state!"

Threatening words sounded in the courtyard.

Hearing such words, Tohsaka Rin's inner anger became more intense.

"Matou Zouken, you are really despicable, not only did you do such an exaggerated thing to Sakura, but now you actually use her to threaten other people,

I swear, I will never let you go!"

"Jie Jie Jie, you kid from the Yuansaka family, you are as naive as your father, this world is cruel, and magicians are just a group of people who do not achieve their goals by any means, that's all.

Only a self-proclaimed high-minded guy like your father will end up in a tragic end.

"The old man is not so easy to die, you should worry about your sister first!"

"Rider, don't do it yet?"

After saying this, Matou Zouken's voice disappeared instantly.

Then came the sudden attack of Medusa.

Yu Jie, who had completed charging, exploded at an astonishing speed, and the invisible air formed a white sound barrier in front of her, and the sound of the sonic boom was quite ear-piercing.

In the blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Li Yiming.

The weapons connected by chains in their hands attacked Li Yiming mercilessly. Due to the sound of 'ding ding' from the collision, it seemed extraordinarily strange in this silent night.


"Do you still have to fight? Really, as Rin said, there are really despicable methods. If this is the case, then let you calm down for a while!"

As he spoke, Li Yiming also moved.

The black knife in her hand swung out instantly, and the terrifying sword energy roared over, causing Medusa's expression to change suddenly, and she hurriedly withdrew the weapon in her hand to resist.

However, she still underestimated the power of this knife.

533 The terrifying sword energy whizzed past, and flew upside down with Medusa, smashing heavily into the ruins.

With just one encounter, Li Yiming easily suppressed Medusa. His current strength is already terrifying. Although it is still not enough compared to Jin Shining, he still has the ability to deal with other people.

No problem at all.

"Then, welcome to the judgment from Thunder!"

"Thunder's Sanction!"

The light in Li Yiming's eyes flickered, and there was an explosion in the sky.

The next moment, a dazzling thunder light fell instantly, and the dazzling light almost made everyone present couldn't open their eyes, and all of them closed their eyes subconsciously.

But when everyone opened it again, Thunder had already fallen.

The ruins of Matou's house were instantly hit by lightning, and the terrifying power penetrated everything in an instant. Even the ground couldn't withstand the power, and a huge pothole was instantly punched out.


Accompanied by a scream, all the bugs disappeared under this thunder.

Including Matou Zouken's body, everything was completely wiped out by Li Yiming's attack.

"Scream, what an ugly act, are you trying to stop me with Rider's power? You're thinking too much, starting from the moment I arrive here, you have no chance

Go on living, even the gods can't save you, I said!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yiming's figure disappeared in place in an instant.


There was only a piercing sound, and his right arm directly pierced Matou Sakura's chest.

The girl wailed in pain, the corners of her mouth were scarlet, and her eyes showed a look of relief.

"Don't worry, it's not time to leave yet, there are still many people waiting for you in this world!"

A faint smile appeared on Li Yiming's face, and his expression was also full of distress and comfort. Then he quickly pulled out his right hand and took out a long worm.

Taking out a bottle of panacea and pouring it into Matou Sakura's mouth, the girl who was seriously injured recovered instantly, even the wound on her chest was completely healed, except for the torn clothes

Other than the clothes and the bloodstains left behind, it is impossible to tell what he has experienced.

"Sakura, are you alright?"

Tohsaka Rin, who just realized it, hurried forward and checked Matou Sakura's body nervously.

After making sure that there were no problems, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It really scared me to death, Archer, before you do something, can't you discuss it with me first? It actually pierced Sakura's heart directly!"

"Sorry, I have to act in a hurry. In order to prevent Matou Zouken from jumping over the wall in a hurry, I can only use this method!"

Li Yiming smiled awkwardly, "Isn't this all right? Actually, before doing this, I have already thought about the result. There will never be any accidents. Let's discuss it."

Now, let's see how to deal with this old bug!"

Raising his right hand, he handed over the situation in his hand to Tohsaka Rin to watch.

The insect that was jumping around alive and struggling constantly made the girl show an angry expression again.

"This bug is Matou Zouken?"