
I'm Haruno Sakura! I'm literally f*kd up!

Learn Observation Haki before Chuunin exam! Slap Sasori with Armanent Haki in Shippudden! Overwhelm the final boss with Conqueror Haki! Me! Haruno Sakura! never be useless! **note** This novel include: Chastity Reversal (role of man and women are reversed)** parental guidance highly suggested! please adhere to moral in real life!

The_Daoist_27 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

12. It's Tsunami!

"Old man! give us a more challenging mission, you know!"

"these mission of picking up cats and dogs, painting the elders gate, and even picking up rubbish in the river! why would we do that! We are a ninja after all, please give us something good!

Such as saving a prince!

or even Fighting (*Laputa) Castle in the sky!

Give us something different old man!" The twin tailed girl complained, letting her grief out in her words.

Sakurai: "Naruko, don't pester the third hokage too much, She is busy with the village affair." Gol D Sakurai said while calming Naruko down.

Naruko: "But... Sakura..."

Sakurai: "It's Sakurai!" the pink haired guy corrected

"I mean whatsup with the change of name... Sakura is good enough!" Naruko muttered under her breath.

Huh, afterall because of certain circumsistance(reader) that makes (force) me to change my name into this Sakurai!

' Moreover, even the name Gol D weren't supposed to be uttered or speak by my parents, forcing me to still using a surname Haruno for long!


And I could only read that book once I've reached Chuunin in rank!


Said that I'm a Heir!

Said that I'm the descendant of Pirate King!


Was it becouse the suppression of Third Hokage and his entourage!

Damn Sarutobi!

Damn Danzo! you deserved to be the Dark Hearted King of the Hokage world! '

"....Ah yes just call the guest inside!"

Sakurai who still delved into his thought didn't even realize that another arc were about to start!

A woman with Long blue colored hair, wearing worker clothes come into view.

Sakurai who watched this has a sad feeling in his heart:

'If only this girl wear a more descent clothing and stay at home, she would be like a lovely wife at home waiting for her husband to come home!'

Upon nearing him, a smell of alcohol hit his nose.

"So sad...." Sakura muttered.

Which took the two of his teammates attention.

"My name is Tsunami, I would like for a ninja to escort me to my home in Land of wave!" The woman said upon reaching the room.


Sakura gawked, as if just seeing a ghost

'Tsunami!! Wasn't it supposed to be Tazuna!

Oh wait! this world is a chastity reversal one!

the role of Men and Women are reversed!

fak! why don't I think of this!'

"Nee, Sakura chan, why you said this women is sad?" Naruko said suspiciously.

Afterall such a drunkard doesn't need her pity! especially her dear Sakura(i) chan!

"It's Sakurai Naruko! Because you keep changing my name I won't explaining it to you!" The pink haired boy said while crossing his arm.

"But wasn't it you who change your name casually..." Naruko muttered sadly.

"What was it!?" While raising his head.

"Ah Nothing Sakura... i chan, beside why do you change your name sakura... i chan, you know?"

"Becouse it sounded more cooler!" The boy in black clothing said mildly.

After getting his red dress dirty by far, Sakura has already changed his clothes into a ninja-friendly one, which cost quite a lot from his own salary.