
Sleep, Dinner, Sleep

"Kara." Kara could hear a soothing voice call her name.

Kara whined, turning to lay on her side. She felt comfortable and didn't want to wake up.

"Wake up Kara." Kara felt a finger poke her back.

Kara muttered, keeping her eyes closed.

"C'mon dear, wake up." Kara felt another poke on her back. Kara forced herself to ignore the poke.

Kara heard the voice chuckle.

"You are so out of it, Kara." Kara felt a hand run down her back, the sensation soothing.

"C'mon sweet puppy. Time to wake up. We have to go home." Kara felt the hand shake her a little.

Kara's mind was a bit hazy but those words caught her attention.

Kara opened her eyes slowly, seeing her reflection in the glass in front of her. Kara yawned widely, blinking her eyes. She noticed that it was now dark outside, the city lights now visible.

Kara stretched, extending her legs. She shook her whole body then, letting out another yawn.

"Come here, Kara." Kara turned around to see Lena standing in the middle of the office, purse in the crook of her left arm, holding the red leash in her right hand.

Kara padded over to her, stumbling a little on her paws, still feeling a bit sleepy.

Lena attached the leash, began to walk out of the office, Kara following behind her. Kara realized faintly that Bailey followed them into the elevator.


In the elevator, Lena took out her phone and glanced at the time. It was 8PM. Thankfully, she caught up on all her work, and handled a lot of phone calls. She put her phone back in her purse. She glanced up in the elevator, seeing that they were on the 70th floor.

That's what you get for having an office on the top floor.

Lena let out a heavy sigh. She then felt a slight weight fall on her left foot. Lena glanced down, and inwardly squealed.

Kara had fallen over on her left foot, seemingly fallen into a slight doze. ' Lena thought, a smile on her face.

Lena heard Bailey chuckle behind her. "Would you like me to carry her, Ms. Luthor?" Bailey's voice held a slight hint of amusement.

"No, it's alright. Could you hold my purse, Bailey?" Lena turned a bit and held out her purse for Bailey to take.

"Certainly, Ms. Luthor." Bailey grabbed the purse.

Lena kneeled down, picking up Kara in her arms. Kara let out a small surprised yip before falling silent and even more limp. Lena let out a slight chuckle.

"You will have quite a bit of dog fur on your suit, Ms. Luthor." Bailey grinned.

"Thankfully Jess bought quite a few lint rollers." Lena thought about the giant piles of items in her living room.

"Jess certainly likes to be prepared." Lena nodded in agreement at Bailey's words. Jess had left a bit earlier, escorted by Stevie.

! The elevator doors opened, allowing Lena and Bailey to walk out. The main lobby was vaguely empty with most of LCorp employees having left earlier in the day. They walked through the lobby, with Bailey rushing ahead of Lena, opening the door. Lena nodded towards the four security guards near the front door. All four security guards bowed their heads slightly.

Lena exited the building, spotting Shaun and the limo in front of the building. Shaun waved towards Bailey and Lena, a wide smile on his face.

"Good evening, Ms. Luthor. Bailey." Shaun said as they got closer, opening the limo passenger door. "Ms. Kara." Shaun said towards the dozing puppy, who let out a small sleepy yip.

"Good evening Shaun." Lena placed Kara on the passenger seat, before getting in herself.

"Shaun." Bailey nodded towards Shaun. Once Lena sat down and put her seat belt on, Bailey leaned down a bit to hand her the purse. "Here, your purse, Ms.Luthor."

"Thank you, Bailey." Lena grabbed her purse, moving it to her other side, not wanting to disrupt the sleeping Golden. "Have a good evening and night, Bailey."

"I will see you tomorrow, Ms. Luthor. Have a lovely evening and night as well." Bailey stood back up and backed up, allowing Shaun to close the door.

"You still good for Saturday, Shaun?" Bailey asked Shaun, who made sure the door was locked.

Shaun shot Bailey finger guns, his grin widening into a smile. "You know it."

Bailey rolled his eyes. "Get Ms. Luthor home safely, you child."

Shaun let out a fake gasp, grabbing his chest. "You wound me, Bailey." Shaun walked over to the other side of the limo. "You know you're gonna lose. No need to be salty so early." Shaun said loudly.

Bailey crossed his arms, shooting Shaun a glare. Shaun flinched at feeling the glare, opening the drivers side of the limo. "Okay okay! I'm going now. Sheesh, put that look away." Shaun got into the limo. "Have a good night Bailey!"

"Night!" Bailey walked back into the building after the limo drove off.


Lena walked into her penthouse, walking to her living room. She placed her purse on the couch, before placing Kara on one of the other dog beds Jess had purchased. Lena shook her head at the sleeping puppy.

"I hope you sleep through the night." Lena muttered lowly, before walking to her room.


"Come on, sweetheart. Dinner time." Kara felt a finger poke her, making her grumble.

"Kara." Kara felt another poke. Kara whined mentally.

"Okay. Fine." Kara heard Lena walking away before coming back a few seconds later.

Kara sniffed a little, picking up the smell of dog kibble. Kara opened her eyes, seeing Lena holding a piece of dog kibble in front of her snout. Kara leaned her head a bit forward, taking the piece gently, chewing on it. Kara noticed that Lena had changed out of her red suit, now wearing sweatpants and long sleeves, and was now wearing her glasses. Kara could see that Lena's hair was a bit wet.

"Come on." Lena walked towards the kitchen.

Kara yawned widely. Kara stood up and padded off her dog bed. She stretched her body for a few seconds before padding to the kitchen. She sniffed, smelling delicious food. Kara felt a pang of hunger.

Kara walked over to her dog bowl, where Lena had placed her dog food, along with two of the meatballs Jess had bought earlier in the day. Kara licked her chops before beginning to eat.


Lena's fork scraped the plate as she ate her meal. Lena took a sip of water. Lena grimaced.

Lena took one last bit of her food. She picked up her plate and fork, walking over to the sink to wash them.

Once she was done washing them, she let her hands rest on the edge of the sink.

Lena picked up a rag to dry her hands. Lena clenched the rag in her fists. '

Lena breathed in deeply before exhaling.

Lena left the rag out to dry. "Time for be-" Lena stopped speaking once she saw Kara. The sadness she was feeling was overwhelmed by amusement.

The puppy had finished eating, but wasn't able to make it to her dog bed apparently.

Kara had her head resting on her food bowl, completely asleep. Her legs were sprawled out behind her in a hilarious fashion.

Lena felt a laughter bubble out of her. "Oh Kara." Lena picked up her phone from the counter and took a picture. It was 10 PM. She then placed her phone in the pocket of her sweatpants.

The puppy didn't even stir as Lena picked her up yet again.

Lena pet Kara gently as she walked to her room. The soft fur of the puppy was soothing to touch. Once she made it to her room, she placed Kara on the dog mattress. She left the door to her open as she walked back to her living room. She picked up a puppy pad and walked back to her room, placing the puppy pad next to Kara's dog bed. Lena didn't want to take any risks and hopefully Kara would use it if she were to wake up.

Lena closed the door, and walked to her bed. She got in, and placed her phone on her night stand. She turned off the lights, and then placed her glasses on the nightstand, next to her phone.

She laid down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.