
I'm here I guess.

Lakkar is your usual college student, he's... not very bright per se but he did have a dream and a particularly strong detachment from the world. one day during a particular boring session of learning... a mystery gas came into earth atmosphere. the gas... well from some people standpoint it's a miracle or hell personified... no matter what people opinion of it is... it turned people. remember what I said about it being a miracle to some people? I looked at the system in front of me... maybe? story will contain: -survival (later on) -system -yuri -monster -weak to strong -fantasy stuff -weird stuff -gender bend -profanity like swearing and stuff ===================== I'm still new at writing so I'm figuring stuff out along the way, sorry about the grammar. I'm not the best at writing and I don't have an editor so expect grammar mistake along the way.

djakwpse · Fantasy
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10 Chs

5. Aftermath?

that's... loud... I hope no one heard about that... anyway, like any responsible adult after they masturbate is to clean the remains, and by the gods there's lots of it... that's gotta be at least a liter of stuff on the floor... didn't know a girl could squirt that much.

maybe because I never fuck one? honestly my ex girlfriend never really cared about that kind of thing so we never actually do it, which is a shame to be honest but yeah hanging out is still kinda cool.

the smell too! it's decent... actually it smelled really nice for some reason... I can't put my claw onto it because I'm not a smell kinda guy... just a lick?

hell no! what the hell brain! if I want to do that it's better when I'm still horny! now I'm not anymore... let me check... still horny like always, is it because I'm a different race now that I'm hornier than never? is that how it works? I'll figure it out later.

after some cleaning, I finally got comfortable in my house-apartment, inside of it are pretty generic except that the whole house is covered in wood, the scent of it are calming and I really like how my feet felt when I'm walking, the house is split in three room, one of them is the main living room which houses a tv, a couch, a phone which has been linked to my account, and a book, nope not a shelf full of book but just one book in a shelf, I grabbed it and read the title.

'how to races'

is it about racing? or races? damn you English! I flipped the first page of the book.

'this here is an introduction regarding the several different races the Terra has to offer.

the first and most common races are true human, they live around two hundred years or three hundred years depending on their lifestyle, they are the most weak in term of mental resist, and one of the most short lifespan of any races, though true human are an extremely gambled races, what I mean by that is there are human that are extremely strong as well as extremely weak, they are a disparate bunch so keep out on their mental health. '

the image shows basically if human are a perfect being, which would explain their name as true human, I wonder what happened if a true human meet a regular human?

'true human cannot evolve the regular way, instead they evolve into two different races, angel or demon, angel and demon are their own races but human can evolve into that, most human however can't even evolve so they have something called a job.

a job is not exclusive to human but they are indeed an incredible boost for the human themselves, evolved human will retain their job as long as it doesn't prove a hindrance. '

hmm... interesting.

'next, the other races are-

a doorbell? hold on, I'm still naked! I didn't even realize it! I quickly go into my bedroom and pick a black shirt not even bothering to wear a bra or something and a short with a hole on the back.

I quickly ran through the door once I'm not naked anymore, I look through the small hole on the door as an image of a mailman? whatever a mailman looked in an alien world I guess.

I slowly open the door and stuck my head out.

"what? " I said in a slight irritation, though it's probably because I got interrupted reading something actually interesting, which doesn't happen a lot in my life.

"mail to room 12534? " I look on the number in front of my door... 12534.

instead of speaking I just point to the obviously huge and magnificent number in front of my door.

"ah... right, three mails to miss... snow... " that's my new name I guess, didn't really have any attachment regarding my old one so I'm happy letting it go anytime soon, in fact I was about to change my name later down the line when I finished college.

"yep, that's me now. "he handed me the three mails as he also brings out a form or something.

"please fill this form. " he handed me a quills? they still use that in alien world? well first time for everything.

the form is simple, it's just asking for name, previous name, gender, races before, and a wish list regarding item.

I fill all of it and think about what would I want? tissue, wireless headphones(for cat ears), a computer, internet connection(a must), and lastly coffee... that's it? I never thought myself as a simplistic person that only need a computer, headset and a cup of coffee to live... I'm really discovering more of myself each day.

if ya know what I mean hehehe... tail is really the best thing in the world.

after racking my brain for anything else than that, I gave up and handed over the form I filled, the mailman seems surprised by my bare bones wish.

though he suppressed that emotion almost immediately and switched to a professional worker.

I close the door immediately since I'm not in the mood to talk and immediately inspected the three mails.

one of them is a mail regarding my would be hard to find identity and asked that they could send my family my info, since it's about the legality of it they send me a mail regarding it, they said to just ring the bell and send the mail back if I want to send my family my information.

I quickly go to the toilet and flush the mail down.

the second mail is regarding a therapiss appointment on my house, as much as I want to flush this down the drain and burn this into the fire of hell itself, unfortunately they're already decide it for me, so therapiss time yay... and my mood just plummeted, great.

the last mail talked about the university and told me to use whatever clothes I want to wear as long as it doesn't go below the line... I don't know what that means but it's probably making sure they don't want a half naked dumbass strolling through the school if the shame wasn't getting to them... or worse turning them on.

and one more important thing, it tells me to go to the hub when it's Terra day... is that supposed to be the day?? or something?? maybe the terrapiss would told me about that since they would come to my house? damn therapiss!

and... that's all of it! though the therapiss appointment is still making me down bad, I mean I'm badly down for the therapiss appointment... yeah, I should stop thinking about therapiss appointment...

anyway reading time! or distractions time!


that's short... though I expected the book to have hundred of pages, I guess my attention span probably would block me from reading the book if it felt too long... so to summarize!

Terra have an huge amount of races, but the race in the book is either E rank to D rank, this races, are most races that had capabilities of communication and is most probably friendly.

ranking is from G to F to E to D to- you know the drill if you read enough novel at this point.

anyway my race are definitely not on this book so it's either I'm a C or B rank, if I was in A or S rank already I would have a system but right now, no matter what I do to call the system, nothing happened.

there is a chance that C or B rank could get access to system earlier but it's incredibly rare or something.

in the book it tells you that as any rank that's lower than A could technically see their status or even get a job by using a crystal? it's never mentioned anywhere in the book really... ooh! you could also get a temporary system when you're evolving, which is helpful.

and... that's it! now the races are too many so I got bored and sleep throughout the read time but I guess it's good enough for now, sleep! here I come!

I fall onto the bed with a thud and tried to sleep.


'it's been three hours and I can't sleep... 'I think in my mind as I rolled in the bed, though I don't have any fatigue whatsoever my mind still wanted sleep! I roll around as best I can and finally I relented and sleep in the floor...


it doesn't work... I feel comfortable but it's not enough for me to sleep!... maybe it's the possum case where I need to sleep upside down a tree? I look around my room as I saw a basketball goal post?? I didn't know the name since I never really that much of an active person in college but I can technically hang off of it with my tail... I can't sleep at this point so why not?

I grab the hula hoop basketball with my tail as I lift myself up like a monkey, it's surprisingly easy to do this, though my chest is not big enough to hit myself in the face, it's still enough to be a hindrance as the bottom of my chin stimulated it enough to be uncomfortable.

my body suddenly relaxes as I immediately went to sleep not even two second after I hung myself upside down.

'it's working???? ' I thought to myself as the darkness crept up on me.


ice Age reference!?!