
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Jennifer blinks in surprise looking up at the younger man trying to figure out what just happened. she knew their relationship had somehow changed over the past few weeks and she wasn't sure this made her feel. "I thought I'd pick you up today," he said, smiling at her. "You look tired."She touched her face realizing people could actually tell how exhausted she was these days, what made things worse was that work wasn't the cause of this exhaustion."I am, thank you for thinking of me.""It's my pleasure," he replied softly, "Come on, let's go home. I'll drop you off." He couldn't help but feel protective of her as he took her hand and led her to his car.She stands aside as she waits for him to open the door for her, she smiles looking at him, "Can I ask you a question?"Taesan stopped when she asked him, his attention immediately captured by her question. He opened the car door for her, his hand still lingering on hers when he realized that he never actually let go."Of course, what is it?" he said softly."Uh...can we get some hot pot?" Jennifer sees the relief wash over his face. She knew he would think she would ask him something serious.Taesan's smile widened at her request. "Yes, of course," he said eagerly, almost jumping at the opportunity to spend more time with her. Hot pot was his absolute favorite and he couldn't say no to Jennifer."Let's go."Taesan's heart fluttered at her eagerness. "I know the perfect place," he said, his voice soft.He got in the driver's side and started setting up the route to the popular restaurant in his car's navigation system, glancing at her as he adjusted the A/C's temperature."Are you hungry now?" he asked, unable to stop himself from staring at her."Yeah I'm so hungry." She laughs putting on her seatbelt feeling excited to have some good food. She couldn't wait to sit and drink soju. Once she was secured he merged into traffic, looking over at her every few seconds."How was work?" he asked politely.Jennifer sighs trying to push the nonsense with Taehyun to the back of her mind. Taesan nodded, not pressing any further.He was just happy that she was still willing to talk to him even after the awkward moment earlier. He didn't want to ruin the day by being pushy and overbearing.The restaurant was just a few blocks away from them so they were there in less than ten minutes. He got out of the car as soon as he parked and went to open her door so that he could lead her inside greeting the owners and heading at their table."This place is always so full, I love how energetic it is in here," Jennifer sits smiling at him.Taesan chuckled at her comment, taking in the buzzing environment of the restaurant. "It really is," he said, grinning as his eyes traced over all the busy patrons. "But for me the best part is the food," he added.The owner of the restaurant recognized Taesan and came over to their table with the menu before they had even sat down."Hello Taesan!" said the owner, a middle-aged women with the same infectious energy that surrounded the entire restaurant.Taesan smiled at the owner, enjoying her enthusiastic greeting and welcoming demeanor."Hello," he said, "It's good to see you again."He quickly scanned the menu, already knowing what he would order."I'll have the spicy pork belly," he said to the owner as she took down their selection. Taesan turned his attention to Jennifer, "what about you?""Pork belly but not spicy please." she smiles thanking the owner.The owner nodded and went to leave.================================================================================================================================================================Taesen's mood was upbeat after dinner, enjoying all the new found energy that came from the food and the company he was in.He was still slightly concerned about how tired she was earlier but he felt more at ease now that he had seen her eat and cheer up.The car ride back was relatively quiet for the most part, both of them in that happy, content stage after a meal. However, he was the one who broke the silence."Are you feeling any better now?" he asked."A bath and a nap is all I need now," She looks up from her phone."And please take good care of yourself when you go and sleep," he said, his tone gentle."Don't treat me like a baby when you're the baby." She playfully ruffled his hair.Taesan couldn't help but laugh at that. He had been treating her like she was a fragile flower that would break at the slightest touch. Still, he couldn't help but feel protective of her."I'm not a baby," he said, pushing her hand away from his hair though he really wanted to pull her hand to him."I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" he added, realizing they had arrived at her apartment complex.She couldn't help messing around with him and teasing him, she always enjoyed being around him due to his calm and funny personality. She takes off the seatbelt ready to get out of his car."Alright kid, goodnight and thank you for picking me up from work, next time you really don't have to okay?""I'll do it whenever I want," he said, his tone teasing.""What a little brat," She scoffs getting out of the car.Taesan laughed, the way she scolded him made him want to tease her even more."Don't call me a brat," he said, mocking an angry expression."Go home before Yoona says I'm abusing her younger brother.""I'll see you" he started to say but before he could finish he cut himself off, feeling his resolve crumbling again."Wait a second."She turns back to him confusion written all over her face."What can I do for you?""You said I didn't have to pick you up from work next time but I want to," he said gently, his tones soft and inviting."Would that be ok?"Taesan couldn't help but hold his breath, hoping for the answer he wanted to hear.Jennifer could tell he wanted her to say it was okay if he picked her up from work and them being able to hang out like this was clearly important but she didn't want to complicate their relationship."Focus on school, you have assignments and friends to think about." Her eyes were focused on him as she spoke and he could see she really was being careful with how she was wording things."I am busy with work and stuff too, so don't worry about me at all, enjoy your college life."Taesan's heart shattered as soon as she said 'enjoy your college life'.She truly was putting up walls.He wanted to scream at how difficult she was making this.Her being 'busy with work and stuff' was just another way to brush him off."I'm not going to enjoy anything if it doesn't involve you."