
I'm here I guess.

Lakkar is your usual college student, he's... not very bright per se but he did have a dream and a particularly strong detachment from the world. one day during a particular boring session of learning... a mystery gas came into earth atmosphere. the gas... well from some people standpoint it's a miracle or hell personified... no matter what people opinion of it is... it turned people. remember what I said about it being a miracle to some people? I looked at the system in front of me... maybe? story will contain: -survival (later on) -system -yuri -monster -weak to strong -fantasy stuff -weird stuff -gender bend -profanity like swearing and stuff ===================== I'm still new at writing so I'm figuring stuff out along the way, sorry about the grammar. I'm not the best at writing and I don't have an editor so expect grammar mistake along the way.

djakwpse · Fantasy
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10 Chs

3. what? really?!


"oh, come on guys, you beastkin should relax a little. " the elf said as the meeting is over and slumped into the comfortable chair.

"what?! " the beastkin almost shouted as the same time, in the meeting three seconds ago the leader of the other races looked like a giant whose being cannot be comprehended and now they're just chilling?!!

"oh, yeah. hey! light bulb you owe me something right? " the elf said as he point to the leader of the star race, solas the one whom could control a fire star.

solas is a 10th grade magician which is the equivalent of a powerhouse that could destroy an entire galaxy... is called a light bulb.

"hah! and you're the nature's pampered child! "solas said to the elf... nature's child?... nature's child?!!!!

"at least I have a mother. "

"... fuck you"


god! that's so cringe!!! the cringe! they can't go away!! help! help!!!




finally! somebody! why are they wearing medical thingy? oh shit! I'm gonna get gutted out!

"hey! put that syringe d-" before I can say anything I was knocked out cold with a syringe to the neck.


"huh? that's odd. "

"what's odd? "

"the potion usually needed a minute to work but... it worked almost instantaneously. "

"that's weird... I guess he's either cursed or blessed. "

"probably the latter... his magic circuit is insane. "

"damn... what about the order? "


"problematic one eh? "

"guy is half insane. "

"psychopath? "

"yes and a lot of other thing, could kill a lot too, good body with an insane mental resist, perfect for cat-kin. "

"so anything odd with his status? "

"well... none so far, but I guess he have incompatibility with cat-kin serum we have. "

"hold on, I'm telling this to the transmutation guys. "

"yes? "

"the pure cat-kin serum doesn't work, do you want a mixed blood? "

"that is to be expected, many human have incompatibility with the pure one. "

"so what serum do you think worked the best? "

"depending on his mental resist, can you pass this up to the elves in your team? "

"hold on... hey rasp. "

"what? "

"the transmutation guys want to talk to you. "

"hold on... yes? this is the elves. "

"what's his mental resist? "

"I can't quite pinpoint it but it's certainly around 70% to 99% "


"hold on rasp, what???? ninety nine percent??? "

"rough estimation *shrug* "

"this guy is a monster... "

"actual monster have 100% mental resist, so you would be pretty close. "

"*sharp inhale* even I only have five percent... "

"that's why we're assigned here in the first place, the monster battlefield drain and messes with your mind. "

"hello? hello? this is the transmutation team. "

"where's the other person? "

"oh... she's a bit... well, anyway we conclude that the best serum would be the vampyr-catkin. "

"which one was it again? "

"the one with the big red label. "

" 'warning experimental serum, do not use. '... doesn't sound too good of an idea to be honest. "

"this is an experiment to begin with, so do it. "

"alright alright... please don't die. "

"WAIT! "

"shit! you almost scared me to death! "

"he's waking up! "

"now! do it! "


damn my head! what the fuck is going on?!!

"now! do it! "what!? who's shoutiiIIIINGGGGG!!!

I let out a scream as a prickly sensation overwhelmed me, then the pain hits like a truck.

my body felt like it's on ice and fire as my body became oversensitive to pain, my head felt like mush as the pain become even more unbearable every single second I stayed alive.

I could end all of this but I'm still a virgin! at least when I die I have a bitch! or being as rich as esik!... maybe it's a tall order but I have aspirations damn it!

I tried staying sane as the pain become more unbearable and more and more and more, time seems to stretch for eternity as the pain blanked my mind of almost any thought, I somehow knew if I fully blanked out, I will lose my rationality.

so keep talking! keep thinking! do something! say something! move every muscle in your body! because if I don't nothing will remain of me.

soo what's a good thing in the world!??? uhhh rock? metal rock? no synth is pretty good, but rock is also good and radio! yes I hate how it always loop into the most popular song to date and how it always be boring hip-hop and stuff, no offense if somebody really like them but we missed the opportunity to put some stuff like pertubator! yes I kinda like the song he made and what's more? machine girl is a pretty good one but to digress music video game are pretty underrated despite how good and emotional they are, not only that because of the scene in the game itself making it more memorable than ever because of the music! triple AAA video game are in a pretty bad spot because it lacks soul and other stuff like actual originality! it's okay to make a few spin-off and sequel to a video game but if you do it yearly everybody will get disappointed, many bad games will never outweigh one good games, I don't even know why some people even like triple AAA games, not only they are pretty expensive (third rate country people... F) and very rarely good, why doesn't everyone invest in like indie games? even though most of them are plain bad but there are so many incredible gem if you can manage your expectation and to never put all egg in one basket, just learn to spot some red flag and you'll be set for life! speaking about life, I wonder how close we are to an actual cyberpunk setting, with the amount of depression and lack of freedom it seems the world are getting closer to that each and every day and-


"subject mental state seemed to be stable despite... oh, god please don't condemn us. "martias is a true human about the age of 69 years old, true human usually has a lifespan about three hundred years and martias is in a ripe age for marriage and the eventual children.

unfortunately his love of live has been stuck in a never ending war between the monster, not wanting to become useless he signed to be a research watcher to document any and what's happening in an experiment.

this is one but many of the experiment he usually dealt with, but this is his first time seeing a human and it felt weird, his brain thought of this human as a downgrade version of he is and it disgusted him thoroughly.

he noted this reaction of his and started watching more closely until it happened.

when he signed up his mental resist are unusually high for a true human but not high enough to be on the monster battlefield so he was assigned this job, he have 20% mental resist and it was especially special since true human has been the weakest mental resist of any races this far even losing to the cat-kin.

so imagine his surprise when he sees that the downgraded version of his races having almost quadruple the mental resist he has.

"the team has injected the serum series 341."

"subject seemed to be in agony. "

"pain and distress raises to unhealthy level. "

"pain and distress has raised to dangerous level. "

"pain and distress has raised to a... the machine broke. "

"mental health seemed to be declining. "

"heart rate raised to 300 bpm. "

"unnatural temperature increase. "

"temperatures increases to where flesh would melt. "

"his inside and outside is starting to melt away, vocal seemed to be functional and muscle is still moving. "

"... his heart popped. "

"his body is starting to become a goo. "

"vocal somehow still functional and subject still seems to be trashing. "

"subject seemed to be muttering something while screaming. "

"subject vocal chords are destroyed. "

"subject appearance is akin to a slime. "

"subject somehow still trashing. "

"subject-" he fainted, only to be awake mere moments later as his work bracelet ability kicked in.


"sub- subject is- " his body could not hold it anymore as he vomited on the floor.

"subject mental state seemed to be stable despite... oh, god please don't condemn us. "

"subject is very distracted and is thinking about... "


now I'm not really that much of an ass guy as much as thigh, I mean sure your ass is big but thigh! brother they are heavenly! and I was talking a lot of stuff and it's okay if you like ass more than thigh it's really okay but zamn! can't really get it out of my head-


"ass and thigh... "this man is insane.

"*cough* subject is now surrounded in a cocoon flesh. "

"I tried to see using the available tools but nothing seemed to be working. "

"the subject mental health is still very healthy. "

"he's now thinking on why would people like ntr? I did not know this term anywhere. "

"subject seemed to be having a full reconstruction body as of now. "

"subject is now out of that cocoon and... *cough* subject is naked. "

"subject seemed to be a woman now. "

"subject has a white and red hair, pale complexion, two set of ear, one of them is placed on the side of the head, it's sharp like an elf's, the two set of ear are above the head, it's colored pure red with white inside of it, the tail is about natural length of a cat-kin, it's colored red. "

"subject seems to be asleep... for now. "

"get her out of there. "


it's done!!!! whoooooo!!!! I'm free!!!