
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Dealing with Horcruxes

When I sat back down and started to eat, one of the examiners asked me with a timid voice: "Lord Potter can you please turn your commanding aura off, it is affecting the students, and us too."

"Commanding aura? I didn't even know I had one, let alone how to turn it on or off."

Greengrass: "It is built in the ward-stone, It gives the Lord of the House more influence, makes people wanting to listen to you, when you speak they hardly interrupt, if you abuse it at home the wife is going to resent you for it."

Lovegood: "It is true, I had to spend a week on the couch before I learned my lesson."

Davis: "Make a mental connection with the ward-stone and try to find it, it will present it to you when you think of it."

Here I was thinking it was my personality and wits that made a difference, If I didn't claim Slytherin and Gryffindor I would still be under Dumbledore's thumb. Finding the connection and turning it off, I felt it change, now I was a regular boy again.

"Is this better mister…."

"It is Tofty Lord Potter, thank you for turning it off, it would influence the exams for the students."

"Well, these are troubling times, what happened here should have been stopped in the fifties. I am going to make sure it won't happen again."

The doors of the great hall opened and Hagrid came in, another patsy for Dumbels, just for this one I turned the aura back on. Confused he approached the teacher's table "Where is everybody? The teachers and Dumbledore?"

"Rubeus Hagrid, the teachers are in St Mungos, they are potioned by Dumbledore to stay loyal to him, Dumbledore is a squib now, Hogwarts and magic have punished him. Now, I have a question for you. When my parents got killed, why didn't you give me to Sirius Black?"

Hagrid: "He would have killed you if I did, the headmaster told me to bring you to him, so I did, Black wanted me to hand you over, good thing I had my orders or you would be dead."

"Well Hagrid, by doing so you put Sirius innocent in Askaban, and me 11 years in hell. Sirius is my Godfather by ritual, so he can't ever betray me or he will die. I resent you for this, and another thing, why the hell do you have an acromantula farm in the forbidden forest? Are you completely crazy? If you bloody want a dangerous pet get the fuck away from school and work in a dragon preserve.

By keeping these acromantulas in the forest you killed a lot of wildlife because these monsters eat meat, you bloody moron. For this alone, you can go back to Askaban."

Hagrid was imitating a fish by now: "Them spiders wouldn't hurt anyone I trained them myself."

"Them spiders wanted to eat me and Ron when we went to find them. Follow the spiders you said, there are hundreds in the forest, and they are hungry Hagrid, next week I am going to invite a Goblin warrior party for a hunt, if you are going to warn them, be prepared for a few years in Askaban, for endangering children and keeping an illegal acromantula farm. Look for a job at a dragon preserve Hagrid, the animals you like are killers to us."

Hagrid: "Who is going to take care of the forest? And the animals?"

"The centaurs are capable enough, and without you and those bloody spiders, the forest is going to be a lot safer."

Hagrid left, was I hard on him? Perhaps, but if you take his actions and analyze them, you find he is a danger for the school, if you think a Cerberus is harmless to put into school, acromantulas, two miles into the forest is normal, or thinking keeping a dragon as a pet is ok. Maybe some danger is needed to train a wizard, but there are a lot of different ways to achieve that.

Addressing my in-laws I asked: "do you think inviting a Goblin warriors party for an acromantula hunt is stepping out of line, or is it smarts thinking?"

Lovegood: "How big is that colony? And do you want to pay them or giving the corpses to them?"

"In 1943 the male acromantula got in the forest, a few years later a female was brought in, so a 45-50 years old colony. Aragog is enormous and his kids too. I don't care about the corpses or how much is worth it, maybe I let Daphne and Tracey negotiate with the Goblins."

Greengrass: "They are going to be fine business women if you keep this up. The Goblin hunting party is a good idea, they love a good fight, our Aurors force is too small for such a big colony."

Abbot: "So, you have your vacation planned it seems."

"Not completely, but roughly yes, June is a week in Gringotts setting my body right and remove some curses, I plan to visit my houses on the island, selecting the main house, in July I visit my vineyard in France for a holiday, the girls are all invited, there will be chaperons of course, in August a visit to my ranch in Texas. We will be practicing magic in between. And the board of governors for hiring new teachers."

Looking at Madam Marchbanks I asked: "Madam Marchbanks, can I ask you and the examiners to supervise the hiring of new teachers? I rather trust you and your team, than the board and frankly me.

I suspect not a lot will return after their stay in St Mungos."

Madam Marchbanks: "We can do that Lord Potter, we will wait until July to see who will return to teach again, I suggest calling a meeting of the board of governors to set things straight."

"I will arrange it, Madam, you are welcome to witness the meeting if you like."

Now, where did Croaker go to? I finished my meal and went with the in-laws back to Slytherin's apartment. I repeated the vacation plans to the girls and wives, told them all were invited to visit.

For a chaperon, I mentioned that I was going to invite my niece Tonks to move in with me. I looked at Ted and said "there is plenty of room, she will be independent and live in a warded home, I get to have an adult to keep me in line and she will get a taste of living alone, for rent she can tutor us on holidays. I haven't asked her yet but will soon."

Theodore said: "I wanted to keep her at home a bit longer but I know she is already looking to move out. So I won't stop you asking."

Misses Davis: "She is an Auror trainee, right? That is reassuring, someone competent supervising, she can punish if you get out of line." Now I am imagining Tonksie with a paddle, I heard the girls giggle because I was zoning out and knew I had paddles on my mind.

" Ehm... Yes, she can padd… punish me if I get out of line." This time the girls couldn't take anymore it and started laughing. Tracey said: "I tell her to bring the paddles and a whip."

The girls said goodbye to the parents and escorted them out, Tracey and her mum whispering and smiling. Susan and Hannah hanging on Mrs. Abbot also whispering, Daphne talking about snakes and Goblins with dad, and Luna was explaining her reasons to visit Texas to Lovegood.

Hermione stayed with me still laughing.

"Hush you or I will paddle you, better yet I use my hands than I can feel up your bum."

Shocked she looked at me, "You want to feel my bum? Molest me? Tie me up and whip me? Dress me in skimpy clothes and show me to the other girls? Do naughty things with my boobs? Bend me over and…."

"Hold on, girl you read too many smutty books, take it in steps, and those steps could take years, or do you want me to go full S/M on you from the start?

Hermione: "Relax Harry, I was just joking with you, your face, when Mrs. Davis talked about punishing was priceless, you were actually seeing Tonks using the paddles do you?"

Sighing I nodded, one half was disappointed she was joking, the other half was relieved, "Hermione you are giving me a heart attack, now my mind is molesting you, dress you in skimpy clothes and bend you over."

Hermione: "Not tie me up and whip? You don't love me anymore?"

"Love, you are killing me, come here and kiss me or I will use the paddles."

Bloody hell, she was actually considering the paddles. Anyway, I got a kiss out of it, her second one, the first one conscious. She even used some tongue.

The others returned, Hermione had practiced pulling memories out and showed our conversation to the others.

Susan: "I am going to buy some paddles and a whip, and give them to Tonks"

Luna: "I want to try the paddles, but you girls have to tie Harry up, I am bad at tying knots."

Daphne: "Hermione in skimpy clothes, and Harry showing them to us? I want to see it."

Tracey: "I want to do naughty things with her boobs."

Hannah: "I want to try that too, Sue can I try with you?"

"I know you are trolling me, and boy it is working, but I do have yet one other thing to do with Mr. Croaker, I'll play with all your boobs when I come back." Now I was running for the door before they could think of a snappy comeback.

"Dobby, is Croaker still in the castle?" Dobby: "Yes master Harry he is walking on the grounds outside."

"Can you ask him to come to the headmaster's office please? Tell him I will wait there."

Dobby pops out while I make my way to the office. I told the gargoyle to let Croaker pass and went up.

Opening the secret door, I took the Horcrux of Dumbledore out and put it on the desk. What to do with the philosopher's stone… I owl the Flamels, if they are still alive I give the stone back, if not? Meh more gold for me. I am going to strip this place down before the next headmaster moves in.

Croaker enters saying: "We have a lot to discuss Lord Gryffindor/Slytherin."

"I think we do Mr. Croaker, we start with this one, can you identify this?" showing him the gold locket.

Waving his wand mumbling spells the locket glowed a bit, and Croaker started cursing. "What in Merlin's name is wrong with those wizards? Did he make one too? Is this country ruled by madmen?"

"Now, Mr. Croaker it gets worse. but I suggest we experiment with this one. I propose a dementor trying to suck it out, or you have a veil you don't come back to, so chuck it through, see what happens.

There are some more Horcruxes, but they are heirlooms and kind of have to stay whole."

Croaker: "What heirlooms are we talking about?"

"Ravenclaw's Diadem, Slytherins Locket, Gaunts Lord ring, Huffelpufs goblet and last but not least the scar on my forehead. The scar and the goblet are being taken care of by the goblins, the Gaunt ring too.

You better ask Dumbledore how many he made, is he still in St Mungos?"

Croaker: "How did he find all these, the diadem was lost for ages. And then destroy them with foul magic it's unbelievable. Dumbledore is still in St Mungos in a warded room, Snape is spilling all his secrets except Dumbledore's, I suspect he is under a loyalty oath. Pettigrew is heavily guarded so is Crouch junior. The Aurors are rounding the death-eaters snape identified up, and thank you for scaring the toad and Fudge."

"You might consider making up a magic contract which states the employee will not join criminal groups or participate in crimes. Not taking bribes or discriminate would go too far, the ministry would be empty if you put that in."

Croaker: "what troubles me is the prophecy Sybil Trelawney made in the hospital wing, is this about you? Are you the one who arrived?"

"Of course it is about me, what isn't? They wrote books about me, slaying fucking dragons and having happy hippogriffs, while I was stuffed in a cupboard under the stairs with magic-hating relatives, do you know how frustrating it is when people have expectations of you, that never can be fulfilled? They wrote letters I never received, gave presents and I never thanked them, reading the books about me and my adventures, and I show up at that stupid train skinny, clothes four sizes too big and timid like a scared rabbit.

At school, they don't question me about how I look, not students and certainly not the fucking teachers.

What were they thinking? That I made a snobby fashion statement? Promoting the hungry hobo look?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, every time I started talking about my childhood…. … Harry's childhood, I start ranting, venting all the abuse and injustice I remember, like it has happened to me personally.

Maybe it is like Mrs. Greengrass said, and the memory of Harry's childhood, are my memories, and I let the other memory dominate. Or they are merging together. Another scary thought is if this is not a dream then I am in a bloody book and someone is writing this crap. He or she should make me a few years older, so I wouldn't feel like a child molester.

Maybe Mother Magic put a spell on J.K. Rowling and put the story of this universe in her head, so she can pull our spirits in this universe to correct the way things are supposed to go. Meh, or it is Great Goat God fucking me over. Or bloody Merlin's saggy balls.

Opening my eyes I said: "Mr. Croaker, there are two prophesies about me, although I am not certain about the first one, I know it is in the hall of prophecies somewhere.

The second one, in the hospital wing, is about me, getting memories from another universe or reality, describing the events in this reality like it was written in books, it spans over seven years and I was the main character.

It starts with Voldemort trying to kill me when I was a baby, and stops in my seventh year at Hogwarts, where he kills me in the forbidden forest, he kills the Horcrux actually while I survived, we fought in the great hall where I killed him.

Voldemort gets revived in my fourth year by Pettigrew and Crouch junior at the third task of the tri wizard tournament, where I was entered by Crouch junior as a fourth champion, he was pretending to be Alastor Moody with polyjuice potion.

Fifth-year, after declaring Voldemort was among us again, Fudge didn't want to believe it and with help from Malfoy started a smear campaign to shut me up. The toad was appointed as DaDa teacher and made my life a hell, writing lines I must not tell lies with a blood quill until it was a permanent scar. At the end of the year, Voldemort lured me into the hall of prophecies where I get ambushed by a dozen death-eaters. Sirius coming to our aid got blasted through the veil of death.

The sixth year was a bit strange, Dumbledore was going to teach me confronting Voldemort, but the fucker only showed some memories spread over a whole year that he could have explained on an afternoon.

That year was totally wasted, Fudge got sacked, with Madam bones elected as minister of magic.

She got killed in summer, so Voldemort could place a patsy a Thicknesse or something.

Anyway, Little Malfoy gets a job by Voldemort to kill Dumbles, stumbles the whole year, it ends with Snape killing the old goat, but with the Horcrux, I am not so sure anymore.

That summer the ministry fell, and a hunt for normal's and half-bloods started, the normal's were suspected of the crime to have #stolen the magic from the pure-bloods#. Basically: arrest them, put them in camps and dispose of them. Again the toad was leading the manhunt, and yes I want her dead.

After two years of Horcrux hunting, we got the second last one in Gringotts, Huffelpufs cup in Bellatrix vault.

We escaped Gringotts on a blind dragon, alarming Voldemort of our hunt. The last one was in Hogwarts, I found out through the connection with the Horcrux in my head, we went there, destroyed the last Horcrux, and we get a grand finale, Hogwarts in shambles hundreds dead, and me the bloody man who lived, and for a fucking epilogue, nineteen years later I put a fucking kid named Albus Severus on the train, who supposed to be friends with Scorpio Malfoy."

Wtf. I was ranting again, I have to stop that, or I end up like an old nag everybody avoids because she repeats the story's over and over. I am not going to repeat this conversation, I will just show the memory from this time on.

"I do not know about you but I want my kids spared from such a future. What was different from the books, it was Malfoy, doing an Avada kedavra on me last Saturday, instead of Dobby stopping him on time.

And me, getting the knowledge, activating another prophesy, according to it I have little time to fix it, a week, month or years, how do you define little time?"

Croaker: "This is a lot to process Lord Potter, tell me what do you want me to do? And can I use this memory to show at some trusted staff members?"

"I want the ministry clear off death-eaters, wards that warn about polyjuice and the imperious curse, every Lord that takes a seat at the wizengamot must take an oath to make laws to help all wizards and witches and to rule to benefit the whole wizardkind. Jobs should be getting by merit and competence, not the amount of the bribe and how pure the blood is.

You can use all memories, even the one where I scared the shit out of Fudge and his toad."

And we are fucking ranting again.

"How far is Madam Bones in her investigation? You can warn her that I have some death-eaters by the short hairs, they have loans with the Black family, and I am cashing in with interest and fines for failing the payments.

The same goes for Dumbledore he is going to be a pauper when I am done with him, I even confiscate his ugly robes. Did you know the ministry has a loan of 5 million Galleons to House Potter? I told the Goblins to hold of to demand the payments in full because they to have failed to pay the payments on time."

Croaker paled by that number, there was no way they can pay such an amount in full, "you are saying, you have the ministry at the short and curlies to Lord Potter, what are you going to do? Pull at them?

"Now, that is a nasty mental picture Mr. Croaker, but quite right, the ministry needs their garbage mucked out before everything collapses, start with the top, I control the Malfoy accounts, I will get the Goblins to make a list of payments to the ministry's employees, that will get you a start.

Doze Dumbledore up to the gills with veritas potion, he knows a lot of skeletons in the ministry too."

Croaker: "Remind me never make an enemy out of you Lord Potter."

If they think I let them call me Harry, they can wait for a long time. Never give up the high ground, calling me Harry makes me a kid who should shut up and listen to the adults.

It is Lord Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Heir Black. The Gaunts are not impressive enough to show off.

I wish it was impressive when I arrive with my future wives, but it is just a skinny kid with a bunch of giggling girls on his tail.

"Is there something else you want to discuss Mr. Croaker? I have to go to the Goblins for business, and to the Carrows for a marriage contract."

Croaker: "You gave me plenty of work Lord Potter, I will give you an update at the end of the week, we are going to work together with Madam Bones on this."

Standing up and shaking my hands he left after I opened the floo, closing it back down when he got through.

"Hoggy, Tapsy, and Dobby can you come here please."

"What can we do for Master harry?" "Well, Dumbledore is deeply in debt to me, we will take everything in here that is not of Hogwarts, books, trinkets even his ugly clothes. Clear the secret chambers and store them in the mansion in wales, I suspect it is going to be the main house. If there are things he stole from others, we will go over them in the summer and return some of them, it depends who he stole it from."

I turned to the paintings and asked: "Any comments on my actions? You heard the story of how it was going to be in the future. I am here to fix it, so keep the mouths shut if you want to help save this community, if you want to help, try to think up a magic contract that headmasters have to sign with a blood quill, a set of rules teachers have to follow, and for such an old school isn't there a rule book for students and teachers to follow?"

Headmaster Black: "The library should have several's of them, ask the elves to search for them."

Hoggy: "Nasty Dumbledore ordered us to take the books away, we will bring them back."

"It seems the library needs to get an audit too, Merlin knows what he added and removed over the years. I will put a few paintings in Gryffindors office, there you can work together with my future wives, I suspect Hermione Granger and Susan Bones are going to take this on as their main task."

The office was almost empty after Dobby and friends were done, it was time for the diadem, I asked Dippy to pop me to the seventh floor at the tapestry of the dancing trolls, after checking the hallway is empty, I started pacing before the wall.

The door appeared, while opening and entering the massive hall, I could not even see the end of it, the Galleon signs are shining in my eyes. I am so going to rob this place clean. But not today, I closed my eyes and with the connection to the ward-stone, found my way to every cursed artifact, there was even a panty that was cursed, that was sacrilege of the highest grade.

After a while, I homed into a bust with a wig on top, remembering it was in a desk drawer or something, found it, and asked Dippy for some dragonhide gloves and a dragonhide bag. No way I am touching it with my hands, I feel the evil from it ten feet away.

After storing the diadem, I made my way out.

I remember quite some fics who used the room to destroy the Horcrux, so let us try some, pacing before the wall I was concentrating on a room to destroy the Horcrux or provide info for it.

A door appeared to a ritual room, filled with runes and chalices, five books were on a table in the corner.

The first book demanded children and unicorn blood… … This was bloody hell to create one, This is the place Dumbledore and Voldemort learned to create them, at the end of the book some pages were ripped out, probably the info to destroy the Horcruxes.

Paging through the others, they all demanded rare ingredients even life animals but not to create them.

I took out the Hallow wand concentrated hard on dragon fire and willed the wand to burn the first book.

A very hot fire consumed the book, there are enough madmen on this planet no need to make more of them.

Leaving the room I tried to take a book with me, if it was conjured by the room it will vanish if not then I have a way to increase my personal library.

"Dippy, can you pop me to the girls please." Dippy looked strange to me, smiled, and popped me to the girls… who were taking a bath together, that sneaky bugger.

Upon noticing me they screamed and lowered their body in the water so only their head was sticking out, except Luna, she was having a great time showing her assets to me.

"Sorry girls, I asked Dippy to pop me to you, I didn't know you were taking a bath."

Luna: "It is fine Husband to be, you can join us if you want, you are going to see us naked anyway."

That gave cause to some high-pitched screams and giggling.

"Sorry Luna, another time perhaps, I have still some things to do, and taking a bath together needs my full attention, can't miss a spot can we?"

Laughing I got outside, safely storing the Horcrux away, in the living room I saw the pensive, and a set of vials, curious I poured a vial in the pensive and put my finger in.

Stunned, I was looking at Bondage mum and Paddle dad going at it, looking back, Tracey was peaking at the door, she was almost this age, so it was not so long ago this was witnessed, it looked like it wasn't the first time she saw it because her hand was in her skirt. Bondage mum, I noticed was once or twice taking a peek at the door screaming a bit louder.

This was bloody life porn in 3D. I willed myself out the pensive, a whole rack stood on the table, I wonder when the girls will remember the vials on the table. Meh, I just mess with them, standing at the bathroom door I yelled: "Honey's, are those vials for me? Can I see them?" A horrified "NOOOO" sounded through the door, with a lot of splashing six girls with bathrobes sprinted to the pensive.

I forgot Tracey's memory was still in the bowl. Frozen she asked me: "You looked?" I pulled her in a hug and whispered: "Yes I looked, and you were very sexy in it, don't be embarrassed to me, I just wasn't expecting you, girls, to have porn movies."

Looking at the others with a grin: "who wants to show their memory to me?" Showing the parents having sex at their future husband, was a bit too far, blushing and giggling they took off with the vials.

Tracey, blushing: "you found me sexy?" "Of course you are sexy, what you were doing is just normal curiosity, it is how you learn how things go, your mum knew you were watching, I have a memory or two of my relatives, but I am going to save them for a horror night, better yet, when we are in our twenty's.

If you want we can watch your memory together sometime, maybe with Daphne."

The others came back empty-handed, still giggling, "Girls, you do know you are naked in those robes and they are not tied properly? Thanks for the view by the way."

Another stampede to the bathroom, only Luna stopped by and gave a quick kiss with a view, before she took off.

After half an hour they came back, gathering my thoughts, I mentioned the Carrow sisters, suspecting their parents are already arrested, I asked the girls what to do.

Hermione: "It is almost dinner time, speak to them at dinner to meet you here. Daphne and Tracey can guide them, as housemates they should be more at ease with them."

"I have a memory to share, no not a porn one, it is a conversation with the paintings of the headmaster's office, they are all old headmasters."

Pulling the memory and putting it in, they all watched it.

After Susan said: "You were right, I like to help with the new rules and I suspect Hermione and a few others as well, like Neville and the twins, we can even invite the head boy and girl with some prefects."

Hermione: "Susan can lead it, I will help from a normal's point of view."

"After Dinner, I want to go to Gringotts, Daphne and Tracey, what can you tell us how far your talks are going?"

Daphne: "I want to contact the butcher with the best reputation to take a look tomorrow, but I wait for Dobby to tell us if he knows elves who can do the job for us."

Dobby pops in smiling, "Mistress Daffy, two Potter elves, Hakky and Stabby can cut the snake up, they need trunks with stasis charms and a big room to do the hacking and stabbing. Tapsy says trunks are in the mansion and stasis trunks are in the vault."

Tracey: "The butcher wants to pay for the chance to handle that snake, but it is possible some parts will find their way in the wrong trunk. I vote to let Hakky and Stabby loose on the snake."

"What are we going to say to the sisters? And how are we going to fit them in? The six of you are close, is there a place for two more?"

Hannah: "I don't mind two or four more, the tub is big enough."

Luna: "The bed too." I swallowed: "Four? I thought girls didn't like to share their husband, at what number are you going to stop?"

Hannah: "Well there are the Carrows, they are stuck with us, Astoria and Ginny Weasley are candidates, maybe a few older girls, so you don't have to wait three years to do stuff we are not ready for yet."

Luna: "I liked kissing with Ginny, we practiced a lot."

Daphne: "Astoria won't forgive me if she can't have a chance at you."

A mantra played in my head, this is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream.

Hermione mentioned diner at the great hall, on the way they continued discussing possible candidates, like Cho Chang and the Patil twins, Penelope Clearwater was on the list too.

This is the perfect murder, attract enough girls and fuck him to death.

At dinner, we took place at the Slytherin table next to the Carrow twins, I smiled at them saying: Flora, Fauna, you are looking beautiful today."

Zabini groaned: "Oh for Merlin's sake, leave some for us."

Fauna answered: "He has no choice Zabini, he is Heir of House Black, and we are contracted to him."

"So they told you both, I studied the contract, you do not have to worry about the contract, you will not be treated like that. If I find Arcturus his portrait, then I am going to pis on it."

Gasps everywhere on the table, I looked at them, "what? An asshole that put a marriage contract up like that, he has to be glad I don't let pigs shit on it. So don't act so shocked, if you are an animal you get to be treated like one."

The relief was showing on their faces, the burden of knowing you are basically a sex-doll, to be passed around as the lord see fit, is not a future to look forwards to.

"Don't worry Zabini, there are still a lot of girls, broaden your horizon, look at the normal's and half-bloods, there are stunning beautiful girls with them."

Draco: "Normals? we are normal's."

"Nah, goat boy, you have it wrong, take the statistics: 56 million people in Great Britain to 50 – 100 thousand wizards it is 1 to 1000, so take a thousand white goats and one of them is brown, is the brown one normal and the rest freaks? Or 1000 are normal and the brown one special."

Man, this speech is getting boring, maybe vary a bit, 1000 girls and one boy… ... No, that would be me.

Draco was fuming over goat boy, he doesn't know it yet, but when I am done with his family he should be glad to have a job herding them. I wonder what to do with Narcissa, meh, let us worry over it at another time.

Making small talk over diner I noticed we were secluding ourselves from other people, so I mentioned the girls to socialize with their friends, Luna looked troubled, "Luna the nargels are scared shitless of you, think of your Heliopaths, maybe you can make some friends."

Tracey: "Yes, maybe find a second claw." and smiled innocently at me.

I mouthed #paddle time# which made them giggle.

After diner Daphne, Tracey, and the Carrow twins made our way to Slytherin's quarters, "Voldemort is a muggle-born" §he iss§ and the door opened. The girls were giving them the grand tour. Back in the living room on a couch, I started: "You can choose a room for yourself, or you can share one with your sister. You can however also stay in the Slytherin dorm, it is your choice.

We are bound to be married, but that is still a few years away, if you like to stay with your friends I understand, I am not going to forbid you to spend time with your friends or make new ones, the same goes for studying and a career, I will support any choice you make, except cheating on me with a boy."

Daphne: "only with a boy?"

"Hey love, eight versus one, I would be glad if some helped me out, I am not superman you know."

Tracey: "You were doing fine alone this morning my lord." and nestled on my side, putting my hand around her shoulders.

Fauna: "What are our duty's, My Lord? Do we have to satisfy your needs?"

"No Flora or Fauna, I can't tell you apart yet, there is no satisfying my needs or a duty to do that. You will live here or in the dorms, get to know the other fiancees, we laugh and play, there will some teasing, but we will not force anything you are uncomfortable with.

You both are still young, so take your time, what we will do is some major shopping, a new wardrobe, new outfits for vacation, school stuff.

I know your parents are not rich, so I want to spend some galleons on you both."

Daphne took my other side, like Tracey she put my arm around her. "Our Lord is the best, our magic is singing when we are with him. You will feel it too."

Focusing a bit, I tried to touch Daphne's hair with my magic tendrils, reaching out I felt both girls, caressing their hair and back, "Thank you for the compliment loves, that means a lot." I lost my concentration and caressed their buts before I took control back.

Tracey sighs: "yes he is the best."

"I have goblins to go to, Dobby, can you ask Blooddagger if he has time for disposing of a cursed artifact?"

I explained the spiders and goblin warrior party to the girls and asked for advice.

Tracey: "I think they are going to fight for a spot in the hunting party, there are a lot of Goblins and many have to get blooded, to kill a big enemy or monster to make a name for themselves."

Daphne: "propose a blooding party, with a lot of masters overseeing their trainees do their first kill. Let's say they may have their first big kill, the rest of the kills are for us. This will make sure the hunting party is big enough, and the nest completely destroyed."

A few minutes later Dobby came back: "Bloody dagger said half an hour Master Harry."

"Thanks, Dobby, you are the best. Now I have half an hour to spend with my favorite snakes."

Daphne: "I like that, when are we going back to the secret chamber, Harry?"

Tracey: "Daph you want to test the bed? And let our Lord watch?"

Daphne blushing: "You want it to Tracey, don't deny it."

"This is a talk we can do when the younger ones are not in the room."

Flora: "Do not mind us, my Lord, our parents were training us for our duty, we were expected to serve the dorm in our third year."

This was a bit hard to digest. The bloody Carrows training them? Are they completely deranged?

"How far did the training go? You do not have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."

Fauna: "Dad showed us all the things you can do with a woman, and mum showed us how to please a man. We broke our own hymen, it is supposed to hurt a lot when a boy does it, so we did it ourselves."

Talking about desperate twelve-year-olds. Having to look forwards to five years of whoring at school, and a lifetime of being a plaything for favors and business deals. They must think I am a bloody messiah.

"Well, this all ends here, no whoring or being a plaything, start with acting like girls your age, well I don't really know how girls your age should act, ask your sister fiancees. You both are now under the protection of all my Houses."

This totals at eight, I better get ready, giving both girls a kiss I retracted my arms saying I have to shower and get ready for my meeting.

After my shower, putting on the clothes Dobby got ready, I took the dragon hide bag and said my goodbyes to the girls.

Tracey put her arms around me, and gave a kiss that curled my toes, Daphne turned me around and did the same. The twins hesitating, not knowing what to do. I just patted their heads and said: "don't force anything girls, there are years to come. Dobby I am ready."

Dobby smiled at me and popped me at Gringotts doorstep. Dammed I hadn't thought of a greeting yet.

I went to the guards: "Greetings Master warriors, may your enemy's blood never stop flowing, like the gold to your vaults. Another masterpiece, notice the flowing theme? On the other side, if the guards are poor there is no flow and maybe they resent me. Meh, I am just a kid, fuck them.

"I have a cursed artifact with me to be cleansed, my account manager Blooddagger knows about it."

Guard: "We have been told about it Basiliskslayer, you may proceed, and may I compliment you with that impressive kill."

"May I have your name Master warrior?"

Guard: "I am skullbasher, this is my brother skullcleaver."

"I am honored by your compliment master warriors skullbasher and skullcleaver, I have an opportunity for some skilled warriors like yourselves, if you are interested."

Skullcleaver: "What opportunity are you suggesting basiliskslayer?"

"Well, I took control of Hogwarts and discovered an acromantula colony, the nest is almost fifty years old, so a lot of big spiders are running around not two miles from the children at school, I propose a Goblin hunting party to exterminate the nest.

I suggest for your young ones, who need to get blooded, to get the chance for their first kill. They can do it under the supervision of experienced warriors. The first big kill the warriors and young ones make is theirs to have. This can happen after the exams are done next week, I don't know the exact date they are done, but it is sometime next week. You can talk about it with my account manager Blooddagger."

Skullbasher: "This is a golden opportunity Basiliskslayer, chances to kill big prey are scarce."

Skullcleaver: "We will organize a big hunting party, we have a lot of young ones to get their name in blood."

"As long they remember only acromantula, not centaurs, I will give them notice of your arrival, maybe they will guard the escape routes. May the blood flow warriors."

And I went inside. A goblin was already waiting to bring me to Blooddagger. At Blooddagger: "well met Blooddagger, may your enemy's vanish from the Earth, and your gold reproduces like rabbits."

Hey, it isn't always a great greeting, "anyway how is granny's health?"

Blooddagger: "Well met Lord potter. May your enemy's perishing and your gold fills your vaults. Mother is fine thank you. What can I do for you?"

"How about we destroy some Horcruxes, did you find Bella's cup? I have Ravenclaw's diadem with me, and if you allow me to summon a House Black elf, we will soon have another one."

Blooddagger, looked at me with big eyes: "You have a Horcrux with you here? I thought it was a simply cursed artifact. We found the cup in Bellatrix Vault. The contents are moved to your personal vault. The Gaunt ring is planned for the day after tomorrow. You can summon the elf now."

I stood up and raised my wand, looking for confirmation from Blooddagger, who nodded.

"I Harry James Potter, Heir of House Black, summon here by the House Black elf Kreacher to me. So mote it be."

It took a few seconds but Kreacher arrived, "It is not right, the Malfoy boy was going to be lord Black, who are you?"

"I am the Heir of House Black, not that upstart that was herding goats a few centuries ago. Now pay attention like a good elf is supposed to do." Bamm that stung, an elf never liked to hear he isn't up to the job.

"I called you here so I can do your job, a job that master Regulus ordered you to do. Get Regulus locket here, so we can destroy it."

Kreacher: "Master Regulus locket? You can destroy Master Regulus locket? Kreacher will get it right now." and he pops away, after a few moments he returns with it.

Blooddagger ran his dagger over the locket and swore: "Another one, we will deal with those Horcruxes Lord potter."