
I'm Hollow

A big web of interconnected lives is oblivious to their connection. Every one of them is looking for their purpose, some hoping to find it in others and the rest hoping to find it while they still can. You never know what fate has in store for you. they're bold. They're scared. They're optimistic. They're cautious. They're scared and bruised. They're careful. They want to be loved and cared about. They wish to be held. Uganda, the pearl of Africa. Ever wondered how the ordinary people there survived? Let the drama unfold.

Hannah_Bwiiza · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs



Ian had spent a few days away from home. He looked at his phone ringing. It was his mum again. "You know, you should pick it up before your dad barges in here with the local chairman. We don't need that kind of scene here. we're still recovering from our parents' separation." his best friend told him. Rogers was concerned about his friend. He just showed up, hasn't eaten and has barely said a word to anyone. He just sits and stares at the wall all day. Something needs to be done.

He got up and went to ask his sister for help. Her mind was always busy, and, if she was as tired of having the Ian-on-pause in their house, she'd definitely have something up her sleeve. He left Ian seated, watching the wall, the same position he had held the past week and went to find his sister.

Rebecca stood by the wall, watching Ian behave like a zombie. She had, for over an hour, listened to her brother rant and whine about him acting like a zombie, like she hadn't noticed. But no matter how tired she was seeing him around, generally, she wasn't heartless enough to "get rid of him" the same way she had done with the house-helps her mother would hire to watch over them. Ian was different from those menopausal women. she'd practically seen him grow from a chubby boy with braces to the tall hunk he was now. She couldn't possibly do that to him, could she? But then, she was tired of having to act like there was a heart patient in the house. They couldn't watch TV, and she had just called off the sleepover she had promised her friends she'd hold because he'd literally creep them all out. Heck, he was creeping her out.

She was going to talk him out of that state if it was the last thing she did. Not that she knew what had gotten him into that state to begin with. Maybe Izzy knew. She had been out of touch lately, she should know what's up.

A knock on the door interrupted her typing. She didn't appreciate being interrupted during her study time, especially when she wasn't even in the moods for it. Setting the laptop down, she wore her comfy slip-ons and went to open the door. She heard something fall and silently prayed with her eyes closed that it wasn't her phone, the thing had enough cracks already. She bent down and felt under the couch for it. And when she touched it, she brought it back to her chest. Thankfully, it was still intact. But under the couch clearly needed some cleaning, the phone case could give testimony for that. Just as she was about to sit down, the knock came back. Oh right, I had forgotten about whoever that is. She walked to the door, unlocked it and peeped at her intruder. When she saw who it was, she opened it a little wider and gave him a look that should have withered him on the spot. "What ill wind brought you here? And what do you want?"

"I'm just here to talk to Justin, Kay. I don't want any trouble." He knew the look she was giving him. He knew it all too well. But now wasn't the time to deal with her. "What did you call me?" Her change in attitude was not a surprise to him either. He'd had to deal with worse during her red days. Something about this one was different. And he knew why. He couldn't help himself, the nickname had stuck. He didn't even remember how to pronounce her full name, but he really couldn't deal with this now. "I need to have a talk with your brother. Five minutes is all I ask. After that, I'll walk away."

She stared at him. He looked defeated, an emotion she had only seen him show a few years ago when they broke up on bad terms and went separate ways after their O'level exams. What had happened to him? "How do you and Justin know each other? He is a few years below you, and from the little he has told us, O and A level students do not mix except during mealtime. What do you need to tell him? Write it down and I'll deliver it to him when he gets back-"

"Your brother and my sister were dating." he blurted it out. They both knew she was going to keep on talking until he stopped her. She paused mid-sentence. "Come again?"

"Justin and Izzy were dating. I didn't want what happened to us to happen to them, so I was a bit harsh on him. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't her like I hurt you. But I guess I went too far. I am here to apologise to him. I don't know whether they broke up or not, but Izzy has been a mess since he left school and now she cant even stand breathing in the same air as me. I want to set them up, apologise and let them patch things up so my sister can be happy again. I don't want her to look at me like something that's stuck on the sole of her shoe. Please Kay, help me."

"I'm sure you're mistaken. Justin is terrified of girls, terrified is actually an understatement. He is petrified of girls." He cant possibly be dating someone, especially your sister. She added inside her head. She looked for any signs of him telling a lie. She hoped he was telling a lie. He had to be lying. This was an excuse to start trouble. But when she saw none, she confirmed he was telling the truth. Taking two steps back, she let him in. "Be careful what you say to him, his blood pressure hasn't been stable for the past few couple of weeks. If you startle him, or stress him out, he'll pass out and I'll make sure you carry him to the hospital and pay the hospital bill. By yourself."

"I thought you and your siblings were all on health insurance?"


He stopped for a few seconds and looked at her retreating back. She hadn't changed a bit. He felt his heart warm up at that thought, and a small smile crept onto his lips. There must be a way I can get her to forgive me, blackmail or not. We could just strike a deal and she can beat me up then we'll be good again. She can never resist a good deal, right? She stopped when she noticed he wasn't following and turning around, saw him standing with his hands in his pockets, staring down and with a small grin on his lips. She still remembered what they tasted like, and found herself subconsciously biting her lower lip. She shook her head. Of all times to be softening up to him! Get a grip of yourself, Mekie. He is not the guy you fell in love with! Clearing her throat, she brought both of them out of their thoughts, and made the mistake of looking directly into his eyes while she did so. Time froze for a second, or was it a minute, none could tell. He got closer, and didn't realize he was until her hand landed on his chest. "You're here to see my brother, not to light a dead fire." "Dead fire? Is that what you really feel? it's not dead, Kay. At least mine isn't." He stared into her eyes. They were swirling with something he couldn't decipher. She turned around and hurried away before she lost any of the minuscule will and self control she had left vanished. He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head before following suit.

"So that's the guy who broke her heart?" Babirye asked her twin sister. "Yup. That has got to be him. Did you see the way they walked to each other as if they were remote controlled or something?" Nakato replied. Silence.

"Do you think he meant what he said?"

"You heard it?!?!"

"No, Babi. I can lip-read." she dead panned with a roll of her eyes, "Something you'd be able to do as well if you had paid enough attention during the music lessons we used to take back when we were still in preschool."

"Aah! Nakie, Do not even remind me about those things. I'm glad they're done and I never have to take any more. What'd he say though?"

"He wants her back."

"tan tan taaaann!!!!!!"

They looked at each other and squealed and laughed so hard they almost fell off the chair by the window. They had enjoyed the little drama scene they had watched from the window.

Maybe they should do that more often?