
I'm here I guess.

Lakkar is your usual college student, he's... not very bright per se but he did have a dream and a particularly strong detachment from the world. one day during a particular boring session of learning... a mystery gas came into earth atmosphere. the gas... well from some people standpoint it's a miracle or hell personified... no matter what people opinion of it is... it turned people. remember what I said about it being a miracle to some people? I looked at the system in front of me... maybe? story will contain: -survival (later on) -system -yuri -monster -weak to strong -fantasy stuff -weird stuff -gender bend -profanity like swearing and stuff ===================== I'm still new at writing so I'm figuring stuff out along the way, sorry about the grammar. I'm not the best at writing and I don't have an editor so expect grammar mistake along the way.

djakwpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

2. invasion.

"did I miss something? " asii said as he comes out of the closet looking refreshed.

"did we have any bunker in this school?!!!! " I said trying to pace my breath, I definitely wasn't expecting a weird ass gas trying to get in our school, the fact that the surrounding started to become weird pink coloured making me more anxious.

"calm down lak, everything is going to be fine. " you said that like the whole world hasn't gone pink! my eyes begin to water as the air in my lung began to empty.

I barely stay conscious as the whole building began screaming, I could barely make out anything as my friend dragged me to a small room that I haven't noticed before.

then screaming echoes throughout the hallway as my friend began to have a hushed panic discussion, I can barely hear them over the sound of people crying their lungs out.

"shit! the doo-"

"tarsiy?!! wa-"


"the barrier is lift-"

"get of-"

"fuck! "

suddenly I can breathe again, the air in my lungs is coming back, a strange room came into my view as I felt my hand is chained by an invisible lock.

the room is massive capable of putting an entire town of people inside of it... and it did.

it's adorned in a castle like vibe with the hanging chandelier above and a surrounding row of people? above watching intently at us.

a whistle reverberates throughout the whole room making everyone silent as a blue transparent wall are erected around me.

i thoroughly went beyond the scared piss my pant, now it's shat my pant moment.

I looked around me to see me being held above like a pedestal and several more people around me lined up in a row, I think I saw asii in the row of line beside me.

then I feel it goes dark as the room around me is filled with green water, I screamed for help as the water reached above me and braced myself to a painful death.

I took a breath before it completely submerges my body hoping for something, someone to help me before the timer in my lungs ran out.

thankfully I'm pretty good at this kind of thing, since I was a kid I always challenges my friend to a holding breathing contest in the water park, it certainly come to help in this.

not even a second later a scream echoes throughout the room, slowly but surely turning into something, a fate that I wasn't about to be part in.

I tried to get out of the lock but to no avail it remains sealed shut locking my hand, I tried to do some maneuver to get my hand in front of me by flipping myself upside down and using my feet to bounce off the blackened wall around me.

I tried to kick, pus and smash the wall, I finally tried to bash the glass with the whatever has chained my hand.


a sound of breaking glass and a crack suddenly formed inside of the cage I am in, I banged at it even harder as my body came close to fainting, it finally cracked open as I was send tumbling down into the crowd below me.

I finally breathe as my body stopped mid-air.

the escaped water also stopped as it almost hit the crowd below me, as I suspended in mid-air I could see the people above the railing are not people at all, all of them has a weird anatomy to them I can't quite figured out.

the people are shocked as I managed to escape, they immediately run around as if an animal breaks out... which to be fair are.

then everything goes black.

i wake up at the sound of a door being opened, in front of me are four people wearing a mask of some kind, the three of them are wearing some kind of armor that covered them head to toe, while the one are the same but with a white and blue color scheme as opposed to black and red.

I only realized it just now but my face are covered with some kind of metal, my hand are rooted to the ground but since with the angle of the metal on my face making me unable to look down.

the atmosphere is tense as one of the soldier? slowly and methodically letting go of the thing on my face allowing me to speak, sadly I couldn't look down since there was something blocking me.


"establish first contact... establish first contact... " as we make our way through the cage I kept uttring those word to kept me from insanity.

as the winding road filled with cage containing dangerous 'human' as they would call themselves that, all four of us are the person to establish contact with the only human who broke out of the transformation cage, it was disgusting, abhorrent and downright dangerous but it has to be done.

this realm are the forefront of our defenses, most if all terror are kept at this planet, contained and safe from whoever wishes to uses it, unfortunately our realm has been attacked by an unknown being... this is our last bastion, unfortunately there are already inhabitants in it and they are incredibly dangerous.

though they look the same as us 'human' are wildly different, their bodies containing an uncountable amount of weaponry, their planet are outright unlivable because of these tiny being, one of them could wipe our civilization as a whole.

they breed incredibly quickly and grow at a slow pace but becoming more stronger as they age, once they lived past they're lifespan however they did not die and instead dying slowly as their body weaken, the human also have numerous wars and invented weaponry 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙙 to kill their own.

they even invented a more dangerous weapon that could wipe their own races, this is why no one wanted to even dared trying to grab the terror that populating their planet.

fortunately we have grown immune to those weapon but over the course of several million of year we still cannot find a proper way to integrate ourselves into the world of human, most gave up but few remains to try to do something about it, only because of the recent event us have been scrambling for answer until one of our gave an answer so repulsive... turn them into our own.

this is met with several protest and disgust but it has to be done, there are simply no way better.

as I recounting the order of my commander, I and the soldiers arrived at the door, the big and incomprehensible door containing a dangerous human capable of wiping everybody in a matter of second... all of us took a breath and the door slowly opened.

the human looked at us with wary eyes... not good, it's gray eyes seemed like penetrating our armor to look inside of our soul... my soul, it looked directly at me.

I froze in fear, but I go on... this is crucial, if we can bring him into our side we can finally do something against the being who wronged us!

with a drive that is unmatched and the fate of the citizen in my hand I sat in front of him.

one of the soldiers started to remove the mechanism around his head, he cracks his neck as a sick sound akin of a crushed bones reverberate throughout the areas, the air is tense with the soldiers hand placed on the weapon.

he started right through my armor as if I'm naked and stared right into my eyes "explain." he said, the human demanded an explanation?! what explanation?!! I di-

a hand gripped my shoulder, one of the soldiers shaking me awake from my lost self.


fuck me running it's the government no doubt... but the person who's supposed to be speaking to me and the soldier look very nervous... are they new?

I looked at the person in front of me almost shaking, as one of the soldier put a hand in the person shoulder... yeah they are new.

a cold smile come across to my face making me unintentionally look dangerous... shit I let that go ain't I? oh well let's just go with the crazy characters then.

i began laughing loudly as one of them grabbed the sword on their back... now that I think about it... who the hell fight with a sword at this day and age.

then I suddenly stopped and said "are you gonna talk or what? " to the person in front of me.

"i-i-h-" she definitely doesn't sound professional at all.

"come on, say your line. I can wait. " you know what's worse than a crazy bastard... a calm and composed crazy bastard.

god I'm going to cringe so hard looking back at what I'm doing.

one second... two second... three second of silence and my arm is already itching.

I'm so bored that I decided to whistle the tune of the olde clair de lune... I think? I kinda forgot the name of the song but I remember the tune at least.

"GET THAT TEAM OUT OF THERE!!! " what? did my singing is that bad? though... I think that's a bad idea in the first place.

and everyone is gone... great lak... very great... god I'm such an idiot.


the meeting table is silent... multiple people with different races sat on the chair looking at the recording on the wall.

"which races is going to take care of him?... " a man with a regal clothes said, he looks like human but in actuality he's a true human.

the silence is deafening as no one wanted to take in a psychopath like him... then a man with elven ears speak out "I proposed that the beastkin to take care of him. " the beastkin suddenly grew nervous as no one wanted to speak out, the beastkin is always treated as the underdog as they're largely separate from each other.

as a matter of fact the beastkin races are a very hard to control one but... the elven man specifically mentioned the beastkin because one of its races... cat kin.

the cat kin are extremely weak, their magic are subpar and very easy to control so in everyone eyes this is absolutely a great idea... for the cat kin themselves this is an abhorrent idea... very very bad idea.

if they ever found out, unfortunately they have to act weak so no cat kin could never exert themselves in the meeting council.


I need feedback guys, also if you're asking about my grammar, I'm working at it.