
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Girl trouble.

Hermione was the first to react: "What do you mean Harry? First date? With who? Are you seeing someone?" Luna laughed: "With all of us silly. Yes Harry you are handsome and sexy."

Tracey couldn't help herself teasing: "Hermione didn't you know Harry claimed all six here for himself? We are so happy."

Daphne: "You for House Potter, Tracey for House Slytherin, Hannah for House Black, Susan for House Gryffindor but her children will be House Bones, Luna can choose between House Potter or Black for a consort contract so her children will be House Lovegood. And me for consort in House Slytherin so my children will be of House Greengrass. So Harry who do you have in mind for House Gaunt?"

Oh crap, how do you avoid a disaster like that? My snakes have tied me up on the railroad tracks and are watching how Hermione is going to run me over. Luna, always happy to help: "I think Ginny wants a spot, we used to practice marrying you. Playing Harry was a lot of fun even the kiss."

Daphne: "Astoria starts next fall at Hogwarts, she is a fan too. Hannah, Susan do you have candidates who want in?"

Hannah: "Me for House Black? My dad is going to have a stroke. I hope Harry, that I won't have to learn some dark curses or dress in black all the time."

Hermione, speechless for once, watched the others happily divide the Houses, turned to me: "Explain Harry. Potter, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Black, and Gaunt? What is all this?"

"Well Hermione, magic has all kinds of laws and a mind of his own. It's semi-conscious so to speak. When I drew Gryffindors sword out of the hat, magic acknowledged my right to Gryffindors Lordship, it solidified when I claimed this in public.

Daphne and Tracey explained how to claim House Slytherin and Gaunt by right of conquest. For details consult them. Lord of House Potter I could claim because I am Lord of three other Houses which means I'm emancipated.

Ladies, please explain the rest, perhaps I can understand it too."

Susan: "Yesterday Harry claimed the carcass off the basilisk by the rite of conquest, being the sole killer of the beast. By doing so the whole school has a life debt owed to Harry. So yesterday at dinner Harry claimed Daphne and Tracey, this morning he selected Luna, and at lunch, Hannah and I got chosen.

We know he already had you."

Hannah: "I think he has enough girls, so hence the private dinner, although House Gaunt needs a Lady, so Harry, Astoria, or Ginny? I like them both."

Meanwhile, Hermione was imitating a fish, doing a good job too, gradually she came to her senses and a big rant was building up. "Harry James Potter free these girls at once! What are you thinking about enslaving them like that! And what about claiming me? I have the right to be with whoever I want! I am not a toy or an object you can own or claim!"

Hola, time to interrupt this, or I'm stuck for 30 minutes. "Hold on Love, I didn't claim anybody, Daphne and Tracey were first looking for protection but they came to like me, personally I like them both too, Luna was being pestered by nargels, I have memories of her from future years so I like her very much. The same goes for Hannah and Sue, and very much so with you. The only claim over all of you is my friendship, offered for free.

Do they want to be Lady Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, or whatever? Look at you, all are bloody gorgeous, of course, I want all of you. I am a boy with puberty kicking in, but I don't force anyone, if they find someone else to love I won't stop them, even be happy for it. Even if you don't like me anymore.

Slaves? I only have one and he is confessing his crimes to Susan's aunt right now. I bonded with Dobby because I needed a friend who could help me. He is the reason I have my Lordship, my parents will unlocked, and have my house-elves block removed so my house elves can reconnect with me."

I hope the house-elves is a good diversion, maybe calling Dobby, bright colors are happy colors combined with his fashion statement should shut her up… ... I hope. "Luna what did you mean with you and Ginny kissing? Do you fancy girls?" Yes trow Luna in front of the bus, go girl save me from doom.

Luna pondered over the question, "Ginny and I were 9 years and playing The wedding of Harry and Ginny. Ron was the druid and the twins the best man. Somehow those two glued our lips together, we ended up kissing for 30 minutes before Mrs. Weasley could unstick us.

A few weeks later mum died in a spell accident, we stopped playing after that."

Now I feel bad, I got up and gave Luna a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, "You have us now little moon, we glue their butt-cheeks together for a week or two, so they look like 8 months pregnant. Do a thirty minutes kiss he? We are going to break that record one day."

Luna blushing: "I would love that but not right now, I'm not ready for that yet. The twins had their punishment already, after mister Weasley was done with them they couldn't sit for a week."

Hermione was boiling, while every comment raised four more questions. "You have a slave? And elves? What have you done all the time I was petrified? Did you lose your mind? Who is your slave? How did you defeat Dumbledore? Why did that phoenix burn Dumbledore and then come to you?"

You know what? Too many questions, "Elder Hoggy can you come here please?" Hoggy pops in "What can Hoggy do for Master Gryffin?"

"Elder Hoggy is there a pensive available in Hogwarts?" "In the headmaster's office is one, and in the come and go room." "Elder Hoggy can you bring them both here? I need to show the girls something."

"Hermione a bit of patience and eat up, the food is getting cold, the answers won't run away."

Hoggy pops in with both pensive's, I ask "Elder Hoggy now Dumbledore lost his magic who leads the school now? Who is the highest in rank?"

Hoggy responded. "This would be you, Master Gryffin. The rest of the teachers are in St Mungo's."

It's time to mess around again. "Elder Hoggy close up the headmaster's office let nobody in or out without my permission. Bring some official Hogwarts parchment I have 3 letters to write, and who is supervising the great hall during diner?"

"The head boy and girl are supervising as you told them at lunch with four 7th year's." snapping his fingers parchment appears. "Office is closed, Master Gryffin must claim the leadership and the control of the wards."

"Let's wait for that until we have the wards examined. Girls I need help to write the letters, one to Gringotts asking for a few warders to examine the wards here and a curse breaker or two.

One to Croacker of the department of mysteries asking the same and one to Griselda Marchbanks to take control of the students, she is head of the owl and newt exams.

Put in Gringott's letter a very bloody greeting like -May your enemy's rot on the battlefield and their women know what a real man feels like. Or something with a lot of gold will do too."

Daphne, Susan, and Hannah took each a parchment and started to write, meanwhile, I went to the pensive's and examined them. It seems I was right, a Potter crest was on one pensive. I am glad the bastard is still alive, a quick death is too merciful for the old goat, a mental picture pops in of the Hulk smashing Loki, puny old goat.

Extracting a memory I said to Hermione: "Hermione my love, come here and I show you your first kiss." Well, I made sure the part of Madam Bones was included, or I was dead meat.

Unsure what to think Hermione approaches, "Harry James Potter, what did you do to me? If you violated me I'm going to kill you."

"Nothing serious really, I promised Madam Bones that I let you be my judge. Whatever punishment you choose I will undergo? But first, let us watch the crime, does anyone know how a pensive works?"

Tracey: "Best you sit down, put the memory in, stick your finger or hand in the memory, and get sucked in, at the end, it ejects everyone out." "Thanks, Tracey, Hermoine need witnesses? Tracey and Luna can come with us and give advice. It won't take long, a minute or two."

Hermione: "I don't know it feels a bit private." Luna: "You can see Harry kissing us plenty of times in the future Hermione, no need to be shy, we are going to be sister-wife's after all."

Hermione: "OK I suppose let's get it over with."

We sat down, put our finger in, we got sucked in, weird was my first impression, I am standing there with Hermione's hand in mine, Hermione watching it like a hawk while Luna and Tracey took it as a day in the theater. I gave my opening line and bend over, damn I forgot my hand on her boob if looks could kill…. Meh, who cares I'm in a coma anyway, I might as well enjoy it, Luna and Tracey with big eyes "Oh" Hermione softens with my sorry and watched the KISS.

You know, when looking at it, 15 seconds can be a long time, especially when Madam Bones showed up after 10. Hermione bright red, Tracey and Luna smirking at my fairy tale excuse. In the end, we ejected out, I asked Hermione: "What is my punishment? 5 years in Askaban? 2 years with the Goblins in the mines? Year detention? A real kiss?"

Luna and Tracey ruched over to the others whispering, Tracey showing where my hand was, Luna doing a countdown on her fingers, then the three stood up and went into the pensive.

Tonks is going to calculate entrance fees, if this keeps up I'm going to be rich.

"Well Hermione, I wish I was sorry but it was totally worth it."

I put my arms around her, pulled in a hug, and whispered in her ears: "If you let me I will kiss you every day, you are my best friend and first love, so be my Lady Potter or we can start with the girlfriend."

Pulling a bit closer and starting to give little kisses on her ear and neck. Lifting her chin with my fingers I ask: "can I give you your first kiss my love?"

She whispered back: "What about the others?"

"I think I need a wife for each House. They need to be separated. Daphne Susan and Luna must marry as a second wife to keep their House going. There is safety in numbers. You be the main wife and the rest are equals. And a lot can change over the years. We will marry only after school is done so 5 more years. meanwhile, we have a bunch of friends to have fun with, they teach us pure-blood ways we teach normal ways."

"You mean Muggle ways."

"Nope, there are normal people and there are wizards, if they insist on muggle I'll start calling them wuzzels."

Tracey and Luna came closer "why are you calling muggles normal?"

"Well Tracey it is a numbers game, there are about 50.000 to 100.000 wizards in Britain. There are 56.000.000 normal's in Britain. So put 1000 white chickens in a pen and 1 brown, is the brown chicken normal and the rest freaks? Or are the white chickens normal, and the brown one is special?

I like Mr. Weasley, he is the head of the misuse of 'muggle' artifacts. He likes 'muggles' but he regards them like smart monkeys. So every 'muggle-born coming to Hogwarts is regarded as an animal.

Put some robes on and give them a stick in their hands, and in a few generations, they might become wizards. And Tracey you just killed my chance to kiss Hermione. I was so close I could almost taste it."

Luna: "You tasted her yesterday Harry, maybe you have to kiss one of us to keep it fair."

"Luna I saw you in monokini yesterday, who is going to show me today?"

At this moment the others came out the pensive smirking Susan said: "Aunty can be scary Harry, what punishment did Hermione give? Tie you up and whip you 10 times?"

"Bloody hell Sue, have you been listening to Filch? Or reading too many dirty magazines? My aunt kept a stack in her wardrobe. You naughty girl. No, we were just discussing who is next to show me her monokini."

Giggling and screaming they scrambled to the dinner table. Sue, Daphne, and Hannah gave the letters.

I called Dipsy, Mipsy, and witty to me "Yes Master Gryffi what can we do for you?" "Take each a letter and deliver it, one to Gringotts, one to Ministry of mystery Mr. Croacker, and the last one to Griselda Marchbanks. The last one must be transported here as fast as possible. Tell her it is an emergency and Lord Gryffindor asks for her assistance." "We can do that Master Gryffi."

Let's see who gets here first, "Sue is your aunt still here, or is everybody gone?"

"All were leaving, I think one or two healers stayed, Dumbledore is in St Mungo's he is badly burned, his phoenix did a number on him, I don't know why though."

"I guess if an illegally forced bond on a phoenix gets broken, the bird tends to punish the culprit. I stopped Fawkes from killing Dumbledore, that bastard doesn't deserve a fast death."

Hermione: "What did the headmaster do Harry? Before I got petrified you liked him. What changed?"

"Well Hermione the list is too long, he started to screw wizardkind over before the second world war. Scheming, manipulating, drugging, and cursing everybody to have it his way. At least 100 deaths of his so-called friends and allies are caused by him including my parents. He and Snape have manipulated and potioned the school for more than a decade. Sabotaging classes like history and DaDa or flying lessons with those shit brooms, not even good enough to serve as firewood. Potions is a disaster with Snape, do I need to continue? Why they even think this is still the best school in Britain. It is the only school maybe, all I know it is the worst in the world."

I have to stop ranting to my girls, they don't deserve it, and I rather talk about something else.

"Enough about the goat, what are we going to do on our vacation? Does Someone have plans? I have some rough outline of what I'm doing, at least a week in June at Gringotts to fix my body, then sort my property's out, and find one to live in. In July vacation in France, I have a vineyard there it seems, if it's close to the beach maybe check out some bikinis.

In August I'm going over the pond to Texas, there is a ranch with animals, cows I suppose, or magical animals is also possible. So if anyone wants to come along you are always welcome. The trip and stay are free, so parents and siblings are more ten welcome to come along. We are too young to run around on our own anyway.'

Daphne: "We have some trips and family visits planned, perhaps the trip to France? Or a few visits to your house when you have selected the main house. And you can visit us too if you want, my parents and Astoria would love to have you over."

Tracey: "I love to help look and select your houses, the trip to France sounds nice to we could have a day or two at a beach. I have a big brother and a little sister, they can chaperon. I pass for Texas, we have family stuff to do in August.

Susan: "Aunty has three weeks off the rest I'm spending with Hannah or Hannah with me."

Hannah: "I have a big sister and a little brother and like Sue said we are free most of the time, sis have to chaperon or my parents.

Luna: "In June I go with daddy to Scandinavia to search for the crumpled horned snorkak. The rest of the time I usually help with the magazine. So July and August are free for me I like to see what animals live in Texas. Daddy can not come with me though.

Hermione: "My parents have 3 weeks in July, the rest is free, they can only chaperon at the weekends. We could go to France with my parents as chaperones to your vineyard, Harry then we can show a bit of magic too.

"You all can come and visit in the day, I am sure to have a floo, so feel free to pop in anytime. There are 15 elves living with me so prepare to be pampered, I think you can practice magic at home behind your wards is this correct girls?"

Daphne: "Yes but always under the supervision of an adult. St Mungo's is full all summer with spell accidents."

Hermione: "This is so unfair we are forbidden to practice at home."

Hannah: "No Hermione if you hurt yourself practicing, how are your parents going to get you at St Mungos? Or a spell goes wrong and you hurt your mum or dad? If you practice without supervision is asking for accidents."

Luna: "It is sometimes even dangerous with supervision.

"Anyway with a bit of luck my Godfather is going to live with me, or I can ask Tonksie to move in. I think she still lives with her parents. She is a puff from last year, and now in the Auror program. I took her family back in House Black, so she is family and fun to tease. You know her Sue and Hannah?"

Susan: "Yes we know her, she is a metamorphmagus, her hair changes color with her mood, very good with a wand too."

Hannah: "Yes she helped us firsties even without asking, and she loved to joke around. A trainee Auror as chaperon will set a lot of worries at ease."

Hermoine: "What are the Goblins going to fix on your body?"

"Honey, this is the last time I show it to you girls, they going to fix it next month so pay attention."

I stood up and removed my upper clothes, and did a spin. "I told Madam Bones I could show the bottom half but I rather save it for someone special. But you are all that someone special…. … Nah better wait a bit, no need to rush, like I told you girls I want to court you with the works like flowers, presents, dates, and love letters. If you ever feel I take you for granted give a kick at the sheen, and tell me. Guys have the tendency to be a bit dense."

So here you have me with a naked torso, 6 beautiful girls circling me, Heaven you think? Bliss? Murphy's law kicks in and Mipsy pops in with Griselda. She takes a look at me and asks: "Boy did you anger a herd of centaurs?