
At LCorp Continued

Jess and Kara walked out of the office, with Kara shooting the two guards a wide puppy smile. Both security guards smiled at the adorable puppy

Jess led Kara to her large modern looking desk, which Kara had glanced at when she had exited the elevator. Jess led Kara around her desk. Jess opened a bag of dog treats that she had stashed in one of her desk drawers, and took one treat out.

"Here, Kara." Jess said gently as she held out the treat to Kara, who sniffed at it.

Kara spotted a dog bed resting under the desk. Jess placed the treat on the dog bed and let go of the leash, and Kara padded over to bed, sitting down and munching down on the dog treat. Kara thought once she was done eating the treat.

Jess had remained standing by her chair when the elevator let out a Jess walked back around the desk, getting closer to the elevator.

Kara turned around in her bed and peered through the seams of the bottom of the desk. The desk had a large wooden board that blocked most of Kara and Jess's chair. Kara spotted a pair of legs exit the elevator.

"Good morning, Mr. Wales." Jess's voice was now back to professional.

"Morning uh-" Immediately, Kara didn't like his voice. It was gruff, and something about it just made her want to growl. Kara shook her head, forcing down that instinct. She kept her ears perked up.


"My name is Jess, Mr. Wales. I am Ms. Luthor's assistant." Jess kept her voice even.

Chad Wales was an attractive looking brunette, twenty something and had a good reputation among the elite, according to her background check on him. He was supposedly a good guy, but Jess was never one to lower guard when it came to Lena. He had been hounding her for the past couple of weeks, through his secretary, wanting to speak to Lena about collaborating for a project. Even the secretary of Mr. Wales had sounded exasperated.

"Lovely to meet you, Jess. I am here for a meeting with Lena." Chad gave a winning smile, brown eyes twinkling, yet Jess kept her blank face. Mr. Chad had a folder in his hands.

"It's Ms. Luthor to you, Mr. Chad." Jess gestured to the two male security guards. "It is protocol for visitors of Ms. Luthor to go through a pat down before seeing her."

Chad lost his smile, looking confused for a second, before saying, "Of course. Do what you need to."

"Alright. Go ahead." Bailey and Stevie did the pat down, faces stoic. Stevie took out a device and scanned the folder. Once they were certain Mr. Chad had no weapon and that the folder was safe, they nodded to Jess.

Jess walked over to the doors of Lena's office and opened them. "Ms. Luthor, Mr. Wales is here." Jess spoke loudly.

"Let him in."

Jess gestured to Mr. Wales to enter. Once Mr. Wales entered, Jess closed the door. Jess walked to her desk, and stopped when she saw Kara's posture. The puppy was laying down, snout facing the door, fur raised a little bit, blue eyes focused on the wall.

Jess signaled for Stevie and Bailey to get closer to Lena's office doors.

Kara would alert Jess if anything happened, the assistant could just tell.


The next two hours were tense, as Jess worked on settling some paperwork. Once Mr. Wales exited Lena's office, and was going down in the elevator, did Kara loosen up.

Kara stood up from her dog bed, and stretched. She got off her dog bed and padded around Jess's desk, heading towards Lena's office. Once she reached the doors, she stood up on hind legs, placing her front paws on the doors. She turned her head towards the assistant.

Jess was still filling out paperwork, and when she heard Kara's bark, she stood up. "She should be happy to see you, I know I would. Go on." Jess opened the door, and Kara ran in, almost frantic to see Lena.

Kara ran towards the brunette, padding around Lena's desk and started sniffing. She could still smell Mr. Chad in the room.

"Hey girl." Kara turned to Lena, who leaned down to pick her up, placing the puppy in her lap. Kara huffed softly, settling down in Lena's lap. Lena took off the leash, placing it on her desk.

Lena started to rub Kara's back with her right hand, sighing deeply. "Why is it always a Chad?" Lena muttered. "He seemed nice, but from the contract he gave me, he just thinks I'm an idiot."

Lena continued to stroke Kara's back. "Did he seriously think I wouldn't catch the fine print?" Lena chuckled darkly, picking up the contract with her left hand. "He thought he was slick, but what he tried was mere child's play."

Lena tossed the contract back on her desk.

Lena was silent for a few seconds. "Were you a good girl for Jess?"

Kara sat up in Lena's lap, turning to face the brunette. " Kara had a wide smile.

"You are just full of smiles today." Lena noted, scratching Kara's head, who closed her eyes in content. "Want a treat?" Lena leaned down to open one of her drawers, pulling out a bag of dog treats. "Jess sure stocked up on dog treats."

Kara waited patiently for Lena to take out a treat. Once Lena took one out, Kara took the treat gently. When Lena closed the bag to put it away, Kara whined, pouting at the brunette.

Kara whined, blue eyes practically begging.

Lena chuckled, opening the bag and taking out one more treat. "Ok, one more. Here." Kara took the treat gently once again. Her hunger sated for the moment, Kara laid back down in Lena's lap. She heard Lena begin to type again.

Kara was content for the next twenty minutes.


At the DEO

"Report, Mr. Schott." J'onn, Alex and Winn were surrounding the large table in the DEO.

Winn brought up a document on his tablet. "Of course. Supergirl's last known location was in the alleyway by Justice Ave and 53 Street. Yesterday, Wednesday, June 3rd, was the last day anybody has seen her. One neighbor reported seeing her leave early in the morning, around 7 AM, her usual time, wearing her normal work attire and carrying her usual items for work at Catco. The neighbor did not report anything out of the ordinary."

Winn tapped a few things on his tablet, and video popped up on the large screen, showing Kara entering an alleyway. "One of the cameras of a nearby grocery store captured Kara entering the alleyway at 7:36 AM. There wasn't any camera I could find that faced inside the alleyway. Her GPS on her earpiece was on the entire time, and there wasn't any movement until 12:10 PM, where her location changed a little bit, but did not leave the alleyway."

Winn brought up a map on the large screen, making the video smaller, showing a red dot. "No camera captured Kara leaving the alleyway, just a Golden Retriever running out of the alleyway at 12:12 PM. Agents recovered Kara's items from a cat, so they assume the cat scared the Golden Retriever out of the alleyway. Strays tend to fight over territory, according to one of the agents."

"Kara didn't report to Catco, so James filed a vacation request for her, which thankfully, Cat Grant accepted and didn't question. Kara's supposed vacation request was for a month off, so her job is secure for now."

Winn took a breath before continuing. "Agents found no sign of Kara in the alleyway. There was nothing to suggest there was a struggle. There was no sign of blood or anything to suggest that Kara was injured. There were no doors that led to any store in the alley. Golden Retriever fur was found on her clothes, but Agents assume the dog decided to lay on it before being scared off by the cat."

Winn glanced at Alex. "That is all we know. It's as if Kara just disappeared."

J'onn and Alex said nothing for a few seconds.

"Thank you, Mr. Schott." J'onn said, eyes focused on the video. "Is there anything to suggest that the video was tampered with?"

"That is one of the things I checked." Winn enlarged the video. "I checked for any possible glitch or tampering. There was nothing altered."

"She couldn't have just disappeared! She had to be taken or something!" Alex smashed her fist down on the table, making Winn flinch.

"Calm down, Agent." J'onn said softly. "Mr. Schott, continue to look through the cameras of the stores near the alleyway."

Winn nodded.

A screen with the words Popped up on the large screen. Winn opened the screen. "We have a rogue alien going on a bit of a rampage in downtown."

Red appeared on J'onn for a few seconds, and then Supergirl was standing in his place.

"I'll be there in a few seconds. Keep me updated." 'Supergirl' left the DEO.

Alex sighed deeply, shaking her head, forcing down her emotions. "I'll lead a team to help." Alex walked away from the center, ordering a few agents to follow her.

Alex clenched her hands into fists.

She will find her sister.


Kara opened her eyes, eyeing the phone.

Lena pressed the button on her desk phone. "Go ahead, Jess."

"Ms. Stewart and Mr. Simmons requested we go down to the R&D Department for their report, if possible."

"Did they say why?" Lena asked, leaning back in her chair.

"They wanted you to see their progress, and according to Ms. Stewart, the alien detection device is still being upgraded as we speak. They aren't able to disconnect it for another hour. They send their sincere apologies."

Kara wondered.

Lena rubbed her forehead. "Very well. Let them know we'll be down in five minutes. Let Stevie know we'll be heading down. Can you ask Bailey if he is willing to look after Kara for half an hour?"

After a few seconds, Jess said, "He says he'd be happy to."


Lena picked up Kara from her lap, and placed her on the ground gently. Kara stretched out, shaking her whole body. Lena kneeled next to Kara, patting her head. "I'll be back in half an hour. Be a good dog okay?"

Kara leaned up to lick Lena's cheek, something that caught Lena off guard. Lena giggled, leading Kara over to her kennel. "Go on, go to bed."

Kara padded over to her dog bed, and laid down.

Lena walked to her office doors and walked out.

A few seconds, later Bailey walked in.