
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Jennifer sat at her desk the following week still thinking deeply about what she had seen. She knew it was Josie, the girl she once considered her best friend and Taehyun, the guy she thought was her prince charming and the two were kissing oh so passionately. She hadn't been able to get the god forsaken kiss out of her head, why did she have to see it?She sighs resting her head on her desk, it wasn't like she could walk up to him and ask him, it would make things weirder than they were, after all she was his employee and things had to remain professional but she couldn't help but wonder if their breakup was the result of him actually falling for her best friend, the thought made her heart ache. Taehyun walked down the hallway, his gaze drifted over to see her sitting in front of her desk with her head down. He paused at the sight, noticing how upset she looked. He couldn't help but feel his protective side come out, the urge to scoop her up and comfort her."Jennifer." he softly called out, his voice gentle as he approached her. This made her more upset, he was the reason she was feeling this way now here he was acting like he cared about her well being.She sat up. "Sorry, I was resting my eyes." Her lie was obvious but she didn't care.He walked over to her desk, his hand drifting up to gently cup her chin and tilt her head up to look at him.She jumps back getting on her feet grateful that today everyone was actually out for lunch."What are you doing?""I was just checking on you," Taehyun slowly stepped forward, his eyes never leaving her face, "you look tired.""Don't do that again.""Sorry," he said slowly, "I was just worried about you. You've been working late for a few days now.""I can take care of myself worry about your own life, sir."She was bitter and angry, she wanted him to hurt even just half of the way she did."Jennifer, enough with the 'sir'. I've been telling you since day one, call me by my freaking name," he said forcefully, not able to hide his frustration anymore."That's who you are, just my boss."Taehyun clenched his jaw, feeling frustrated that she still refused to acknowledge their history. It was as if she truly wanted to believe that he was just her supervisor, nothing more. Her denial angered him to his core because he knew just how much he'd loved her, how much she meant to him."No, I'm not just your boss," he spoke sharply, "I'm your ex-boyfriend. I'm the guy who gave you your first kiss, who used to walk you to and from class. I'm the guy who you used to cuddle up with and-""And the guy who cheated on me with my best friend Josie. The guy that dumped me on my 21t birthday, the guy who is now dating Josie!" She yells holding back her tears.Taehyun flinched at her shout, his mind suddenly flooded with the memory of their breakup. It brought back the sharp pain he had felt when she'd left him, when she'd told him that she never wanted to speak to him again.He couldn't help but feel a pang of regret at how he had handled it in the past, not realizing how much he'd hurt her. The fact that she knew about him and Josie made him realize one thing, she still cared on some level."You're my boss, that's the only reason I tolerate you."That one comment hit him harder than he thought it would, because it was the truth. She didn't care about him, she only put up with him because she was his employee. That thought hurt him, because he still loved her in some way.Taehyun felt his heart ache, and before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and brushed his thumb over her cheek."Jennifer," he said quietly, "I'm sorry."She scoffs, "I don't need an apology four years later."Once again, his heart gave a sharp jolt at her indifference, at the coldness of her tone. He felt hurt that she was still so bitter towards him, as she continued to deny that there were still feelings between them.And yet, despite all that, he couldn't help but feel a surge of hope when she didn't pull away from his touch. Slowly, he stepped even closer until they were inches apart from one other.Jennifer hated herself at times like this, just feeling him close to her made her weak after seeing him with the girl she was insecure over. She knew her suspicions were now confirmed and that hurt like hell. "Stay away from." She whispers closing her eyes as she felt her tears begin to fall.A part of him wanted to pull her into his arms, to console her, to make all her troubles disappear, but he knew he couldn't do that. They weren't together anymore, and she was still furious at him.Realizing that he was still too close, he quickly stepped back, his body tense as he worked to maintain his composure."Are you crying?""Don't." She moves away from him getting more pissed at herself.Taehyun couldn't help but be irritated by her refusal to look at him. He took a step closer, his fingers grazing her chin, and he once again tilted her head up."Look at me."She forced herself to look at him."You cheated on me with Josie right?" She knew the answer but wanted him to admit, to show her she wasn't crazy back then for suspecting him and her.Taehyun remained silent for a few moments, knowing that any denial would be pointless. He knew very well that it was true, and the mere fact that he had betrayed her was something that he could never deny. He felt his stomach knot as the guilt and remorse he had buried came rushing back."Yes," he finally said softly, "I did."She shoves him away from her, "Stay away from me unless it's work related." She walks away crying.He flinched once again at the way she pushed him away, the sudden and abrupt rejection hurting more than he expected.Feeling defeated in the face of her anger, he watched as she walked away. He didn't want to let her go like this, as he felt a sudden surge of regret. Before he could stop himself, he called out to her."Wait, Jennifer!"