

Fujimi High School teacher's room

Kenji and the 3 people who previously disturbed Hirano were called to the teacher's room not long after their fight ended.

"So, can you explain why you fought Satou Kenji-kun?"

Kenji frowned when he saw that there was only 1 person in the teacher's room and after knowing that person's identity from his memory, Kenji could only sigh in his heart because he was unlucky.

"Fight ? I'm sorry, I don't think that's the right word sensei, I was just defending myself..."

"oh? It seems like what I see now is different from your explanation Satou-kun, the 3 people clearly looked more like they were beaten one-sidedly... You three, tell me, did Satou-kun beat you one-sidedly?"

Hearing these words, the 3 people who were previously frightened by Kenji and wanted to admit their mistake when called to the teacher's room immediately changed their minds, they immediately acted like victims.

"S-Satou-san beat us one-sidedly sensei!!!"

"R-right!! Even though we just wanted to be friends with him, he instead beat us cruelly!"

"Y-yes!! We are innocent sensei!"

Kenji glanced at the 3 people beside him who were acting like victims with cold eyes, then directed his gaze to 'sensei' who was in front of him. Kenji didn't say anything, after all he knew whatever he said would be declared 'invalid' by the bespectacled sensei who was sitting with his legs crossed.

'What bad luck, why did I meet a villain character here? as far as I remember he is a teacher, but I don't know if students' problems are also handled by him... or... is this a world correction? After all, I intend to eliminate Hirano's bullies...'

"Did you hear that Satou-kun? their explanation doesn't match yours..."

Seeing that Kenji didn't speak, the man with glasses smiled wider. Kenji looked at the man wearing glasses who was sitting on a bench while wearing the face of a criminal who had succeeded in trapping his victim.

'this guy... his face annoys me...'

Just when the bespectacled man wanted to close the conversation by declaring Kenji guilty, Kenji spoke firmly.

"I did the right thing!! saved my friend who was being bullied and gave a warning to the other bullies in place of you teachers who couldn't do their jobs properly!"


Kenji didn't give the criminal in front of him a chance to speak, he immediately turned his gaze to the 3 teenagers beside him whose faces were wrapped in bandages.

"And also I will warn the three of you to tell what really happened, have you forgotten that there are many people who saw the 'good' deed you did to Hirano? Do you need my help to call those people to the police station? I'm sure those guys would be more than willing to help... oh yeah... as an additional reminder, I have a recording of the conversation back then... so speak properly for me damn it!"

The 3 people who were previously brave immediately got scared when they saw Kenji's eyes, but still tried to fight back because they realized that Sensei who was sitting in front was supporting them, but that little bit of resistance disappeared when they heard Kenji's threat, in fact many students saw them bothering Hirano and with Kenji's recording added, they worried that the police would start investigating them, after all they had often bullied other students, it was very easy for the police to find out the bad things they did. Thinking about this, they became even more frightened and immediately one of the teenagers admitted his mistake, seeing his friend confess, the other 2 teenagers also immediately followed the teenager to confess. Seeing the three teenagers confess, Kenji looked back at the man wearing glasses in front of him who was still smiling with veins on his forehead.

"I think their explanation is in line with mine, right sensei? If there's nothing else that needs to be done, can I go? Besides, I need to study to get good grades..."

Realizing he couldn't do anything else, the bespectacled man sighed and allowed the students to leave. He also told Kenji and the other 3 students that he was only a teacher whose job was to hear the students' explanations, not the one who decided who was guilty, only the principal had the right. provide a decision regarding the matter.

'heeh... it seems like he still doesn't give up on giving me punishment... strange... I should have never met him, there is no grudge between us... or... oh! I know ..'

"I see, so I'm threatening your authority huh? It seems like this criminal deliberately made Hirano the target of bullying..."

A few moments later, on a staircase

"are you an idiot? no, you must be an idiot... wait, you are an idiot, right?"

"...is it necessary to say that so many times?"

"Of course ! Besides, idiots can't understand if they're only told once..."

"Well, my dear lady, can you explain to me why you keep saying 'idiot'? Is that a new trend?"

Takagi, who was previously about to scream because he was embarrassed to be called by his first name, immediately gave up his intention and gritted his teeth angrily and then spoke while pointing at Kenji's nose.

"What new trend, stupid! idiots! Didn't I tell you to be careful!"

Kenji didn't immediately answer Takagi, but instead held Takagi's hand and put Takagi's index finger in his mouth. Takagi, whose head was hot with anger, was immediately stunned for a few seconds by Kenji's behavior and screamed very loudly when he realized.

"...huh? – KYAAA!! let go! you pervert! stupid! idiot!"

Kenji didn't hold Takagi's hand firmly, so Takagi could immediately remove his arm from Kenji and take a few steps back with his face as red as a tomato while holding his other hand and continuing to curse at him. Seeing the behavior of the girl in front of him, Kenji just shrugged and added a little fuel to the fire.

"Your fingers taste salty, are you sure you don't use the toilet at school to do strange things? Besides, you don't have a boyfriend yet..."

"Wha- Ha????!!! what do you mean satou idiot! stupid! pervert! I never use the toilet at school for messy things! I'm not like you stupid! That's enough ! I do not care anymore !"

Kenji watched the reaction of the girl in front of him with interest, then shook his head when he saw the girl walking away from Kenji quickly.

"very horny stundere girl..."

'Okay, where did it get to... oh... the punishment... the worst possibility is expulsion, but because I've made the 3 people confess, plus I've explained the good deeds I've done in front of the criminal... hmm.. It seems that if that person still insists on giving me punishment so that his authority at school remains high in the eyes of his subordinates, he can only give me a suspension? yeah... I've given him a little information that I want to improve my grades anyway... not being able to take lessons, for people who want to improve their grades might suffer... and he can also take advantage of that to change the person's grades, then if there is a protest, he can use the fact of 'not attending class'... yha! but it's a shame, I don't care about this...'


"suspension huh... it seems like missing a few days of school isn't a bad thing..."

Narrad is back! working and writing novels turned out to be quite difficult, I even had to stop writing for a while, I've taken the time to write the next chapter, but it's hard to get ideas because of the pile of work at the office! This is today's newest chapter!

Narradcreators' thoughts