
chapter 3

I wouldn't be happy lie my hole life I want to feel that moment when I don't lie for the first time in my life of being happy

if your wondering why don't I go to therapy or ask for help if I did that I have to tell the truth about my abusive parent and they do blackmail me with I'm going to her the person you love

I'm not going to tell you yet who the person I love because I don't trust you that much that we've gotten to that point in time

lets just say I'm protecting that person notice how I didn't say she or he I won't tell the gender because you might hate me for liking a different gender not saying it he but I will drop clues on long time

ok back to my life so yeah I'm protecting them so I'm not going to risk because they might ask was causei ng this lie and you know I hat lieing so I don't want more lies in my life