

'somehow, yesterday I managed to get a large amount of funds quickly, even though it was very risky, fortunately I succeeded'

Remembering the crazy thing he did yesterday, Kenji couldn't help but get goosebumps. To get a lot of money quickly Kenji decided to go to some loan sharks, of course Kenji wouldn't be able to borrow a lot of money from loan sharks if it was the normal way, so Kenji offered 1 kidney and 1 eye as collateral if he didn't succeed in paying the debt within 2 months. . Moreover, there are many rich people who are unhealthy, the price of these organs is not cheap and cannot be bought using ordinary means, that's how Kenji's offer made the loan sharks tempted and lent him a lot of money in large amounts. Unfortunately for the illegal loan sharks, Kenji comes from a more advanced period, Kenji realizes the loopholes in the loan shark's methods when speaking 'friendly' with them. The gap is that these loan sharks do not exchange data with each other or it could be said that they still use manual methods using their hands to collect customer information.

After realizing this, Kenji immediately gave up his intention to borrow from one place, after all, he had already done one crazy thing by borrowing from a loan shark with 30% interest and a guaranteed donor of 1 eye + 1 kidney, so there was no problem doing a few more crazy things. That's how Kenji guessed correctly, the loan sharks seemed to have not received any news from their relatives, and served Kenji enthusiastically. After all, for them Kenji who had signed the contract was dead, they didn't think a high school student could repay the loan they gave. Of course Kenji doesn't care what they think, after all in less than a month the zombie outbreak will explode, who cares about the law? signature on paper? is it edible? bah!

Even so, Kenji was still careful, Kenji asked for the money to be transferred to his new bank account. After all, they are fraudsters, who guarantees that Kenji won't be robbed when he's carrying a lot of money?

"one, two,.... , six, seven... crazy... because I was too tired yesterday I haven't looked at the numbers, I still didn't expect to have made so much money..."

'80 million yen, with this much money my preparations must be very good! Of course, the premise is that the loan sharks still don't know that they are being cheated and don't send people to rob me... using the excuse of being tired of living in poverty and not caring about life or death when borrowing money is very good...'

"Okay, the next plan is the kendo club!"

A while later, the kendo club room

"excuse me... I would like to register for a club..."

Kenji opened the door to the kendo club room and entered the club room casually.

"It looks like there's no one? OK, let's use this opportunity to practice!"

"Who are you ?"


"There's no need to scream strangely like that, your acting is really bad you know..."

A girl with long dark purple hair and dark purple eyes sat in the corner of the room, on the girl's lap was a wooden sword. The girl stared at Kenji silently as if she already knew that Kenji was pretending. Realizing his joke failed Kenji shrugged and stopped joking.

"I knew you were here bushijima-senpai... etto... I was joking before, but about joining the kendo club I'm serious..."

Hearing this the girl raised an eyebrow

"You know me?"

"yup... even if not directly, after all your name is very famous..."

Realizing that the teenager in front of him knew him through other people, Bushijima showed an expression of 'understanding', after all, he had won the kendo championship.

"I see, I understand, if you want to register for the club come after class, you can't use this place to skip class..."

The corner of Kenji's mouth twitched when he heard the 'advice' from the girl in front of him.

'Then what are you doing here senpai?! yeah.. I can't say this though'

"haah... I didn't mean to skip class senpai, but the teacher asked me to leave class.."

".....it seems like you're not a good student huh..."

"Hey, if I'm not a good student, what are students below rank 3 considered to be..."

"You mean, you got 3rd place in the previous exam?"

"no, it happened to me in another world.."


Bushijima looked at Kenji in confusion, seeing this Kenji stretched out his hand to stop Bushijima from speaking any more.

"Okay, forget that senpai, the point is, I'm really bored and want to find something positive to do right now, I want to use this place to learn kendo, of course I'll come back to register for the club after school, so, can senpai close my eyes for me right now?

Bushijima looked at Kenji who made a 'begging' sign with both hands for a few seconds then sighed.

"Okay, right now I don't see anything, do what you like.."

Hearing this, Kenji immediately cheered and looked for a wooden sword, then practiced standard kendo movements, namely swinging the knife from top to bottom, Kenji continued to do this until the break bell rang.

"Thank you senpai!"

After thanking him and putting the wooden sword in its place, Kenji left without waiting for an answer from Bushijima who was still sitting in the corner of the room. Bushijima, who had previously closed his eyes, opened his eyes to observe Kenji's back which was wet with sweat, after a few seconds of observing he smiled.

"I see, so his desire to learn kendo is true huh..."

Bushijima was once a kendo champion, of course he knew that he was famous, but many students signed up for the kendo club just to look for the opportunity to meet him, they had no intention of studying at all, so when he saw Kenji recognize him because he knew he was a kendo champion, Bushijima was a bit skeptical about his intention to entered the kendo club, but his impression changed when Kenji practiced kendo for 3 hours without stopping, even though it was just standard movements in kendo, Bushijima who was quite sensitive in swordsmanship had noticed that Kenji's movements were getting better, which meant Kenji was really interested in Kendo , and trying to learn kendo.

"Should I give him some tips?"

Kenji didn't know that his actions had attracted Bushijima's attention otherwise he would have cheered, after all the reason Kenji came to the kendo club was purely to study, even though he also had the intention of becoming friends with kendo characters in anime, but Kenji knew very well that the remaining time was not enough to build tight relationship.

A few moments later, the infirmary.

"Whoa, your clothes are so wet with sweat, what exactly are you doing during class time, Kenji?"

Shizuka, who saw Kenji enter the infirmary with Kenji's white clothes wet with sweat, asked curiously.

"I didn't bring sports clothes, so I wore this white uniform, luckily I had spare clothes here..."

While talking, Kenji took off his wet clothes and cleaned himself with a wet cloth with a basin, then put on the change of clothes he had kept in his room. Seeing Kenji's behavior Shizuka put her index finger on her cheek and spoke absentmindedly.

"I feel like I've been taken advantage of by Kenji, the hospital room is now like Kenji's storage area..."

"hahaha... sorry, I'll treat you to food later, does Shizuka have any food she likes?"

"Really? Etto... oh! Then treat me to ramen! There's a ramen place around here that interests me!"

"Okay, how about tomorrow after school?"

"hmm.. okay! I didn't plan at that time.."

"then agreed... I have to go to the cafeteria for lunch, see you later Shizuka.."

"um! see you later!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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