
I'm Green Arrow (DC)

Handpicked by Lucifer Morningstar as an emissary of death, he was reborn as Oliver Queen...

SIeepyDreamerr · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



Oliver raised a brow at the wealth of information flooding his mind, but ultimately nodded in contentment. "Nice... If I were just a normal human, it would be quite annoying."

Glancing down at his palm, he clenched and unclenched his fist, feeling the newfound strength coursing through his veins, akin to those who had taken the Mirakuru Serum.

He marveled at his other abilities, such as Arcane Archery, which granted him the power to enhance his arrows and imbue them with elemental properties like fire or ice.

His heightened senses were particularly noteworthy; his vision could see for hundreds of meters, and from his enhanced physique, he possessed a form of echolocation, allowing him to perceive his surroundings without even needing to look.

The thought of trying out Gale Dash immediately piqued his curiosity.

But before he could delve into experimentation, his attention was diverted by Nyssa stirring from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, and she glanced up at him with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, taking note of her intimate position lying on his lap.

"What are you doing?" She inquired with bemusement.

Oliver smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Taking care of my beautiful wife."

Nyssa furrowed an elegant brow, her expression growing more quizzical. "You seem... different."

Oliver's expression abruptly went cold as he said, "Want me to be more broody and serious?"

Nyssa simply ignored his sarcastic comment, attributing the unusual behavior to the rigors of her father's training, "Well, let's go and meet your friends." She suggested, rising to her feet.

Chuckling, Oliver followed suit, "I also wanna test something out, so hold on tight."

Before Nyssa could respond, he suddenly grabbed her by the waist as he activated Gale Dash.

With a rush of wind, their figures vanished from sight, only to reappear a few dozen meters away. Nyssa's eyes widened in astonishment at the burst of speed, her grip tightening instinctively on Oliver's arm as they landed.

He couldn't help but smirk, exhilaration coursing through him at the success of his newfound ability. He could feel the wind still swirling around them, a tangible reminder of the power at his command.

Nyssa herself glanced at him with an expression of awe and confusion.

"What was that?" She asked.

Oliver's smirk widened as he casually brushed off her question, "Just something I've been hiding," he replied cryptically, "Thought it was about time I started using it, rather then hide it."

Nyssa furrowed her brows, skepticism evident in her gaze. It didn't make sense to her that Oliver would keep such abilities hidden, especially after the ordeal they had just been through with her father.

However, she realized she wasn't going to get a satisfactory answer from him at the moment.

With a resigned sigh, she decided to let the matter drop for now, knowing that they had more pressing concerns to attend to. Without a word, she allowed Oliver to once again grab her by the waist, and they continued their journey to meet with their allies


At the top floor of Queen Consolidated, a room filled with a variety of cutting-edge technologies, held a meeting.

Inside, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance, Ray Palmer, and Malcolm Merlyn are gathered, each with their own air of seriousness and determination.

Malcolm, ever the commanding presence, turns around to address the assembled group.

"John let's determine the status of our arsenal," He said with a tone of authority, before looking toward the lady in the black leather outfit, "Laurel go to your father, start mobilizing the police. "

As he continued, everyone looked at him annoyingly for assuming he was their leader.

"Mr. Palmer I need you to find something that will neautraliz-"

Malcolm's words faltered as his eyes widened in disbelief, causing the others in the room to turn their attention toward the entrance. There, standing with casual ease, was Oliver Queen in his League of Assasins uniform, bow in hand, and Nyssa Al Ghul, her own bow raised cautiously.

Confusion and alarm rippled through the group as Diggle swiftly raised his pistol toward Oliver and Nyssa, his eyes widening in alarm.

Oliver, unperturbed, calmly placed a hand on his partner's raised arm, gesturing for Nyssa to lower it. She complied, though her gaze remained vigilant, ready for any sign of danger.

With measured steps, he then advanced into the room, his movements showing no signs of hostility.

Until suddenly, Diggle, reacting on instinct, threw a punch toward Oliver, only to find his fist effortlessly caught in Oliver's grasp. Shock and disbelief flickered across Diggle's face as he felt his hand trapped in an iron grip.

"Are you ready to listen, or are you going to continue acting like a child?" Oliver's voice was calm as he addressed him.

Attempting to break free, Diggle struggled against the hold, his muscles straining with effort.

His expression a mixture of annoyance and pain, shook his head with resignation. "Fine, now let me go."

Finally relenting, Oliver released Diggle's fist, allowing him to retreat with a pained grimace.

As Laurel stepped forward to confront Oliver, he raised a hand, silencing her before she could speak.

"I didn't come here to talk," Oliver declared, his tone firm and decisive. "We need to stop the bio weapon from being spread, so let's do that."

An awkward silence settled over the room at Oliver's blunt statement, until Ray spoke up. "I think we should give them some space," he suggested, gesturing for Malcolm, Laurel, and himself to leave.

As Nyssa moved to follow, Oliver's hand closed around her wrist, silently conveying his desire for her to stay. Nyssa blinked in surprise but nodded in acquiescence, remaining by Oliver's side.

Felicity herself had quite the distressed expression as she watched the exchange with a mixture of concern and uncertainty, unsure of what to make of the sudden turn of events.

Once four were left inside the room, Felicity finally spoke with a sarcastic tone, "You two look happy. You on your honeymoon?"

Nyssa silently smirked. While she had no feelings for Oliver Queen, it was amusing to see Felicity's jealous gaze.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Diggle yelled, "What the hell is going on, Oliver!? Start talking!"

Rather than speaking immediately, Oliver met him with an indifferent expression. "I did what I had to. If you can't accept that, it's not my problem."

It's not like he didn't understand him, the previous Oliver had kidnapped Diggle's wife in order to lure out Nyssa, this action left their baby daughter alone and could have potentially hurt his wife, so his anger was justifiable to a certain extent.

But at the end of the day, nothing happened and Lyla even forgave Oliver because she understood sometimes you have to do what's necessary, and in order to solidify his loyalty to Ra's Al Ghul and infiltrate the League, it was something that needed to happen.

Unfortunately, the plan failed as Ra's escaped from the plan in a parachute, however he never regretted the decision.

Felicity furrowed her brows at his response, while Diggle glared and abruptly threw another punch.

Oliver sidestepped effortlessly, causing Diggle to hit nothing but air. Shaking his head with a sigh. "I didn't come here to fight. I'm here to give you information."

Diggle calmed down as he and Felicity listened to Oliver's words.

He then explained that he knew one of the locations where the bio-weapon would be released and that there would be four such locations.

The one he knew was at Nelson Plaza, which was the one he remembered from the TV Show. He also added with serious emphasis that the bio weapon wasn't a separate object but actually inside their bodies, so they should avoid any lethal blows that would cause them to bleed.

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation. Felicity's eyes widened in realization. "So, if we cut them by accident..."

"They'll bleed out the toxins," Oliver confirmed. "We need to incapacitate them without causing any serious injuries."

Nyssa stepped forward, her tone thoughtful. "We need to move quickly. My father won't wait long to execute his plan."

Diggle scoffed, before nodding reluctantly, he wasn't a fool, now wasn't the time to fight amongst one another. "Alright, I'll go to Nelson Plaza with the others and stop this."

Felicity moved to her computer, starting to gather intel on the other potential locations. "I'll start looking for the other three sites. We can't let this spread."

Oliver glanced at Nyssa, then back at the team. "Let's go. We have a city to save."

With that, they held hands, before abruptly becoming a blur and disappearing.

Felicity was stunned by the sudden vanishing movement, but started to frown as she realized they were holding hands before leaving.

"What the hell did they teach him?" Diggle muttered in astonishment.

Felicity shook her head out of the jealous thoughts with a tone full of displeasure, "He even learned magic? Is her ***** magic too?" She muttered the last part quietly.

Diggle turned his head toward her in a daze, wondering if he heard her right.

A few moments later, the other rejoined the room, glancing around in confusion.

"Where did Oliver and Nyssa go?" Laurel asked, as she hadn't seen them leave.

Ray just blinked weirdly, "To think they could bypass my security so easily... I guess I'd expect nothing else from The Arrow."

Malcom himself had a calculated expression, his eyes narrowed at Oliver's previous spot, 'I thought I was mistaken earlier, but it seems they really did vanish from my senses, I hadn't even noticed their presence until I saw them with my own eyes.'

'I've never even heard of such an ability. This makes Oliver quite the wildcard, I need to be more careful around him...'


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