
Chapter 02

"I'm Anna I..,"the chair behind the wooden glass table rotated and there sat the person whom I was curious about.

He wore a dark blue tuxedo where his inner shirt is white and his tie had blue and white stripes on it. His ivory skin matches perfectly to his jet black crew cut hairstyle.

"Ms Anna,"he spoke as his eyes were glued on me which made me feel awkward and my name sounds different in his tone.

Lookin at me from to bottom his lips twitched up when his eyes landed on my shoes. Knitting my eyebrows curiously I also looked down at my shoes to find anything in it. Ignoring his gaze I walked forward and placed my file on the table.

"Take a seat," he stated as he shoved his hand to the seat infront of me. Looking at him I walked towards the chair and sat on it trying to relax as his intense gaze was driving me nuts.

"And you ,"he looked at the person who was standing beside the table, he might be in his late twenties and his face shows how worried he was "get me the file before I fire you,"he whisper yelled at him and he left the scene in a blink of an eye.

Seems like he is running out of time I thought.

I feel sorry for him.

I heard Mr Han clear his throat which made to jump out of my thought of that boy and look at him.

He is really something,I never thought that the first time I meet him would be like this because I get some weird kind of tingles and his presense is something else.

God...Anna get out of your stupid thoughts.

"I thought you would look different," he stated almost amusingly as he raised a brow.


Before I could speak he interrupted.

"Why do you wear those," he asked as he looked at me deeply.

"Huh?,"that just came out of my mouth as I had no idea what he was asking about.

I tried examine his words as I looked down at myself to figure out what he was talking about.

"The glasses,"he said as he opened my file and started reading it.

A sigh of relief left my lips because finally those orbs are not fixed on me.

Taking a deep breath I looked at him who was reading my file.

"A problem in long distance vision,"I answered which made his orbs a way up and he looked at me.

"Ohh,"he moved his eyes back to the file.

Rubbing my palms against each other as my nervousness was eating me up,I sat there looking at him who was reading the file.

Looking at him now I understand why many girls are running behind him and why he is known as the hottest CEO.

"Ms Anna,"he called out suddenly which made to get out of my thoughts and a word 'ah' left outta my mouth without mt realisation.

A smirk made his way to his lips as he looked at me, which made me feel embarrassing.

Leaning back to his seat he threw the file on the stool which was close to a shelf piled up with books and files.

"Mr Andrews has complimented you alot..seems like you are a hardworking employee and that is why I want you to be my assistant," he explained as his eyes were fixed on me.

"My pleasure,"I answered as I smiled at him and my smile dropped when I noticed his grin grew wider.

"My personal assistant Ms Anna,"he stated as he leaned forward resting his arms on the table.

As I told earlier his presence is definitely something else because he is making me hella nervous.

Getting up from his seat he leaned even forward where our faces were some inches away. I sat there staring at him not knowing what to do.

"Looking forward to working with you Ms Anna,"he chuckled and stood up quickly which made me to get out of my blank mind immediately.

Getting up from my seat I stood behind the tall figure who was searching for a file in the shelf.

"Me too,"I replied politely.

This whole thing was making me feel awkward and its just the firat time I met him.

The thing first impression is the best impression is washed away.

An idea of him being arrogant just made its way out of my mind too.

"Your cabin is there,"he turned around and looked to the right and I followed his gesture.

The place where I am now and the cabin which I'm supposed to be working in is just seperated with a glass.

Okay...he or I can clearly see what we are doing from now onwards.

Anna don't ever act stupid and embarrass yourself.

"Hans," a sexy voice interrupted which me to turn around and look at the doorway.

It's the girl who spoke to me in the elevator.

"Show her around," he said dryly.

"Sure dude," she winked at him as I walked towards the door.

"Seems like everything went fine,"she asked as we walked together.

I reply her with a hum not knowing exactly what happened in there. I didn't even speak a word and we didn't even speak about the job or even the contract. Maybe he discussed everything with my previous job boss Mr Andrews or.....

Anyways as long as I do my job.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself,"she paused and looked at me who was deep in thought.

"I'm Charlotte,the office manager,"she moved her hand infront.

"I'm Anna,"I shook her hand and we continued to walk further.

Charlotte showed me around the building not all but almost every important places that I need to know. The building was soo huge and my feet began to be numb and those heels are just excruciating.

I have no idea of how Charlotte walks around with her 6 inch high heels and here I am where my feet is burning with the two inches heel.

She showed me the store, meeting room, general office,call centre and other places as well. She introduced me to the other staffs and most of them seem to be friendly and some of them are like who cares who she is.

My feet paused at the entrance of a room,there is a L shaped table at the corner with circular stools around it. A huge sofa at the centre and a filtre as well as a coffee machine.

"And yeah,you can spend your break time here if you wish...,"

"Woah,"I walking in and sat on the stool as I looked around.

"Seems like you want to stop the exploration here,"Charlotte said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

She is really a typical drama queen.

Rubbing my feet I looked up at her"What do think of Mr Han,"I asked as she filled two cups of coffee and sat on the stool beside me.

"Mr Han," she told to herself"hmm..he is handsome,"

"And,"I asked as I took a sip of my cooffee

"And...he is handsome,"she spoke which made me choke.

Seriously... is there nothing else about him..

Placing my cup on the table I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"What?,"she asked curiously like as if she gave me a perfect answer.

"Nothing,I gotta start working,"I bid her goodbye still smiling at her answer.