

After 2 people agreed to teach Kenji a lesson, 1 teenager who was in front of Kenji immediately laughed, then punched Kenji in the face. Seeing the fist in front of his face, Kenji didn't dodge and let the fist hit the side of his face, then took 2 steps back while holding his face. Seeing that his punch hit Kenji had even made him step back, the teenager who had hit Kenji spat in disgust.

"Tch! It turns out only weak people, I thought it was strong people who made those rumors!"

"Haha...after all the rumors don't say whether that person is strong or not...let's not delay any longer, we only have less than 10 minutes to teach him a lesson.."

Patting his friend's annoyed shoulder, one of the bullies approached Kenji.

"Hehe... you guys have hit me, I should at least protect myself, right?"

After saying this kenji looked at the bully with slightly crazy eyes.


Before the teenager who approached Kenji could understand the meaning of Kenji's words, Kenji had rushed in front of the teenager and hit him right in the nose which made the teenager take a step back while trying to hold his nose, but this behavior only made him even more wide open in front of Kenji.


"heh, amateur.."

Seeing another opportunity to attack, Kenji certainly didn't hesitate, he took one step and hit the teenager in front of him in the lower ribs with his other hand, then continued his attack by hitting the teenager's chin. After Kenji made one of the 3 bullies fall on the floor while holding his face and waist. The other 2 bullies just reacted to Kenji's attack.


"Damn it!"

Seeing 2 people heading towards him, Kenji didn't rush to attack, he spat blood from his mouth first, observing the 2 people approaching him. After making sure he could avoid 2 vs 1 as long as the person in front of him was knocked down quickly, Kenji immediately attacked the teenager closest to him, this teenager was the teenager who had punched him earlier, seeing the teenager in front of him still swinging his fist carelessly, Kenji smiled mockingly.

"weak !"

"wh-ah !"

Kenji bent his body slightly to avoid the teenager's fist and delivered a blow to the lower ribs, then continued with an attack on the man's upper stomach which made the man bend like a shrimp. Not stopping there, Kenji continued his attack by punching the teenager's chin and face which made the teenager fall to the floor in pain.

"Damn it!"

Right at this moment an attack from another teenager came, because he couldn't dodge, Kenji used his arm to block the teenager's kick, then caught the teenager's leg and turned his finger slightly into a fist on the other arm and hit the teenager's leg joint before releasing his hand from the teenager's leg. .

"ahhhh !"

The teenager who had been hit in the joint of his leg by Kenji immediately fell and screamed in pain. Kenji looked at this coldly and approached the teenager and kicked him in the stomach. Kenji also kicked another teenager who was lying on the floor in pain.

*kicks stomach*

"Hey, where is that bully attitude you guys had before?"

*kicks face*

"hey, come on answer me, isn't it fun to be a bully?"

*kicks stomach*

"Come on, why are you silent?"

*kicks face*

"And what about you?"

*kicks stomach*

"Come on, answer me? Isn't being a bully fun?!"

*kicks face*

"Or are you going to help your friend answer it huh?!"

*kicks stomach*

*kicks face*

*kicks stomach*

*kicks face*

Because the fight had reached outside the classroom, many students apart from class 2B students witnessed this, they all saw this with fear, after all, Kenji had made the faces of the 3 bullying teenagers bleed a lot, some of their teeth even fell out.

"K-kenji!! S-that's enough!! stop..."

Hirano, who had been watching this from the start, couldn't hold it in any longer and stopped Kenji by grabbing both of his shoulders. Seeing Hirano in front of him with a face full of tears and snot, Kenji furrowed his eyebrows and stopped his actions. After all, he didn't mean to kill these 3 people, he was just keeping his promise to deter these 3 people.

'but I think this is a bit excessive?'

Kenji saw the condition of 3 people lying limp on the floor with their faces covered in blood, they continued to protect their heads even though Kenji had stopped attacking them. After seeing the condition of the 3 people, Kenji looked around him.

'oh damn, because I was too excited I didn't notice that the fight had reached the hallway...'

Seeing Kenji looking around, several students immediately screamed in fear, Kenji furrowed his eyebrows when he saw this, then sighed and let go of Hirano's hand which was on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'm just keeping my promise... so they stop bothering other people... hey you three! you heard me right?! Don't play dead damn it! I know you heard me! If you don't answer I don't mind continuing the 'study session' you started!"

The 3 people who were previously scared, got even more scared when Kenji said this, they immediately answered Kenji positively.


"w-we won't bother anyone else anymore!"


"Unlucky ! Before that, you have to apologize first, you idiot!"

"s-forgive us!! w-we won't bother anyone else anymore!"

Kenji nodded in satisfaction after the 3 people apologized and promised not to bother other people again.

"You all heard that, right? You don't need to be afraid of being bothered by them anymore! I've taken care of them! and for other bullies who are not convinced by this, you can come to me ! I will be happy to take part in the 'study session' that you will give!"

Hearing Kenji's words, the expressions of the students around immediately changed from fear to joy, after all, many of them were afraid of becoming the next target of the bullies. Of course not everyone was happy, some bullies nervously gulped when they heard this. They have understood this person named Kenji as someone who is not easy to offend because he can win easily against 3 people.

Some of the other bullies who didn't witness Kenji's fight directly were still skeptical, but they didn't make any moves, after all there were facts in front of them, regardless of whether the facts in front of them were true or not, at this time they made a 'wait and see' attitude, they also hoped that there would be the first person who came out to try to challenge Kenji. Unfortunately no one came forward to challenge Kenji. That's how Kenji told the 3 battered people to go and disperse the crowd because soon the bell would ring, after that he nonchalantly went to the toilet.

*washes face*

"haah... damn... if this is a game, it looks like my class is berserker (berserker/barbarian)... even though I want to use majic and I'm clearly not a stupid person who can only use his muscles, why am I so excited when fight ..."

Sighing sadly, Kenji looked at his reflection in the mirror in front of him.

"It seems my class was determined when I went crazy after being betrayed first.."

Kenji sighed and washed his face again to calm himself down then returned to the classroom.