
I'm here I guess.

Lakkar is your usual college student, he's... not very bright per se but he did have a dream and a particularly strong detachment from the world. one day during a particular boring session of learning... a mystery gas came into earth atmosphere. the gas... well from some people standpoint it's a miracle or hell personified... no matter what people opinion of it is... it turned people. remember what I said about it being a miracle to some people? I looked at the system in front of me... maybe? story will contain: -survival (later on) -system -yuri -monster -weak to strong -fantasy stuff -weird stuff -gender bend -profanity like swearing and stuff ===================== I'm still new at writing so I'm figuring stuff out along the way, sorry about the grammar. I'm not the best at writing and I don't have an editor so expect grammar mistake along the way.

djakwpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

7. a peaceful day, for once.

*long chapter alert*

"here is the hub. " she said gesturing at the huge previously seen two football sized stadium room.

in the center of it are a crest of some kind, it depicted a star with six moons and a bright orange sun that it circled, the star itself looked kind of like earth except the water is way less, the six moon is different with each other, one of them is a red moon, one of them is just moon but it's surface is covered with sea, this one is a fully white and pristine moon, it's surface is unnaturally smooth and it had two white ring circling around it.

the fourth however is a direct opposite of that, it's spiky appearance and pure darkness makes it a highly dangerous moon to be in, instead of white ring that circled around it, instead it's a dark thorny plant like being that circled it.

the fifth is a meat planet... there's no need to describe it.

the sixth is almost transparent if not for my newly superior eyesight I wouldn't probably noticed it, the longer that I stared into the elusive depiction of the planet the more sucked into it I feel, it feels like I'm missing an enormous amount of context to even comprehend it, like a paywall or something...

I decided to ask about it to silvian as she said "oh!... it's ok if you want to stare longer~ "I have a feeling she talked about something else... oh well, she said to stare at it longer right?

I decided to stare at it with even more intensity, ten second... twenty second... fifty second... and finally after staring at it for a whole two minute I blinked, still even after all of that, even after the burning sensation in my eyes, nothing happened... well that's two minute of my life wasted.

I sigh disappointed, though I don't know what to feels disappointed at, myself? silvian fake advice? or just the feeling of doing a stupid thing while nothing happened? nevertheless, I forget about it soon enough.

a nagging feeling in my head drawing me into the weird sixth moon again... I should look about it in the library or something...

then silvian led me into a series of winding hallway and elevator until I arrived at what she called a 'merchant guild' pretty sure this is sole sort of a fantasy tropes again.

the floor slowly became cobblestone as I walked into a giant town full of street stall and merchant shouting.

<< now playing: Doppelgänger - sea power >>

the floor that I noticed have turned to a street now are filled with people of different races, gender, faces, different people, familiar vibe.

it's almost nostalgic for me seeing a very busy street, for almost five year the street are empty save for some people that are allowed to go out, I once was a deliveryman when the pandemic hits, people wanted food, drink, ingredients and what not, can only rely on some very watched deliveryman.

I made a huge buck doing jobs like that for a year straight that I don't even have to work on some minimum wage job ever again, I felt like a human once I got enough money, easy transport, good food, good sleep, less stress, and many more thing that makes me feel more rich than whoever are the riches person in the world... I think it was Daniel corsair if I remember correctly.

anyway, I let the air soak into my lungs and I felt the edge of my lips curling up, silvian let me a moment of peace as she hold my hand to the food stall.

the air smell a variety of things, a rose smell, a weird metal acid, three pieces of freshly baked bread, a strong wood smell, a baked potato, and lastly blood.

I didn't even realize how blood smelled so good! it's like a weird sauce that's a bit metallic and it's a damn good one at that.

I guess I'm part vampire now... man I always like vampire and maybe I could have the chance date them or something but being one myself is a weird thing to be honest...

it's not irresistible, it's just like when your nose smelled your favourite food and you're a bit desperate to eat it but not really because you don't have enough money to buy it.

finally after dodging and weaving through the crowd, we arrived at a cafe called 'sim's cafe'.

now that I noticed it, the server are the exact same person... sure they use different clothes but it's obvious that the face, body, and other defining quality is the same.

we sat on one of the outside chair that have a hole for my tail to slid in, there's a parasol even though there's not a single but of daylight out here, just light.

"silvi! " one of the server approached us, if you want to be technical about it the whole cafe employee approached us, she is human looking, she has silver hair running down to her shoulder, the clothes she's wearing is your usual cafe clothes, nothing like medieval whatsoever like our surrounding suggests, she has dark eyes and pimples dotted across her cheek.

"dopel! " she said hugging the small woman in her grasp... did women always hug their friend each time they meet? me and the boys only need a nod to understand each other...

then she talked with the woman named dopel for a bit until she specifically addressed me, my mind is a bit blank as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat not knowing what to do and what to say at the moment.

since my mind have nothing to say or add to the conversation, my body just went on auto mode as a song that feels like an electric shock came into my ear.

<< now playing: Fahkeet Shock - light grips (forsaken bacon) >>

... that just stunned me for a whole two second... wow... but it sounded better in my cat ear not gonna lie.

let's first check for the sound leak... almost nonexistent, even though I felt my ears coming apart and get rebuild in that first five second of the song, it's not that bad when you get used to it.

anyway, now that I have my mind on track I can finally focus on the conversation.

"and what race are you snow? " dopel said genuinely interested in my race, I mean I'm also interested in it, ever since that tail incident...

"i don't really know that much since... stuff happened a lot and I can't really keep track of the weird insane thing that happened in my life, but I think I'm part vampire and cat kin. " trying to get used to this voice is going to take a whole lotta time.

she started at me in shock before silvi coughed to get the conversation going.

"ah, silly me! I forgot to tell you that snow is a newbie! "wait did she forgot to tell dopel that??

"I thought she was your girlfriend though? " as dopel said that, silvi face suddenly turned bright red before she sink into the chair.

there was an awkward moment between the both of us as I tried to redirect my attention by reading the menu in front of me.

the menu is filled to the brim with delicious imagery, though most of them are rather weird, for example a bowl of blood? actually I'll take that.

"how about we order some actual food now? " I ask silvi as she coughed a few times.

"you said you are part vampire right? in Terra one of the easiest way to confirm your races is food! if you're a cat kin you should love fish even though it's not exclusive, it's still useful for confirming certain traits you want to avoid. " silvi explain as she ordered three food that sounds very alien... who want a blood soaked nails?? and bone tangy filth?? not to mention a darkness essence??

"what's with the name?? "I said in a whispery voice.

"it's just some fancy thing, don't worry about it. "huh? so Terra is pretty close to earth then in some way...

"so just asking... about the day, week, month and year... "

"thank you for reminding me of it snow, there are seven days a week, fourteen week a month, and twenty two months a year, it's similar on earth since we're of a similar place in the universe. " okay?

"I can see the confusion on your face so let me explain some more, in Terra there are five moon and a 'sun', the moon revolve in a way that showed themselves for a full day, sometimes very rarely several moon showed up at the same time in the sky, each moon correspond a day, the first day of the week are.

the red moon which strengthen a race called the folk, the folk are a bunch of mismatched races that lay in the weird spot between other races, this day are also called the blood moon.

the second day of the week are the neptune, the neptune are a moon filled with water as the name might suggest, they strengthened the sea folk, like the folk, sea folk lay between the races of many but instead on the land they lived in the sea.

the third day and fourth day are the respective light and darkness, the light strengthen the angel while the dark strengthen the demon, the angel are a race of pure holy mana, they are most of the time represent themselves in their humanoid form, though if you're lucky they might reveal their real form to you, the demon are made of pure dark mana, they are more comfortable in showing their true form, though people said the demon are scary at best and unsavory at worst, they're actually are pretty nice though a little blunt. "that's a lot of information...

"and for the fifth day, there are... " she suddenly pauses as I feel the tension around us suddenly rises.

"the weird day! yay... I can't really talk about it in public since it's the... weird day, if you want to find out about it, you can go to the library and ask about it, that topic is very much out of my field of expertise even as the third year. "why's the long face?

"but yeah, the weird day is also always a holiday, so never ever! take a job at this day, but you can do everything except taking job and classes, trust me it's not worth it. "silvi grimaced as she said that, is this some sort of an inside joke I don't know about?

"the sixth day is the Terra day! this is the day you must take a job if you haven't took anything for the whole week, each time you skipped a whole week without job you will be getting a strike, seven strike and you're out of the gu- I mean academy. "what was that?!

"the Terra day is the day where nothing is above the sky and only the beautiful Terra sky is available for the day. "uhh... I'm tempted to say about the sixth moon but I think it's not a good idea...

"the Terra day true human are the one who become powered though it's almost unnoticeable for the common people, human can't get sick, human also will be extremely relaxed in this day, this is also the day that if you're a human and haven't has access to the system, you will be getting a temporary access to it for the whole Terra day. "man, how I wish this is the case for weekend... the only thing it brought are more piled up work.

"and the last day, the star day... the star day are where the star of the month make their appearance, there are fourteen star that makes appearance based on their week, it's complicated and they should teach you about it on Terra day which is... one day from now. "so if my assumptions is correct, fourteen week a month and each month are twenty four month? and should I assume that it's your usual twenty four hours per day and that means... a lot of number... so our human have an extremely short lifespan... and how long do I live now???? I don't think it's really all that great for me since my brain is a human one(I think?) and human have like two hundred year-ish before my brain is full on storage and suddenly I'm a dumbass.

"thank you for the food. "silvi said as she handed dopel a coin... now that I think about it, I don't know how money work... all that year studying is going to waste...

new world means new opportunity right?


boring world building!! boo!! where's the fighting!! I want to fight!!

don't worry guys I also want to get to the good stuff but boring world building comes first, I just hope that it's interesting enough...