

The next day, Kenji's house, early morning

Rumors that Kenji would protect Hirano from bullying had spread quickly, it only took a week for almost the entire school to know about the rumors. Some people were excited when they heard this, but more people were skeptical and looked down on it and didn't care. After all, Kenji is just an ordinary student, he doesn't even have a fighting record, so many people don't believe Kenji can succeed. People who are excited when they hear rumors regarding Kenji's statement are naturally people who have experienced bullying and people who are afraid of becoming victims of further bullying. Kenji's statement is like a fire of hope for them, while those who are skeptical and dismissive are people who often bully other people, as for people who don't caring, namely people who have not experienced bullying and do not know what it feels like to be a victim of bullying.

Of course, kenji had expected this and didn't care, after all those bullies didn't practice fighting properly, even though kenji had been down before and hadn't practiced fighting for a long time, it didn't mean his training and fighting experience was lost, they were just dull, to overcome Kenji has been practicing this every day since experiencing reincarnation.

"99.. 100.. phew.. finished today's body training too.."

With his body full of sweat, Kenji lay on the floor of his room. At this time, Kenji didn't have the energy to move, his whole body felt sore and weak.

"It's been a week, it seems like this body is really bad... it can barely even follow the bald hero Saitama's training plan... well... this might be because I added a weight bracelet..."

Every day before going to school, Kenji does body training, of course he doesn't really copy the method of the bald hero, Saitama-sensei, he has his own training method. Run, lift weights, push ups, sit ups, and practice boxing and kicking with wooden poles. All exercises are carried out while carrying heavy bracelets on his hands and feet.

"At least my condition today is not as bad as when I first started training, at that time I felt like I was going to die..."

"That's right, it's already 06.00, right? ... I have to shower, eat, and go to school... ugh... I really want to play and relax... damn... come on Kenji, the zombie outbreak is near, you will die if you don't get stronger. .."

After encouraging himself for a while, Kenji went to the bathroom, after getting dressed he went to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast of egg bread and went to school while drinking an energy drink.

'06.40... I should be able to arrive on time...'

While drinking the energy drink, Kenji looked at his cellphone, then saw the weighted bracelet on his arm.

'The good news is that this body is used to the current load, it looks like I have to buy another weight bracelet, currently I use 10kg weights on each hand, foot and waist, then I bought another set of 10kg bracelets, so that the total load for future training front 100kg... damn, 100kg, will I be able to live at that time?'

"haah... there are no shortcuts in the pursuit of strength..."

'By the way, Hirano is still being bullied, isn't he? the person still hasn't told me his condition.. should i ask? ... well, I'm grateful that he's not being disturbed, but... I hope he doesn't hide it and immediately tells me if he's disturbed, after all I promised... yesterday Hirano kept his promise to take me to several weapons shops, so I too I have to keep my promise..'

"Okay, let's ask him later.."

A few moments later, class 2B, Fujimi High School

"Aren't we Hirano's friends?"

"Yes, you shouldn't forget your old friends even though you have found new friends.."

"As friends we have to help each other, right? We didn't borrow much, only 20,000 yen, after all you have earned a lot of money easily before, right?"


Just as Kenji opened the classroom door, he saw 3 men surrounding Hirano who was sitting.

'I see, it's still being bothered huh... as I thought, a verbal statement isn't enough, especially if the statement comes from a person who doesn't have any fame before...'

Seeing that Hirano couldn't answer and was scared in his seat, Kenji looked around for a few seconds, then sighed.

'After all, no one wants to be the next target of bullying, it's natural that no one wants to help Hirano, well, I don't see stundere girls and the small group of protagonists anyway, no one knows what would happen if they were here..'

"Hey guys, looks like you guys are having fun with this fat guy, can I join in?"

After throwing his bag to the side of the room casually, Kenji walked over to Hirano's desk with a smile. Hearing Kenji's words, 3 people who were in a good mood when annoying Hirano clicked their tongues in annoyance, they glared at Kenji, 1 person even walked with Kenji with a mocking face and put his hand on Kenji's shoulder.

"Tch, who are you?!"

"hehe, looks like he's her new friend, impatient person.."

"heeh... then he should have a lot of money right? If you can easily throw away 100,000 yen on this geeky guy, why don't you give it to us too?"

Kenji patted the arm on his shoulder and politely refused. Kenji didn't even forget to include a hint of mockery in his words.

"Sorry, my kindness is only for humans, not animals, after all, animals can't use money, right?"

Hearing the rejection mixed with ridicule from Kenji who was still smiling, the faces of the 3 people turned red because they couldn't hold back their anger, after all they were still teenagers, they couldn't fight a veteran like Kenji who often fought with his mouth when playing games.

"You're looking for death, aren't you?!"

"You don't need to scream when you're near me, your mouth smells so bad, you better brush your teeth immediately so that women don't run away when they talk to you.."

Taking one step back, Kenji looked at the teenager beside him with an expression full of sympathy which made the teenager even angrier and the atmosphere around him even more tense. At this time, several timid people had left the classroom, even Hirano had a lot of sweat on his face, he was very nervous about what would happen, he kept giving Kenji a code not to provoke him further, after all there were 3 people bothering him, plus Hirano never hearing rumors that Kenji could fight, he was worried that Kenji would be beaten very badly, after all, Hirano had considered Kenji as his friend since talking to Kenji in the canteen, Hirano didn't want his friend to be beaten because of him.

Seeing Hirano giving a signal for him to step back with a nervous face, Kenji smiled wider, Hirano who saw Kenji's face became desperate, Kenji had told him not to worry. Of course, this exchange of information only happened between Hirano and Kenji, the 3 annoying people didn't think of it that way, they thought of Kenji's wide smile as another mockery of Kenji towards them. One of the teenagers looked at Kenji viciously and asked his friend.

"How ?"

"Let's teach him a lesson, there are still 10 minutes before the bell!"

"ha ha ha ! then I'll do it first! Remember this lesson, little boy !"